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03-01-2005, 09:00 PM
everyone... please, for yours, your friends, and familys sake, be careful in everything you do. we dont realize just how much life means untill something happens... and when it does...whether it be to someone we know very closely or someone youve just spoke to... it really hits home and puts everything into prospective...........on saturday night 4 of my friends were in a car accident. daniel, my best friend, jordan one of my pretty good, val my bosses daughter and a GREAT girl that would help you out no matter what, and laurn a girl i had spoken too in the halls a few times. jordan died at the site. they took val off life support sunday afternoon and donated her organs, her eyes, her lungs, her liver ended up being a perfect match along with other stuff. daniel is doing better, he had fluid in his lungs, had a small gash in his heart, and a broken pelvis. he may have some short term memory loss due to pressure in his brain but thats only a small price to pay...he is healing up nicely after surgary. im going to see him tomorrow, hopefuly theyll have the tubes out of him so i can talk to him......laurn is fine, she got beat up real bad but was back at home sunday night. they hit a brick sign sideways, fliped up onto the nose of the car when it spun around and landed back on its wheels. none of the airbags came out...it was a 2004 GMC envoy fully loaded onstar and everything...the onstar worked but no airbags came out...daniels family is i believe sueing GMC for that reason...having to bury 2 friends and having my best friend in the hospital is one of the hardest things ive had to deal with in a long time. i would wish this on no one. so please, everyone be careful when you are driving. be happy to be alive. tell someone you love them and give them a hug. and please, remember these familys in their times of hardship...thanks for your time...

":::holds up glass:::well all remember you both...i love yall..."

03-01-2005, 09:05 PM
Sorry to hear that bro. My best wishes to all of their families.

03-01-2005, 09:07 PM
im sorry to hear about ur loss man that sucks and is a big reality check my prayers are with all of the families and everyone close to them man i hope ur buddy heals up fast.

? were any of them wearing a seatbelt?

03-01-2005, 09:19 PM
Wow man my prayers are with them and their familys I couldnt imagein looseing my friends your a strong person. Were any of them atleast wearing there belts?

03-01-2005, 09:23 PM
:( Sorry for your loss man.

Losing friends is always tough, but least you can know Val's organs will save someone's life.

03-01-2005, 09:55 PM
That is really sad.:( Sorry! We should never take life for granted. RIP

jessi jane
03-01-2005, 10:24 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to loose someone close to you. Keep your head up and keep going. I know how we can take life for granted sometimes but we all need to look at how good we really got it and thank god that we are alive. I'll keep your friend in my thoughts and prayers and hope he gets better soon.

03-02-2005, 01:48 AM
Sorry to hear about it man, Loosing somone close id think would be one of the hardest things u will have to do in life. My prayrs to all of them. And i feel that everyone should be an organ donner! With every - there is a + even though your freinds didnt make it. The organs that where used will be able to save more lives!

...........................RIP.................... .......

03-02-2005, 05:01 AM
sorry for your loss:( Best wishes to all of you

03-02-2005, 10:01 AM
im srry to hear that hope it all gets better and you frined have a good recovery.

03-02-2005, 11:14 AM
yeah i know how what it feels like. 2 of my friends died while riding a 4-wheeler. that is the main reason my parents didn't let me get one til i was almost 16.

03-02-2005, 02:43 PM
very sad indeed to hear stories like that, my prayers go out.

03-02-2005, 03:03 PM
very sorry, the family will be in my prayers...

03-02-2005, 03:37 PM
Hey man i know also no how it feel to lose
a close friend of mine also died a while back yoiu just have to keep your head up and look for better things to come all my wishes to you and those famillies

03-02-2005, 05:45 PM
Im really sorry to hear about your loss...they will be in my prayers!

03-02-2005, 07:29 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss man :( . We had a similar situation at the beginning of the summer. Three kids from our school were killed in a car accident and two of them were my very close friends who were 14 year old girls :( . I grew up with them and it was horrible. Just stay strong and I will keep you and their families in my thoughts and prayers

03-02-2005, 07:41 PM
Wow, I'm so sorry, hang in there and give them my prayers.

03-02-2005, 07:45 PM
:( wow thats really sad. im sorry for everyone involved,
be strong man

03-02-2005, 07:59 PM
Wow man, hangin there. Take your time to grieve and itll get better with time, just never let yourself forget them.

btw, why would they take that girls eyes? you cant transplant eyes, can you?

03-02-2005, 08:38 PM
i appriciate all the replies! i just got word from a daniels "girlfriend" and she said all the swelling has gone down A LOT and they got his tube out so he can talk no, she said he was talking to her looking at her knew what was going on and everything. she said he looks a lot better. ive got one more funeral to go to tomorrow then its time to rebuild. me and a bunch of friends (about 30 of us) all went out after the service to get food and just hang out and everyone is a lot more relaxed now. again, thanks for remembering everyone, they really need it right now...one more day...

