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View Full Version : I agree about the Harley riders!! They're getting ridiculous!!

02-20-2005, 06:25 PM
Like I said before, I don't mind a loud machine where it's appropriate. You hit another sore spot. Last summer, being my daughter was born in July, it was a pain to leave the windows open and a loud Harley would go by. I have nothing against their machine's, but when your newborn gets scared awake from a nap, it tends to piss a parent off!! Some of those Harley's are just way to obnoxious. Guess I'd be wrong if I'd start scout/sniping the bikers(sorry, that's not nice). Anyways, probably leaning on a Power core 4, or a White Brothers slip on. My buddy I was riding with today has a White Bros. full system, and it sounds nice. Not too loud, but a nice rumble.

02-20-2005, 06:48 PM
Well look at the demographic of a typical Harley rider. They are in there mid 40(s), sedentary, and overweight. What other way can they hope to recapture some of their masculinity then to make a lot of noise driving around in residential areas. That and a full prescription of cialis so they can manage to get a chubby.

02-20-2005, 06:52 PM
so ur just saying the bikes are to loud? the people that choose to have loud pipes is up to them. most of them know its illegal but they want them becuase they sound cool. Harleys arent the onyl bikes that are loud. if you dont want your daughter to cry close the window or put her in another room. there are loud cars that have no exhuast on them but people dont complain about them. i see what your sayin some bikers pipes are just way to loud, but some people just like that. im not trying to get into an argument its just my opinion, sorry.

02-20-2005, 08:42 PM
Hey now!!!
I`am 40
5ft 11in 220lbs
Although I have the Vance & Hines Pro Pipe
On my 113c.i. Bagger.
Bikers are a dieing breed!!!!!!
Harley riders are a dime a dozen!

02-21-2005, 09:43 AM
i can see your point about being pissed about your new born but everyone i know that has a harley has loud pipes that point of having a harley is to be loud my step dad has a bourget chopper and that this is unreal loud but then again when people spend 40 g on a bike if not more there gonna want them loud

02-21-2005, 09:55 AM
and i thought everyone was going to yell at me becuase i stuck up for the harleys

02-21-2005, 10:08 AM
nope, I'm not going to yell.... I have a 1979 HD Lowrider (Shovelhead) and will be running 1 3/4" drag pipes.. I think it may be a little loud :o

02-21-2005, 11:29 AM
I think they should give out sound tickets like they do for car stereos or anything else that gets obnoxious in city limits. Personnally, I would be embarrassed to even be seen riding one!
They leak oil, Brake down every 50 miles, and are over priced.

02-21-2005, 11:58 AM
They leak oil, Brake down every 50 miles, and are over priced.

I like Harleys but that is funny

And yes there are Harleys that are just to damn loud.

It is Obvious that you people do not have kids.

BTW i do and have had loud vehicles

02-21-2005, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Hon300ex
so ur just saying the bikes are to loud? the people that choose to have loud pipes is up to them. most of them know its illegal but they want them becuase they sound cool. Harleys arent the onyl bikes that are loud.

that statement about bikes being to loud really pisses me off, especially when everybody wants to make quads and mx bikes more quiet. the harleys and other bikes ride around town all hours of the night, loud pipes and all, that is perfectly fine, but dont you dare have a loud quad in the neighborhood in the middle of the afternoon riding it. the pro's are under a sound level, why cant they push for a sound level for street bikes? and enforce it? JMO

02-21-2005, 01:01 PM
They push for qieter quads and dirt bikes that are moslty ridden in the desert and away from people and let harleys that are twice as load go threw town un checked. BS in my opinion

02-21-2005, 02:16 PM
i see nothing wrong with harleys being loud, but it pisses me off to that quads and dirtbikes cant be loud. and the friggin quads arent even on the road most of the time, there usually in trails or on a track where people cant even hear em. its BS that just b/c harleys are legal they can be as loud they want and get away with it. i just dont get it. they are putting sound limits on quad racing, but in streetbike racing and car racing like nascar and stuff they are WAYYYY louder but that is perfectly fine. it is FRIGGIN BS.

02-21-2005, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by tdsongster
Well look at the demographic of a typical Harley rider.

hmmmm...never seen demographic used in that way

02-21-2005, 06:30 PM
I have nothing against Harley riders or other bikers for that matter, just a little respect is all. After all, I do think us ATV'ers and MX'ers are getting a little smarter as far as quieting our machines down some. We all know of local riding areas shut down or heavily patrolled by the cops. Just stating my opinion, that's all. you want to ride a loud street bike? That's fine, but all hours of the night is a little ridiculous, even most of us off-roaders don't ride that much after dark. And I know, it only takes one to ruin it, but their sure is a lot of loud street bikes nowadays.

