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View Full Version : No lid vs. K&N powerlid vs. uni filters vs. ehs lid vs......

02-25-2005, 09:13 AM
I did a quick search but didn't find exactly what I was looking for. A buddy asked me about mods to the airbox and/or lid on his 400ex and I'm not very familier with it. Can the lid be removed or does it hold the filter in place? Anyone use the Outerwears lid cover, I think it Velcros over the top?

Which mod do you prefer and what jetting works with it? I'm pretty sure the only mods he has are a K&N filter, Dynojet kit (current jetting is off, we'll fix that when we mod the lid) and White Bros. slip-on, e2 I think (discs?).

Bike is used for regular trail riding, prefers to stay out of the mud when possible.


02-25-2005, 11:38 AM
if you are not riding in wet conditions just put an outerwares on the filter and take the airbox lid off

02-25-2005, 01:10 PM
What about a ballpark jetting?