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View Full Version : edmonton riders

02-28-2005, 11:52 AM
k i know there are a couple edmonton people on the site, so i'm wondering about any area's near the city to ride, i goto bruderhiem and redwater quite a bit in the summers but is there anything close on the south side or out to the east?

02-28-2005, 04:07 PM
im about 2 hours east of you about 45 mins away from the saskatchewan border. im planning on going to the bruderhiem track sometime this summer. Whats the bruderheim track like?

02-28-2005, 04:16 PM
i've never actually ridden the track there, i'm pretty sure from what i've heard its more set up for bikes than quads, we actually do most of our riding back in behind the track, right before you get to it there's a range road to the left and if you go down there theres a tone of white sand trails you can haul *** on and some good woods trails too.

02-28-2005, 04:35 PM
cool. we go to a huge *** sand pit beside a lake were me and my bro mostly ride and there are huge whoops and white sand plus some wicked bush trails. im still gonna go to that track in bruderheim i never been to a track in my life and thats the closest one to me. what part of the city do you live in?

02-28-2005, 06:59 PM
south side, i keep my quad at my brothers thats like 15 minutes past bruderhiem in lamont thats why we do most of our riding out there, and while your over this way you might wanna hit the red water trails if you can, one exit towards frt. sask is a turn off called vinca bridge, and if you go down there till you cross the bridge then take a dirt road to the right that has a sign that says staging area, and head dowh there theres alot more room and trails than in bruderhiem

Got nads?
02-28-2005, 08:58 PM
Bruderheim track is no longer open, last year was their final year as they were having disputes over sound issues with the town. But I'm told that Budweiser Motorsports Park motocross park will remain open. (Freerides are every Tuesday, and Thrusday). Anyway Alberta quading the place to ride around here in the winter is the Sturgeon river, we usually park off highway 28 (from 97th street in edmonton) at the sturgeon. It is a tight twisty river with some decent hill climbs along the way.Me personally likey Motocross track, and now searching for someplace else to ride in the summer time because Bruderheim officially sucks!:scary:

02-28-2005, 09:14 PM
i've gotten tired of bruderhiem too, thats why i'm wondering any other spots......i do know of a pit area with trails and stuff down at the north end of 17ths street we used to go 4x4ing at, but last i heard the cops were going down there alot and handing out fines cause its government land, but i'm thinking i might give it a try one of these days. and and by the way ab quaddin is me too, the other one is my on my work comp and it wouldnt let me get on with that name at home so i made this one

11-28-2007, 10:03 PM
I am from Edmonton, just picked up a 450er because of the crazy discounts honda has on right now. Looking forward to riding brule and the dunes in the US next year. Looking for fellow riding partners since most guys i know ride 4x4s.

I joined this site years ago when I had a 400ex but it appears i never posted before.:confused:
