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02-25-2005, 02:38 PM
well the other day i was just playin around with my e-maxx sendin it off jumps and doin donuts in the neighbors driveway:p you know the usual. well there is somethin wrong with it that makes it run full throttle so i have no control over the throttle. well i had flipped it about 5 times that day from turning it too sharp full throttle so i dont know if that has anything to do with it. i ran it off the driveway and jumped it off the cement pipe thing that goes under the driveway and it smacked right into the trash can and flipped and landed upside down. i went to go flip it back over and it wasnt running so i knew somethin was wrong. when i got to it, there was smoke pouring out of the motor. i let it sit for a few hours before i charged it again and then i let it charge (i have a 15 minute charger) and then started running it again. it was goin well till i flipped it and it stopped running again and the smoke coming from the motor. now everytime i let it charge, it wont run right. it goes really slow for almost 5 seconds and then dies. any ideas? heres a pic if you need it. dont mind the missing quarter panel:D

02-25-2005, 02:45 PM
I Never had an electric car but it sounds like the motors cooked.

It could have ran full wide open because the batteries in your remote or servos died or you were out of range. Unless you have a failsafe the car will go on self destuct.

02-25-2005, 02:47 PM
well if this helps any, the battery just exploded. did manage to save the truck

02-25-2005, 02:51 PM
The windings (SP) in the motor could have shorted and since there is not a fuse for the battery it probably was overheated and blew.

02-25-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by TM426
The windings (SP) in the motor could have shorted and since there is not a fuse for the battery it probably was overheated and blew. yea this thing is kinda old, i got it off my uncle. was messin around with it right before the battery blew and it looked like a nascar engine expired. if it is the motor, can i just buy a new motor or do i have to buy a new truck

02-25-2005, 03:02 PM
You can buy new motors. Im sure you can get something way better to destroy your drivetrain:devil: . It all depends on how much you want to spend. I dont know anything really on electric cars so cant tell you what would be good.

02-25-2005, 03:17 PM
the throttle issue is a bad Electronic speed control. also could have shorted out the motor

02-25-2005, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by TM426
You can buy new motors. Im sure you can get something way better to destroy your drivetrain:devil: . It all depends on how much you want to spend. I dont know anything really on electric cars so cant tell you what would be good. haha. my cousin has a gas engine truck that is 4x4. we were playin around with it over christmas and the left front drive shaft shot right out of it. and the engine is in the very back anyway so i dont think the hitting the trashcan did anything or the flipping and there was absolutly no water in the ditch cause if it had been wet at all, i wouldnt have had it out

02-25-2005, 04:01 PM
well i just charged up another battery and threw it in the truck and its not lookin too good so i guess i'll be makin a stop at the hobby shop tomorrow night on the way home from arena cross

02-25-2005, 04:10 PM
Bring the truck with you and see what they say at the hobbie shop. Maybe your better off getting the savage 4.6:D

02-25-2005, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by TM426
Bring the truck with you and see what they say at the hobbie shop. Maybe your better off getting the savage 4.6:D i wish i could afford it. im gonna be payin out the *** for the new motor

02-25-2005, 05:43 PM
hmm... i own a modded s-maxx..

i dont think its me but i recall there being no motor in the e-maxx because its electric.

thats gay. get a new battery, you probly forgot to mention that you flew threw a puddle or something, because if you did , that would generally happen

02-25-2005, 05:46 PM
your servo crystals or hookups are messed up, either water, or your crystal is coming out alittle. my friend has a savage and his crystal popped out, and it flew down his road and smashed the curb and bent both side frame things. check your servo, and reciever box.

02-25-2005, 05:53 PM
you should jsut get one of these...

this is my s-maxx..

02-25-2005, 05:54 PM
I've had a couple of electric rc cars in the past now I just get the gas. Nothing like the smell of nitro. But anyway when your batteries get to low the car will just stay at the last throttle setting that you had when the battery took a dump. Also check your crystal in the receiver. Make sure it's not loose make sure it's in good and tight. On my one gas car I had it took me about 2 weeks to get it running good, went to the local parking lot to get some good speed runs in. Well I was very satisfied so I figured I would call it a day. As I was bringing the car back to where I was Right before it got back to me I just kept going faster and faster. Well needless to say it came to a 40+ mph stop up agaginst a curb. Well that was the end of that car. What happened was from the car jumping and the vibrations, it shook the crystal right out of the receiver. Well that really sucked. So make sure the crystal is in there good and tight. Also get yourself a failsafe. I use one from venom-racing.


02-25-2005, 05:54 PM
your electric motor could be shot too as well. There are tons of companys that make aftermarket ones that are alot more powerful/faster. Only downfall is then the battery only lasts like 5 mins. before i put the mod motor in my stampede it lasted like 10 mins on a battery. It hauled for an electric.

02-25-2005, 05:57 PM
btw, that first picture is a stampede, not an emaxx.

02-25-2005, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by chris400
your servo crystals or hookups are messed up, either water, or your crystal is coming out alittle. my friend has a savage and his crystal popped out, and it flew down his road and smashed the curb and bent both side frame things. check your servo, and reciever box. nope its the motoralready checked and it is fried. smokes every single time. still aint figured out the battery yet:huh

02-25-2005, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by wheeltrax
btw, that first picture is a stampede, not an emaxx. really? i thought it was a emaxx since everything in it is traxxus even the motor.

