View Full Version : What's your injury from '04

02-10-2005, 10:58 PM
Alright ..... so I'm sitting here listening to music at 1:10 AM cuz I wired as hell off candies , cinnamon rolls and apple juice ( it was my midnight snack ... bad Idea) .... and I got to thinking ... 2004 seemed to have a lot on injuries occur to people on this site .

Myself getting a ride in a helicopter .
Bart ( LtandRaptorider) getting a ride in a helicopter .
I remember reading someone taking a bad spill at Rausch Creek and I think getting a helicopter ride .
Numerous posts about broken bones .

So tell me ... who all broke , tore, fractured , dislocated , badly bruised parts of their bodies in '04 ?? :ermm:

My goal for '05 is to stay outta the hospital's emergency room or anything that involves morphine to kill pain .

02-10-2005, 11:01 PM
i busted my tailbone and broke a rib in the fall (the ambulance ride to the ER sucked)

i bruised myself and stuff on other occassions but nothing major...

02-10-2005, 11:01 PM
broken hand at gravity, not nice things at byron, brocken teeth, more broken teeth, crashing at my house with the broken hand. thats it.


02-10-2005, 11:05 PM
pretty safe year for me. sprained right ankle, both wrists and broke a dozen or so small bones in my right foot.

02-10-2005, 11:07 PM
went flying down a road on my bike and bunny hopped early and nose dived into a log

Knocked out, concussion, road rash on my, fingers,plams, elbow, shoulder,back, face, ear, chest, thigh, knee,knuckles and my head, Broken wrist, I hit the wood so hard and fast i bent my alex tripple walls, my fork and my bars bent when they smashed into the ground, brake lever bent, I have some pretty nice scars from the road rash, my shoulder is one big scar, rode home got in the shower and saw blood, so i went to go to bed and my dad freaked out and told me to get in the car, my face wasnt to pretty

Recenty flipped my cr backwards in 5th, broke my fender in half and knocked me out for a little, ever since then sometimes if i move my neck my neck gets a burning sensation and it hurts like hell, its happened probaly 6 times since then and its in the same spot, that and chest pains

This was my One of my worst years, when i was a youngin i broke my tailbone and i totaled my knee, few screws and such im still walking around lol, I fractured my wrists 2 times and broke them once, and I've hit my head/concussions alot this year. Im hoping 2005 will be alot better! I've spent alot of time at theropy when i did all the wrist injurys..damn things crack when i move them almost all the time, same with my knees, i think i need to slowdown before i end up like pastrana :o

02-10-2005, 11:14 PM
All pretty good ones so far .

I thought the worst was over for me when I put a stick through my stomach racing when I was 17 . It hurt 100 times worse than my leg being mangled to hell . I sure hope that I can stay out of the hospital .... I only worked maybe 4 months out of the whole 2004 year ... the rest was spent in and out of the hospitals . :ermm:

02-10-2005, 11:19 PM
my pride pretty much... that gets hurt alot on the racetrack.

02-10-2005, 11:51 PM
three cracked vertibrae in my lower back and a bruised kidney from the same wreck.Hit a culvert going 55-60 on my banshee.Also got road rash over 40 percent of my body from that little wipe.I only wish i got it on tape.Still walked away from it.(after i caught my breath,it knocked the wind out of me like a *******)

02-11-2005, 01:23 AM
i was skiing at breckenridge on a double black and came up on a rock patch. found out about 10 minutes later that someone had died their a year ago the same day. guess i got lucky

02-11-2005, 05:09 AM
oooooohh i had a fun year

In the summer i fractured my wrist and thumb thanks to having a dump truck tailgate dropped on it

Then in the fall I fractured my sternum due to some idiot driver who was quite past the legal limit.


02-11-2005, 06:09 AM
my throttle stuck on my YZ as i hit te double in my yard. i bailed brok e my wrist fractured my knee broke an ankle and sprained the other ankle..
its all good tho...:rolleyes:

02-11-2005, 07:18 AM
still recoverying and going through more operatoins on my intesting lining from when i got ran over in 03

02-11-2005, 07:56 AM
I'm finally racing again this year! I suffered a compound fracture of my right femur in 2002. It took quite a while to fully recover from that. I plan on staying healthy, and injury free this year.

02-11-2005, 08:13 AM
Broken collar bone, collasped lung, head trauma, and a ride in a helocopter.

02-11-2005, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by 528ATVRacewear
I'm finally racing again this year! I suffered a compound fracture of my right femur in 2002. It took quite a while to fully recover from that. I plan on staying healthy, and injury free this year.

wow. compound femur fractures are the worst kind of broken bone you can get. if you dont heal right, you can screw some major stuff up

02-11-2005, 09:18 AM
Yeah, it was pretty bad. Thanks to some titianium hardware, lots of physical therapy, and great Dr.'s I'm still in one piece.

