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View Full Version : How to remove pivot bolt berrings

02-01-2005, 09:01 PM
Like the title says. I just got a swingarm, and it needs new pivot bolt berrings, how do I get the old ones out?

02-02-2005, 04:42 AM
stand the swingarm up on its side with the bearings hanging off the workbench, take a really long flat screwdriver and bang away with a hammer from the top. Make sure you are hitting the LOWER bearing to drive it out the bottom. alternate sides of the race so you are working it out straight. Flip over and repeat for other race.

You may end up mashing the crap out of the races, but as long as you get them out, you're all set.

you can soak them with PB Blaster if you want, but not always necessary.

That's how I got mine out


02-02-2005, 08:10 AM
Find an old socket the same size as the bearings, put the socket against them and beat them out. Put the swinger on it's side when doing this..

02-02-2005, 08:14 AM
the scredriver thing will work, but is not a good idea. here's what i do with no damage to anything! find a socket that will fit into the bearing cavity with little play. rest it on top of the needle bearing assembly, and put an extension on to the socket. then use a hammer to tap the extension pushing the bearings out. you may have to really whack em but don't worry you won't have to worry about damaging the inside of the bearing housing, and the bearings themselves will have minimal damage. you can put new bearings back in this way too, but you have to be very careful not to get them crooked or damage anything. bi gentle when putting them in.