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View Full Version : dirt bike problems

Red Rooster
05-02-2002, 06:55 AM
Ok my friend's mom has this dirt bike(cheaply built[Jinching JC100y] with a suzuki 100cc 2-stroke motor) First of the clutch was out of adjustment realy bad. We fixed that. the other problem was that It jumps out of gear. like it falls between and you cant get it in gear unless you shift all the way to neutral.(the gear shift pattern is N-1-2-3-4)They did ride it for a while with the clutch out of adjustment for a while(the clutch wasn't real working. Put it in gear and it just goes, you know) So please help me out cause i'm gonna feel like a idiot to bring it back to them ''I can't fix your dirtbike''.:confused: :(