02-11-2005, 09:35 AM
Well, I fractured my wrist and 2 knuckles due to punching an enclosed trailer b/c I was drunk and p*ssed off.:ermm:

Kara, did you get your tailbone fixed up?:p

02-11-2005, 09:38 AM

I live real close to you, where do you ride. I am up to riding almost anytime.

02-11-2005, 10:20 AM
Torn ACL and cartiledge...finished the moto and rode the next one. LOTS of Advil involved. Now I get to wear one of those cool CTi titanium/carbon fiber knee braces!:rolleyes:

02-11-2005, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Bush0102
wow. compound femur fractures are the worst kind of broken bone you can get. if you dont heal right, you can screw some major stuff up aint that where the femur is sticking out the skin or something? my total injuries are a right arm, right wrist, left collar bone (which ive broken the most), right collar bone, cracked 2 ribs. i think thats about it. bmx is a lot more dangerous than i thought and the bike has still held up pretty good through all them wrecks. dont think all the parts can say the same though, id say ive replaced about every part except the pedals and the frame:eek2: . a friend of mine crashed pretty bad at the redline qulafiers in charrlotte last may and smashed the whole face of the helmet in

02-11-2005, 11:02 AM
I just tore the quad up real good in 04. I came out pretty good actually.....:D

02-11-2005, 11:16 AM
how about some pics of your quads after bad wrecks. i wish i could post some but i got rid of all my broken and screwed up parts before i ever had a digi cam:( . all i have right now to show is a smashed up bar end plug

02-11-2005, 11:26 AM
This is all that happened to my quad . Cracked the plastic maybe 2 inches and left a couple tire marks up my rear fender and across the seat .

02-11-2005, 11:44 AM
well late spring i spun at a friends house and hit the the brick wall by the trail, resulting in a broken wrist and slight concussion. 10 weeks in cast for that one.

other than that i had an over the bars at around 50mph through a hidden water hole. some rock rash on my back and fery very sore for a couple of weeks.

02-11-2005, 11:50 AM
Greg, that still amazes the hell outta me! I'd probably say you wish the quad took the brunt of the injury instead of your leg!:p

02-11-2005, 11:56 AM
green-fractured both wrist trying to show-off, and clear a triple! Flat landed...

02-11-2005, 12:12 PM
04 was a pretty safe year for me. Just a fractured rib and I had knee surgery. I think i just refractured my rib snowboarding last week. I cant take deep breaths anymore... :mad:

02-11-2005, 12:46 PM
Last spring I crashed and messed up my shoulder.
I just crashed again about 3 weeks ago and broke a couple ribs.

02-11-2005, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by zephead400ex

Kara, did you get your tailbone fixed up?:p

yep i can sit down just fine...haha, sometimes my ribs still give me trouble..right before it rains or if the weathers all funny, i get little sharp pains in my side sometime

02-11-2005, 01:36 PM
never broke a bone in my life...i just got to be the b*tch at football practice and get drilled...i was told the last time i got hit my feet were like 3ft off the ground and the 1st thing that hit the ground was my head...i dont remember that but i got checked 4 a concussion after that and never had one of those either so im preety safe

02-11-2005, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
yep i can sit down just fine...haha, sometimes my ribs still give me trouble..right before it rains or if the weathers all funny, i get little sharp pains in my side sometime

Good deal, wouldn't want anything happening to that back side:D I know what you mean about the changing weather. I have bad tendanitis in my right shoulder from a car wreck 6 years ago. Hell, I can predict the weather better than most meteorologist:cool:

02-11-2005, 02:44 PM
In May I cased a 50 ft stepdown double, fractured my ankle,broke the growth plate in my foot and broke all my toes. What sucks about it is that I was doing the jump easy the time I was there before but i just felt off this day and shouldnt have went for it but I did and paid the price.

02-11-2005, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by hessianmx111
In May I cased a 50 ft stepdown double, fractured my ankle,broke the growth plate in my foot and broke all my toes. What sucks about it is that I was doing the jump easy the time I was there before but i just felt off this day and shouldnt have went for it but I did and paid the price.

I seen a few people eat chit on that same jump....:( Luckily I never did...:o

02-11-2005, 02:57 PM
collar bone, few fingers, one knuckle(dont ask), lots and lots of cuts and bruises, and lots of damage to my quads.:(

edit- and one rib

02-11-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by zephead400ex
Greg, that still amazes the hell outta me! I'd probably say you wish the quad took the brunt of the injury instead of your leg!:p

Yeah it amazes me also when I go out and look at it . I'd have much rather my quad be wrecked than my leg having taken all the impact . There's not even a paint chip on the frame .... only that cracked plastics and like I said the tire marks running up the rear fender and across my seat . My helmet has a little scratch from when his bike hit me also . I'm surprised I didn't break my arm from trying to block my head .

02-11-2005, 03:04 PM
i left 3 teeth on a creek bank:(

02-11-2005, 03:06 PM
I ruptured 2 disks in my lower back, had them removed and the vertibrae fused together. Still can't ride !!! and might not be able to agressively ride ever again. WORST YEAR EVER!!!!

02-11-2005, 03:09 PM
MXJUNKIE are u sure it was ten minutes u were knocked out becasue the girl who was there told me u fell laid there for like ten seconds got up and went home:rolleyes:

02-11-2005, 03:15 PM
Landed a little short on a 60 foot double. Slammed my heel into the gront fractured it and did damage to my ligiments around it. Besides that it was a safe race season

02-11-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by quadrcr87
Landed a little short on a 60 foot double. Slammed my heel into the gront fractured it and did damage to my ligiments around it. Besides that it was a safe race season its mostly them effin screwed up step ups at the burlington track that i have convinced myself that i will clear that i keep screwin up on and the doubles at other tracks i go to once or twice a season when my freinds want me to go

02-11-2005, 03:39 PM
Let see fractured my wrist in 3 places, that was a good time

Plus i'm convinced my bank account is broke because the money keeps disapearing:huh

02-11-2005, 04:16 PM
Broken nose in gym class :ermm: :ermm: :ermm: :ermm: :huh :huh :huh :huh

02-11-2005, 08:03 PM
suffered from a dislocated shoulder around mid season. and its still poping out from time to time..

02-11-2005, 08:10 PM
waukon iowa sat night practice and 19 stitchs in my upper thigh when i ran over my leg~

sunday morning 1st place in my class~

02-11-2005, 08:38 PM
Spent fourth of july in the E.R. after flippin it on the third out camping. That was the biggest friggun bruise I ever saw.

02-13-2005, 09:28 PM
I got knocked out saturday(12th)from snowboarding. And i broke my ankle, i was hit by a car.

02-13-2005, 09:48 PM
Well dam Greg, your quad made out pretty good! Mine def needs a new frame... still totaling things up. From the accident, of which I have no memory of... swelling and bleeding to 3 lobes of the brain... broken right shoulder blade... broken right collar bone... 3 ribs... left hand... damage to right lung... just went in for another CT scan... they still can't figure out why they couldn't find anything... :p :o

And yes, I had full riding gear on. Ruined my helmet and chest protector... shirt was fine until they cut it off me in the helicopter... :grr: Do they make riding shirts with a zipper front? :confused: :blah:

450 Racer R
02-14-2005, 03:17 PM
I landed sideways over a jump and got thrown off, hit my head and was knocked out for a good 20 minutes. After a helicopter ride I was released with just a minor concussion. Five days later, I was thrown over the bars going through a whoops section, was knocked out, and broke my collar bone. That was the worst feeling in the world. Got another ride in the helicopter and had to spend the night.

2 helicopter rides in one week!:macho

the yazer
02-14-2005, 03:31 PM
2004 was a fairly safe year for me .............. other than the normal bumps and bruises my worst I was trying a hill climb on my 400ex and flipped over backwards and got pile driven in the ground. some how no broken ribs but ended up with a mangled left ring finger???????????????

02-14-2005, 04:03 PM
broke my left forearm. snapped both bones in half. 15 weeks ina cast. could of gotten steel plates but hospital made a mistake and said i was 10 because im a short 15yr old. and they had to get a dr in from far away and tehy said i was 10 so long story short 15 weeks in a cast but could of had 20weeks in a cast steel plates and a hell of a long time at therapy

02-14-2005, 04:54 PM
i broke my arm in half but it wasnt on my quad it was snowboarding but it look pretty cool and my freind freak out,
for some reason i always seem to break one of my arms every year:confused:

02-14-2005, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
Well dam Greg, your quad made out pretty good! Mine def needs a new frame... still totaling things up. From the accident, of which I have no memory of... swelling and bleeding to 3 lobes of the brain... broken right shoulder blade... broken right collar bone... 3 ribs... left hand... damage to right lung... just went in for another CT scan... they still can't figure out why they couldn't find anything... :p :o

And yes, I had full riding gear on. Ruined my helmet and chest protector... shirt was fine until they cut it off me in the helicopter... :grr: Do they make riding shirts with a zipper front? :confused: :blah:

Yeah you got it rough Bart . Something as crazy as your accident , and you don't remember it ... I'd be pissed . LOL See atleast I can tell people my story of what happened .... you just got bills and scars to show for it .

They wanted to cut my jersey off .... but I insisted that they don't .... so 2 nurses pulled it off of me . They cut my pants and boots ... there was no way an $80 jersey was being cut also when I knew it could be saved .