03-02-2005, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Atkins450
Wow man, hangin there. Take your time to grieve and itll get better with time, just never let yourself forget them.

btw, why would they take that girls eyes? you cant transplant eyes, can you?

i was wondering that my self to be honest...ill find out

03-02-2005, 08:44 PM
yeah i kno how it feels my cousins girlfriend was in a car accident when coming back from his house during the summer, it was horrible.

be safe.

03-02-2005, 08:46 PM
my condolences go out to their family. i just had almost the same thing happen to a good friend of mine. he was thrown from a camaro over 30 ft. died in my best friends arms

03-02-2005, 08:52 PM
I'm really sorry to hear this man, a really close friend of mine was in a really bad car wreck last spring, she almost died but now she is doing just fine. Hang in there bro, they we all be in my prayers.

03-02-2005, 10:38 PM
all our hearts and prayers go out to you and your friends' families in this time of need.

i will keep you in my prayers....


03-03-2005, 12:49 AM
I'm very sorry for your loss. My condolences go out to you and everyone affected. It's always terrible to hear about something like this happens. Everything probably seems surreal right now, like it's just a dream and you'll wake up from it. I know that can be very tough to deal with. Things will get better with time.
Be strong, and give support to those in need. When you start to feel down and depressed, just remember all the good times you and your friends had together. I believe everything happens for a reason, and that your friends are in a better place now. Stay strong!

03-03-2005, 01:22 AM
sorry to hear that man. i too have a friend right now still in a coma from thanksgiving weekend at the dunes. he was in a head on wreck with another one of my friends. his bike was found in 4th gear after the wreck so he was going about 50-60 when he hit head on with no helmet. hes doing a little better but most likely wont be able to walk right again, and talk.

everyone be safe a responsible.

best wishes for you.

03-03-2005, 03:21 PM
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I too have lost a dear friend in accident a few years ago. She and her boyfriend were driving to broom ball in columbus for some reason the truck lost control and reared off the road and than back on again and than back off when it hit the medium the truck flipped several times front and side and both her and her boyfriend where thrown out of the vehicle, sadly he died at the sceen and she was in a coma. To make a long story short she died shortly after her brother and sis in law flew up from Washington and the family decided to let her go. Her organs were also donated to a few people. I belive she is living on in those people and in my heart and thoughts. You never get over losing a friend/or loved one. But always remember they are alive in your memories and heart! Take care...and if you need someone to talk to am just a IM away!

03-03-2005, 03:39 PM
Sorry to hear man i know what its like to loose a friend,

This girl amber was my girl friend back in 6th garde and 7th garde and then we became more of friends and where friend up untill 9th grade then we kinda spilt up and i really didnt talk to her at all for a while.Then 9-5-04 while her boy friend was taking her to work a car who was on the shoulder of the road just flew out into there lane and this beam that goes around the car got crushed into her side and her boy friend pulled her out of the car and she died in his arms before the ambulance got there, i tried to get to the scence but i couldnt get near it.I never even got to say good bye but i know shes up and there and knows i still love her.

And this past saturday a buddy from oxford was seeing how fast he could take his mustang and missed a trun slammed into a wall at about 90 and the bridge sign came threw the window and the poll went threw his head and the sign cut off his left leg and my 4 friends had to sit there and watch him suffer in there arms while waiting for the cops and stuff.

AMber was 16 and he was 17, the 17 yr old was his fault but amber was killed by a drug addict who had been in jail for 5 years and just got out and was on coke drunk and high and because of drugs and drunk driving my good friend was killed at only 16 years old.

Sorry to hear man youll get threw it:( :( :( :( :(

03-03-2005, 07:30 PM
sorry to hear about that back in sept. agood friend of mine died in a car wreck on his way to work he was passing a car in the fog and got hit head on, its one of the worst things possible my prayer go out to you and the familys, at the funeral everyone had there quads and dirtbikes there and everyone fired them up at one time and reved the crap out of the for our friend:(

03-03-2005, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by flat_track400ex
sorry to hear about that back in sept. agood friend of mine died in a car wreck on his way to work he was passing a car in the fog and got hit head on, its one of the worst things possible my prayer go out to you and the familys, at the funeral everyone had there quads and dirtbikes there and everyone fired them up at one time and reved the crap out of the for our friend:(

Yea man good thinking you let him go loving what you guys loved to ridding the quad, he got to hear the while he was up there dont worry and sorry to hear, no one lieks to hear news like this but sometimes it happens:( :(