02-25-2005, 08:58 PM
alright here ya go: the motor is fried you can get one from any hobby shop and the aren't that hard to change and should be around $25-$50 depepnding on the type you want the lower the turns on the motor the faster it will be but i wouldn't buy and extremely low turn motor because you could shread the drivetrain or worse, and as for the battery they range from anywhere from like $15-$75 depending on what you want.

02-25-2005, 09:16 PM
So whats the difference between the T-MAX and the S-MAX?

02-25-2005, 09:23 PM
Tmaxx is all wheel drive and Smaxx is 2 wheel drive.

02-25-2005, 10:39 PM
It's probably the electronic speed control, you probably got it wet and thats what happens, it happened to me to, I had to send it in for service, luckily they fixed it for free and shipped it back to me a few days later. Although when it happened to me, the truck didn't move at all.

It can possibly be the motors, although I highly doubt it, check all of the wiring, you maybe be running it out of the appropriate zone between remote and car, also I would check the crystals in the receiver and the remote control to see if they are in snug and if they are not broken.

The receiver might have also gotten wet so I'd let that sit for a little bit, the best thing to do for a wet electronic is to unscrew it and let it air out in a dry room for a few days.

Leme kno how it goes

02-25-2005, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by dunnonuttin
yea this thing is kinda old, i got it off my uncle. was messin around with it right before the battery blew and it looked like a nascar engine expired. if it is the motor, can i just buy a new motor or do i have to buy a new truck

Oh yeah and for the record thats a Traxxas Stampede not an Emaxx.

The motor wouldn't keep the throttle open, neither would the eSC unless of course it wasn't setup correctly. Actually if it's a really old stampede, judging by the looks of it, it most likely is, you probably have the Mechanic Speed Control, and that may just need to be adjusted, take a picture of it with the body off, that picture was pointless.

So now it's down between the MSC and the Receiver, it's deff. not the motor because the motor just wouldn't run at all, and even if it did it wouldn't have enough metal to metal contact inside of the it to make it spin on high power.

02-25-2005, 10:57 PM
If a motor smoked it is probably smoked.:chinese:

02-26-2005, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Big400EX

That was my Stampede before I gave it away or sold it, I dont remember exactly what I did with it, cause I had 2 or 3 in my Rc Career.

Here is the true "Emaxx" I also owned but traded a few months later.

A pose on the roof, now that I look at it I wish I never traded it.
http://img224.exs.cx/img224/1623/emaxx13hr.jpg Thats one in my backyard by the fountain.

Oh Yeah and just looking at your picture I see a whole bunch of tape at the top of the antenna tube, what is that all about? If any of that antenna is missing or frayed that could be causing part of the problem, it is electrical tape.

02-26-2005, 06:07 AM
here is the pic with body off. yea thats electrical tape on the antenna but thats not the problem cause it will still turn whenever i want it to, the motor just wont pull it

02-26-2005, 06:09 AM
pic of the motor if needed

02-26-2005, 08:35 AM
Just as I suspected, it is in fact a Mechanical Speed Control, now im not sure if thats getting stuck at wide open throttle, I would reccomend going to www.towerhobbies.com and looking around for a nice ESC, and maybe a new motor, make sure the motor you get is capable to run on the ESC.

I had an ESC on mine and a new motor too.

02-26-2005, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Big400EX
Just as I suspected, it is in fact a Mechanical Speed Control, now im not sure if thats getting stuck at wide open throttle, I would reccomend going to www.towerhobbies.com and looking around for a nice ESC, and maybe a new motor, make sure the motor you get is capable to run on the ESC.

I had an ESC on mine and a new motor too. if this helps any, i was just messin around with it flippin the throttle channels back and forth. everytime i switch the channel, the servo moves to a different position and in one of the 2 channels, when i pull the trigger, it actually moves the servo but when i switch it to the channel that makes it run wide open, it wont move the servo at all when i change channels. my uncle is gonna get me a new motor anyways and i bigger and faster one so i can rip the drivetrain out:p

02-26-2005, 12:09 PM
That switch you were playing with was probably a servo reversing switch that changes the direction of the servo.


02-26-2005, 12:27 PM
Id ditch the mechanical speed control immediately. Those suck bad. I had one in my stampede for a while, it kept sticking when a small piece of sand or dust would get in there. If you bought a decent ESC you may have better luck. I know i did. plus i got longer battery life too..

02-27-2005, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by dunnonuttin
well if this helps any, the battery just exploded. did manage to save the truck

the only way the battery will explode is if it's shorted out. it will get really hot and the cells will vent, spraying white fluffy stuff everywhere. This is not a good thing. the motor is likely toasted, or the gears may be bound up. If the speed control moves smoothly, take the motor out, and see if it spins freely (with your fingers, WITHOUT a battery hooked up) I'll bet it's stuck solid.

02-27-2005, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by big-guy
the only way the battery will explode is if it's shorted out. it will get really hot and the cells will vent, spraying white fluffy stuff everywhere. This is not a good thing. the motor is likely toasted, or the gears may be bound up. If the speed control moves smoothly, take the motor out, and see if it spins freely (with your fingers, WITHOUT a battery hooked up) I'll bet it's stuck solid. one of the batteries were shot, jus didnt know which one. i guess i do now:ermm: