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View Full Version : Hard to shift; shift fork?

02-12-2005, 11:41 AM
I'm having some trouble with shifting; especially up, and especially from second to third. I'm guessing it would be a bent shift fork, but any other ideas would be appreciated. If it is a shift fork, how do you tell which one it is?

02-15-2005, 03:52 PM
WOW, the same identical thing happened to me. My problem was diagnosed down to the clutch wasn't disengaging all the way. A simple adjust ment of the cable to make it tighter when I pull in the clutch was all it took and and the problem was solved. I hope this is your problem and it helps. GOOD LUCK

02-15-2005, 04:25 PM
I'll give it a try. The clutch feels pretty good, but I'm on the original, so maybe things are getting a little worn in there.

02-15-2005, 05:03 PM
mines doing the same thing!!!! haha

02-15-2005, 05:52 PM
yes it most likely is not disenguaging.

1st take your clutch cable off and check it for breaks. it could be chafing the black tubing its in. thats what happend to me

if thats not it jsut adjust it at the lever or down by the case cover

02-15-2005, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Plante400
yes it most likely is not disenguaging.

1st take your clutch cable off and check it for breaks. it could be chafing the black tubing its in. thats what happend to me

if thats not it jsut adjust it at the lever or down by the case cover
Well, the cable is brand new, so I don't think it's that. I'll take a little slack out of it and see if that helps. I hate to tighten it, though, because I like it to let out early. I guess I'll do it anyway, for the sake of trouble-shooting.:D Thanks for the replies.

02-15-2005, 08:00 PM
Sounds like its time for soem new clutch plates and springs. I need to put the plates in my 330. I absolutely cannot find neutral. But it can be tempermental, some days it will shift really easy and go into neutral easily. But other days it just won't. I'm hoping that I can make it last through the summer, because I don't have the money for a new clutch right now.

02-16-2005, 05:41 PM
why do u like to let it out early?? that just means you have to pull the clutch in That far every time u wanna shift.

it is much better only hacing yo pull the lever slightly. trust me try it

and you only want the little lever that engauges the clutch to be able to move a tiny bit formward. when you push on it by hand