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03-02-2005, 09:11 PM
The day Mike Grover got his Backpack Back.
My picture as you see has a great story behind it, why dont you sit down and listen. Andrew and Brynden were at Wendy's on Burnside and Kelly eating lunch when they noticed a backpack sitting by itself, when they finished their lunch they took the backpack with them like the stealth killers they are. when they got home with it they decided to keep it. As time passed they decided to return the backpack to Mike Grover, who is Mike Grover you might ask, I'm glad you did. When they searched through the backpack they found a white card (informational card so a person can participate in a sport) with all of the owners basic information, name, number, age etc. They decided that Mike was going to get his backpack back but not without working for it, yes thats right kiddies, TREASURE HUNT/RANSOM!!! Yeah! This task at hand is to large for only two men to hold themselves, so me and Nathanael are recruited. To make this really fun we decide to take pictures of the backpack and myself being beaten. I was duct taped to a chair and fake blood thrown about my face while pictures were taken at random, then we took Mikes backpack taped it to the chair and pretended to beat it while Nate took pictures. As me and Nathanael print the pictures Andrew and Brynden find the "sweet spots" for us to leave Mike clues. When Andrew and Brynden find a nice spot they call Nate so he can type a clue. Four spots where chosen around the downtown Gresham area. Brynden and Andrew return so we can set this whole wild goose hunt up. We start at the goodwill off of Burnside and Eastman Parkway. We put a note inside an envelope with a picture of the next "sweet spot" so Mike can find his destinations with ease. Brynden calls Mike on Nate's cell phone to start this whole thing off. Brynden and Andrew take off to plant the remaining three "sweet spots" while Nathanael and I stay back to keep a prying eye on Mike. He finds the note and flys to his next destination while his mother drives and he's got shotgun, sweet! After goodwill he goes to Gresham high school with his second clue in hand. Third he goes to east hill church and finds the last clue. Finally we drag him to Gresham City Park with his backpack waiting anxiously to get back in Mike Grover's hands once more. He finished his tasks with amazing speed and i will never forget the day Mike Grover got his Backpack Back.

03-02-2005, 09:15 PM
these are the images left in the clues

03-02-2005, 09:15 PM

03-02-2005, 09:17 PM

03-02-2005, 09:19 PM
in no way were we trying to harm mike or his backpack we were just bored and wanted to have fun:D

03-02-2005, 09:22 PM
I'd say you were pretty bored . :huh

03-02-2005, 09:22 PM
WTF:huh Have you guys had a doctor check your heads out lately? lol Kind of a weird way to return a backpack.:huh

03-02-2005, 09:23 PM
it was the funniest **** ive ever seen

03-02-2005, 09:36 PM
lmfao! too funny