02-14-2005, 07:29 PM
enduro400rider i broke my arm in half but it wasnt on my quad it was snowboarding but it look pretty cool and my freind freak out,

yea like alot of my brothers friends were over and they all were freaking out and i was just sitting there in shock not doing anything. couldnt even feel it. it was kinda cool. i moved my arm and the bone moved all over nad like popped in and out all over:D

02-14-2005, 07:47 PM
Well first time i rode my 450r at my friends launched the jump going down hill went to far clipped a tree and broke my wrist.I was in a cast all summer and rode like that for a while, and 2 days before the exriders ride i got it off and still rode like a champ:D :macho :devil:

02-14-2005, 08:25 PM
The pic says all!! This happened at a Short track Race in August of 04. Touched tires and sent me flying, 3hrs of surgury and just now getting to the point where I can do normal stuff.



02-14-2005, 08:28 PM
not mx related...but the bottom part of my leg came out of the knee when i was running across my yard..hurt like no other...it comes out again if i walk wrong...:ermm:

02-14-2005, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
My goal for '05 is to stay outta the hospital's emergency room or anything that involves morphine to kill pain .

welp that goal for my is already broken along with my leg... i broke my leg 2 weeks ago... and in 04.. i only had one crash that really injered my bad... i riped a muscle off my pelvis and i couldnt move my legs for a couple of day and finaly got back ridding about a month later.... i also had some BAD scraps all the way down my back from them chity housers braking again... and thats about it for 04... i hope this leg is all i got in store for 05 and 06 and 07 and so on and so on

02-14-2005, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by MotoX3
not mx related...but the bottom part of my leg came out of the knee when i was running across my yard..hurt like no other...it comes out again if i walk wrong...:ermm:

howd did that happen from just running across your yard

02-14-2005, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
welp that goal for my is already broken along with my leg... i broke my leg 2 weeks ago... and in 04.. i only had one crash that really injered my bad... i riped a muscle off my pelvis and i couldnt move my legs for a couple of day and finaly got back ridding about a month later.... i also had some BAD scraps all the way down my back from them chity housers braking again... and thats about it for 04... i hope this leg is all i got in store for 05 and 06 and 07 and so on and so on

How did you break your leg ??? I hope you heal up quickly man . Just remember to take it easy so that you do aggrevate or re-injure it once it's all healed . I got too brave on my crutches , tripped and hurt my ankle and leg pretty badly .... set me back a while .

02-14-2005, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by kenwoodjeff
The pic says all!! This happened at a Short track Race in August of 04. Touched tires and sent me flying, 3hrs of surgury and just now getting to the point where I can do normal stuff.



OUCH !!!!!!!!

02-15-2005, 12:25 AM
Broke my fibula and tore inner ankle ligaments and tendons requiring 3 hrs of plate and screw surgury. I was trying to perfect a HS backflip on a wakeboard. Getting those tight bindings off of an almost compound fracture was a MF'r! I was out of work for 3 months. Luckily, I get 100% pay for short-term med leave for 12 weeks each year. My ankle still swells sometimes, but other than that, it's good to go.

02-15-2005, 08:05 AM
Fractured my T-10 flat-trackin'. I packed the chit out of the wall coming out of turn 4. no work for 12 weeks......:(

02-15-2005, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by JR3
howd did that happen from just running across your yard i have REALLY weak joints....like my knees and ankles...i wasnt just running across the yard...i shoulda mentioned this....i was chasin our dog and we have a really uneven yard....i kind of slipped and fell down funny and my leg just kind popped out...i dont know...it was wierd:blah: :ermm:

02-15-2005, 05:17 PM
I fractured my ankle wrestling I was back wrestling in 1 week because I hurt two weeks before the district tournement so i endured some pain for that it didn't fully heal for about a month and a half after districts

Lil - Braff
02-15-2005, 06:41 PM
Well I'd never broken any bones until this year. I was racing, clipped a tree pretty good, stopped really quick, flipped a few times, and ended up breaking my thumb. And of course, it just had to be my right thumb. It hurt pretty bad and felt really weird but I finished the race and also didn't finish last! :p Other than that I just had the typical little cuts and bruises, nothin to big.

My dad wrecked at the WV Gncc and got to ride in an ambulance. He thought he broke his leg but thankfully he didn't. It was just a REALLY deep bruise.

All together, last year was a really good year except for a broken thumb, almost broken leg, and having to rebuild my quad, my dad's, and our 400. Hopefully next year goes a little bit better!

02-15-2005, 07:09 PM
My force chest protector saved 4 ribs and a dislocated shoulder.

I came off a table top and:
1. I tried to clear it (never done that before)
2. I came off the lip sideways that I landed at like a 90 degree angle to the way I was going. (FYI you can't land like that so I half bailed and came down on my shoulder, then onto my ribs. I have my chest protector shatter marks to prove it.)