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02-18-2005, 09:41 PM
Thats right I have been summonsed 19 times in 14 years, been through the selection process 8 times and have endured 4 trials.(1 drugs, 1 domestic violence, a vehicular homicide, and armed robbery).
I got another summons and asked my employer to write me an excuse letter to get me out of it. They tried, and the courts denied the request.
Needless to say Im feeling picked on and just a bit p/o'ed, so I just typed up this letter to send the court jury pool. What do you think?

Feb 18 2005

To whom it may concern, I am writing in response to your denial of my request to be excused from jury duty. There are a multitude of reasons I should be excused from duty the most important of which is this, I am the sole provider for a family of four. For me to miss work to go and sit on yet another jury would cause great financial hardship on my family as my employer does not compensate for jury duty. The $10 a day compensation from the courts only pays for the parking in the courts garage, so in effect Your are requesting that I do this for free.

The next issue that I have with serving again, that’s right I said again, is that in the 14 years I have been a resident in King county I have been summonsed 20 times and have had to endure the hardship of sitting in on four trails. I think I have more than fulfilled my so-called responsibility. Therefore, I feel it only fair that you remove my name from your list and call some one who has nothing better to do. Like the people that sit on welfare and the retired that have lived here there whole life and never even been summonsed.

The continued harassment from the jury department has turned me sour on the whole justice system and I honestly can say that it will negatively affect my ability to be a fair and impartial juror.

In closing. I request again that you excuse me from duty and respond immediately.

If this request is denied I will show up and gladly give you a hung jury on any trial you see fit to waste my time with.


02-18-2005, 09:48 PM
I got selected to jurt duty 3 months after i turned 18. They let me out because I'm a full time student. I couldn't imagine being summoned 20 times:huh

02-18-2005, 09:48 PM
lmao i like the ending. send it i want to see the response. if they take ya in for questioning just say the defendant is your best friend or something.

02-18-2005, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
lmao i like the ending. send it i want to see the response. if they take ya in for questioning just say the defendant is your best friend or something.

No. I won't lie, Ill tell them just like I said it in the letter, I cant be impartial, period.

02-18-2005, 10:02 PM
I thought you could only serve once every two years? Maybe that is only in Oregon? But either way, it looks like you are definitely being picked on. If that's the exact letter your sending in, I noticed 3 spelling errors but other than that good job. I would be pissed to if I got called that many times. As soon as I turned 18 I was put on jury duty. Wasted a ton of time going to the court house just to stand around and end up driving back home 30 miles away. Then, EXACTLY two years later jury duty again. Luckily, I had moved to a new county and got out of it. I feel your pain man.:p

02-18-2005, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Aceman
I thought you could only serve once every two years? Maybe that is only in Oregon? But either way, it looks like you are definitely being picked on. If that's the exact letter your sending in, I noticed 3 spelling errors but other than that good job. I would be pissed to if I got called that many times. As soon as I turned 18 I was put on jury duty. Wasted a ton of time going to the court house just to stand around and end up driving back home 30 miles away. Then, EXACTLY two years later jury duty again. Luckily, I had moved to a new county and got out of it. I feel your pain man.:p

Three, really? LOL I sent it through spell check and read it three times and cant find them. what are they?

02-18-2005, 10:15 PM
I got called up for the first time last year and they accepted the letter of excuse from my boss with no problem. I'd like to do it sometime but that one was at the wrong time for me and work.

I thought employers were required to compensate you for jury duty? If not that's f'ed up. Maybe it's different from state to state.

02-18-2005, 10:40 PM
In Washington, it's up to the employer if they want to compensate you. Personally, I dont think the employer should be required to pay you while on jury duty. Your not on the clock making them money.
Two of the four trials I served on as juror, I worked for a company that paid you while on jury duty, one trial was three weeks long. Had I worked where I work now I would have gone broke.

02-18-2005, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
In Washington, it's up to the employer if they want to compensate you. Personally, I dont think the employer should be required to pay you while on jury duty. Your not on the clock making them money.
Two of the four trials I served on as juror, I worked for a company that paid you while on jury duty, one trial was three weeks long. Had I worked where I work now I would have gone broke.
I understand your opinion about the employers not having to pay for jury duty but I don't think the employee should have to sacrafice thier pay and time either. Maybe it should come out of the lawyer fees:ermm:

Maybe the courts have you in mind as a 'professional juror':devil:

02-18-2005, 11:14 PM
There are 3 minor spelling mistakes.
"Your", "Some one" (should be someone,lol, not really a mistake I guess), and "there" (should be their).

Spell check on Word will not catch these mistakes as they are in and of themselves not spelling mistakes. They are mistakes because they are used incorrectly.;)

02-19-2005, 01:26 AM
Look into the "Fully Informed Juror Association". Judges and lawyers hate people who know their rights.