02-21-2005, 07:14 PM
If you were an avid street bike rider, you'd appreciate loud pipes. Every time I ride my R6(which is very quiet) people cut me off. Nobody hear's or see's me. It's like I'm invisible. But when I ride my V-Max(which is obnoxiously loud) I don't get cut off. Loud pipes save lives!

02-21-2005, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by RAPTORAZ
If you were an avid street bike rider, you'd appreciate loud pipes. Every time I ride my R6(which is very quiet) people cut me off. Nobody hear's or see's me. It's like I'm invisible. But when I ride my V-Max(which is obnoxiously loud) I don't get cut off. Loud pipes save lives!

02-21-2005, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by RAPTORAZBut when I ride my V-Max(which is obnoxiously loud) I don't get cut off. Loud pipes save lives!

maybe all of us quad guys should sell our quads and bikes and buy streetbikes so we can all have LOUD PIPES TO SAVE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and be legal then. i am not an avid street biker, i am an AVID QUAD RIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if you were an avid quad rider, you would see where we are coming from with the loud pipes on the streets, and not on the tracks, trail's, desert, not in the middle of the night through towns.

02-21-2005, 07:31 PM
Harley Riders these days are just some rich doctors and lawyers out on a cruise. Real Harley Riders are a dieing breed.

02-21-2005, 07:36 PM
there is truth to the whole loud pipes save lives. Even on the trails, its nice to hear someone coming before you come across them. Its also nice when your sitting on the trails, and you hear a quad coming you know to get out of the way more as well. There is such a thing as too loud. I also see it unfair that street bikes can ride around at any old decibel level, and yet i cant even go up north and ice race without having a stupid homemade turndown that i have to have on my pipe to "make it quieter". Im not one to really complain because i enjoy all types of riding because we all share a common interest, no matter what we ride. We all enjoy riding.

02-21-2005, 09:31 PM
i think that there should not be any limit on quads b/c most of the time it is not on streets where people can hear them. but with streetbikes where THERE SHOULD be a limit, there isnt one:confused: it really dont make any sense what so ever! i wanna get a CBR with aftermarket exhaust, cut it as short as possible, then i can piss people off legally:grr:

02-21-2005, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by muddy400EX
i think that there should not be any limit on quads b/c most of the time it is not on streets where people can hear them. but with streetbikes where THERE SHOULD be a limit, there isnt one:confused: it really dont make any sense what so ever! i wanna get a CBR with aftermarket exhaust, cut it as short as possible, then i can piss people off legally:grr:
There are DB limits for street bikes, any street vehicle for that matter. That may vary from state to state though.

The reason we hear so much about ATV noise issues is because of this site and others (info is distributed easily) and for the most part ATV's are usually concentrated to certain areas where as street bikes have tens of thousands of miles of paved roads to ride.

02-21-2005, 10:54 PM
Most pipes are baffled etc and run 95db while your nice tc's etc run a nice 100+ :rolleyes: if your pipes too loud they pull you over and do a db check and give you a ticket, though most of you people dont understand that and most of you say there is no limits, well there is we and a few friends have gotten pulled over in the past and changed our pipes to meet regulations

and with the other posts about your biker image bullchit im sorry but i find that kinda offensive, its all a sterotype

We have about 6 sets of pipes from stright drag pipes to quiet mufflers, we have found ones that are just at 95db like most quads, sorry if i pissed anyone off it just really bugs me when people bash harleys or anything of the sort because of others, its just like me saying atv's are bad because they create ruts or something of the sort. for the guy who posted about being noticed and not cut off because of loud pipes, that is extremly true because they will hear you before they see you! we almost got plowed with stock pipes about 2 or 3 times!

im like to ride and work on harleys and there is some extremly nice people out there, a few scum but there is a few scum in the atv world its not all perfect, Id like to make a thread saying im tired of atv riders riding on the roads, but its not in a awhole its only a chosen few.

this is our bike with bassani prostreets and i will get Proof they are less db then a tc pipe or a ct etc.

02-21-2005, 11:08 PM
i think its fine to have streetbikes loud, but if they are gonna be loud, then they should not limit atv's. ive seen choppers go by that are just insanely loud and there is no reason for it at all, yet atv's at dune's adn race tracks have to have a db limit. its just BS IMO

02-21-2005, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by muddy400EX
i think its fine to have streetbikes loud, but if they are gonna be loud, then they should not limit atv's. ive seen choppers go by that are just insanely loud and there is no reason for it at all, yet atv's at dune's adn race tracks have to have a db limit. its just BS IMO

hm didnt your just read they have limits too? its not bs you have the same issues with some quad riders out there as well with pipes that are extremly loud

Ive herd ricers aka croach rockets that were louder then our harley, so i dont wanna hear this bs its all vtwins

02-21-2005, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie69
hm didnt your just read they have limits too? its not bs you have the same issues with some quad riders out there as well with pipes that are extremly loud

