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View Full Version : Clutch lifter arm not moving correctly

02-13-2005, 11:26 AM
After removing my right crankcase cover, I am having problems with the clutch lifter arm and spindle. When I put the cover back on and move the spindle clockwise, the cover seats properly. The problem is that the spindle doesn't seem to rotate clockwise far enough. I can get the cable onto the spindle but it just looks like it's in the wrong position.

Am I imagining this? When the clutch cable is attached, you can't pull it. Is it not alligning with the lifter piece?

I've taken it off and on about 15 times now and I'm missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


02-13-2005, 04:29 PM
is th little spring in right? and 1 time we had this problem on my brothers ds650 and it ended up the little lifter was cocked.