I once sat at the courthouse for 4 hours for jury duty, waiting for the defendant to show up. And later that week our whole group was excused because the judge had a golf tournament. :huh

02-19-2005, 06:26 AM
I figured it out the 1st time I had jury duty, I didnt show up the first 2 days(and thats b/c I got called for jury duty on the same day down in Kent:rolleyes: )

This 1 was for domestic abuse, I knew I didnt wanna be there so I acted like I was immeadiatly on the dudes side:devil:

Then when they asked if I knew anyone in the judicial system..I said 'YES!"

Then they asked it I personally knew any cops...I said "YES!"

For the little arranment...just pretend to see more of 1 side than the other....they WILL pick everyone BUT you:devil:

and that big $10 a day ......:mad: :cuss: at least pay a days pay dammit!

02-19-2005, 06:36 AM
i was called to jury duty once.. and only once..

i was asked if i knew the defendant (it was a drug case) so i just said yup.. i sold him some good green a few weeks ago..

never been called back since



02-19-2005, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by big-guy
Look into the "Fully Informed Juror Association". Judges and lawyers hate people who know their rights.

I once sat at the courthouse for 4 hours for jury duty, waiting for the defendant to show up. And later that week our whole group was excused because the judge had a golf tournament. :huh

You got a link?

02-19-2005, 09:21 AM
wow there is that much crime in western washington eh. We're all just happy people here in walla walla or maybe i've never been called to jury duty because i'm only 19, or it also could be because my aunt is the county clerk and is the one that handles that sort of thing:D. maybe I'm just lucky who knowsgood luck in getting out of it any ways that would not be fun to get 10 bucks a day.

02-19-2005, 09:23 AM
1st paragraph, last line---change your are to you're
2nd paragraph, 3rd line---summonsed should be summoned
2nd paragraph, 4th line---trails should be trials
2nd paragraph, 6th line---some one should be someone
2nd paragraph, last line---summonsed should be summoned

I think that should sum it up. HAHA.;) Good luck trying to get out of jury duty though, sometimes it seems like they are hell bent on not letting anyone get out of it.:o

02-19-2005, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
Thats right I have been summonsed 19 times in 14 years, been through the selection process 8 times and have endured 4 trials.(1 drugs, 1 domestic violence, a vehicular homicide, and armed robbery).
I got another summons and asked my employer to write me an excuse letter to get me out of it. They tried, and the courts denied the request.
Needless to say Im feeling picked on and just a bit p/o'ed, so I just typed up this letter to send the court jury pool. What do you think?

Feb 18 2005

To whom it may concern, I am writing in response to your denial of my request to be excused from jury duty. There are a multitude of reasons I should be excused from duty the most important of which is this, I am the sole provider for a family of four. For me to miss work to go and sit on yet another jury would cause great financial hardship on my family as my employer does not compensate for jury duty. The $10 a day compensation from the courts only pays for the parking in the courts garage, so in effect Your are requesting that I do this for free.

The next issue that I have with serving again, that’s right I said again, is that in the 14 years I have been a resident in King county I have been summonsed 20 times and have had to endure the hardship of sitting in on four trails. I think I have more than fulfilled my so-called responsibility. Therefore, I feel it only fair that you remove my name from your list and call some one who has nothing better to do. Like the people that sit on welfare and the retired that have lived here there whole life and never even been summonsed.

The continued harassment from the jury department has turned me sour on the whole justice system and I honestly can say that it will negatively affect my ability to be a fair and impartial juror.

In closing. I request again that you excuse me from duty and respond immediately.

If this request is denied I will show up and gladly give you a hung jury on any trial you see fit to waste my time with.


I don't know where you live but in the state of ohio if you served in the past 3 years you don't have to serve again. Maybe you should look into that

02-19-2005, 11:39 AM
Im only 18 so i havent been called for jury duty yet, but i think i will do the same thing as my dad did.

He sent a letter saying he would be far from proud serving on a jury that doesnt affect the outcome of the trial anyway and losing those days wages. He also went on and on, yea hes never had them call him for jury duty again :D

02-20-2005, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
You got a link?

fija (http://www.fija.org)

02-20-2005, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
You got a link?

fija (http://www.fija.org)

02-20-2005, 08:06 AM

02-20-2005, 09:48 AM
Last time I served in District Court, I cleared $215 (after subtracting the cost of gas, meals and lodging) for 3 hours of sitting. I know how to answer to not get chosen. I'm ready to go back; I can't make that much working let alone sitting doing nothing!

n00b on a 400ex
02-20-2005, 11:33 AM
do you have a gameboy? you could just play that while the court is in session

02-20-2005, 12:18 PM
My cousin and I will just say we are prejudice..

02-20-2005, 02:36 PM
Say you used to be a cop, and you wouldn't arrest anyone unless they were guilty ....