Ive herd ricers aka croach rockets that were louder then our harley, so i dont wanna hear this bs its all vtwins

ya but how many motorcycles do u think actually get pulled over for being to loud. and i know that sportbikes are also loud, thats what i meant by streetbikes. but i do like the sound of a sportbike better than a harley:) some people may thinks thats stupid but oh well

02-21-2005, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by muddy400EX
ya but how many motorcycles do u think actually get pulled over for being to loud. and i know that sportbikes are also loud, thats what i meant by streetbikes. but i do like the sound of a sportbike better than a harley:) some people may thinks thats stupid but oh well

quite a few get pulled over once they open them up to be honest

im not trying to start anything here with anyone im just defending what i belive like you guys would if someone made a thread about what you like, i can truley admit when i get a bike i want it to sound nice and noise will be an issue with me and i will make sure it meets limits

02-21-2005, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie69
quite a few get pulled over once they open them up to be honest

im not trying to start anything here with anyone im just defending what i belive like you guys would if someone made a thread about what you like, i can truley admit when i get a bike i want it to sound nice and noise will be an issue with me and i will make sure it meets limits

im lookin to get a sportbike in the future and i will def. have exhaust on that. im not talkin bad about harleys or nething, im just sayin that when they have bikes, cars, trucks out on the street loud as hell, and they make a big issue about the offroad riders. i just dont think its fair, thats all:)

02-21-2005, 11:33 PM
Another thing, being noisy and obnoxious just to piss people off is not a good way to get your point across;)

02-21-2005, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by JOEX
Another thing, being noisy and obnoxious just to piss people off is not a good way to get your point across;)

i know:D

02-21-2005, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by muddy400EX
i know:D

02-22-2005, 01:46 AM
First off what did the start of this topic have to do with ATV's?

Ok I'm taking it that a few of you don't or never have ridden a street bike either a HD or whatever. I for one have and I have to say that a lot of people in cars have that attitude that they have a car around them so you on that little bike are going to get out of their way.

That is one reason for the load pipes, I don't feel it's right that some yuppie bikers and bikers need to make a crap load or noise in the the hood. But the same goes for all the ricers (Jap car load exhaust, huge wing slammed to the ground) in so cal.

I'll be working on my chopper sometime down the road that will have the 1952 Pan head (that I have now) in it and I will have a load exhaust on it as well.

02-22-2005, 08:10 AM
I dont think there is really any stereo type, I just think they are a rolling turd. The new ones are better but the old ones were somthing else. Its hard for me to see why you would buy a bike you have to fix every 100 miles.

02-22-2005, 08:17 AM
Well, if I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand..:o

02-22-2005, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by YLW400
Well, if I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand..:o

Would you keep your 400ex if you had to work on it every 30 minutes of riding? Or your car? I would buy a look a like from the big 4 before I would buy a harley.

02-22-2005, 10:00 AM
I did buy a Harley that will have to be maintained frequently...........It's older than most 80% of the people who come on here:o :D

02-22-2005, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by YLW400
Well, if I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand..:o

Took the words right out of my mouth. He wouldn't understand.
I know it's gonna be a B*T*H to start the kick start on the 52 pan but I like it better that way. To easy to pust a start button.

02-22-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by seven
I dont think there is really any stereo type, I just think they are a rolling turd. The new ones are better but the old ones were somthing else. Its hard for me to see why you would buy a bike you have to fix every 100 miles.

you dont have to fix them every ****ing 100 miles, the only problems we had with ours was we built a motor with high compression and we burnt up AFTERMARKET starters

02-22-2005, 12:17 PM
Astars, I wanna see pics of the Pan...

02-22-2005, 03:27 PM
I know for a fact that If I bought a harley It would be loud as hell. I run pc T4 with no silencer/spark arrestor and I think the louder it is the better as long as you dont have db regulations and where I ride (Saint anthony's/Sand Mountain there is no exhaust db's or spark arrestor laws.If any of you harley guys have heard of the bearins motorcycle club my dad is one the the originals.

02-22-2005, 04:05 PM
I cant imagine a quiet harley. They are meant to be loud and wild. Anyone who doesn't like harleys for any reason besides them saying "THEY ARE GAY" can go die in my opinion. IT was said.. and it was right. A harley rider and a biker are 2 totally different things. My family at one time was bascially all bikers.. I do mean bikers! You would see me with a flat black machine that is louder than the devil a million years before you would see me sporting some sort of a quiet bike with an exquisite paint job.. Meaning crotch rocket or chopper. When i buy one within the next year. it will be loud.. And if someone doesn't like it. I will be handing out ear plugs :scary:

02-22-2005, 04:34 PM
I can give you a picture of the engine and trans and a crap load of old parts but no frame yet. I don't know who's I want or soft or ridged.

Originally posted by YLW400
Astars, I wanna see pics of the Pan...