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View Full Version : PumpX vs. Cardiostack

02-01-2005, 05:55 PM
Where are the review on these two products... I thought there were members testing both products and suppose to do a review.. I would like to see the results..

03-08-2005, 05:53 PM
Does anyone have info on this yet?? I cant find it anywhere.. Did Quadjunkie do a report on it??

03-08-2005, 07:52 PM
I don't want to start a huge deal but Pump X does not work at all..I took it out at Glen Helen GNC and time myself..I hit the gate 35-38 minutes after I took the pills...I had a-arm pump like a MOFO..

All my friends were laughing cuz I told them the pills would work..Yeah right...

I have never tried cardio cuz I never got free examples..:(

03-09-2005, 12:41 AM
Im sorry.. I apoligize I have been pretty busy this past month.
I actually did get a chance to try both products and I am currently awaiting to hear a response from Cardiostack on a few questions I had to make Arm fatigue less for me .:)

I first tried the PumpX. I thought it may have helped some the first night but didnt get the same results the second time racing.There was no jitters with PumpX like some of the stuff Ive tried in the past did. I didint have a large enough sample to REALLY give the product a good try for an accurate review.

I Tried Cardio stack the second week racing and WOW.. Now I have to say my Husband and I both got a HUGE amt. of energy !! I think most of the riders who know me could see I was totally shocked how much endurance I had . :blah: The energy was not a jittery or jolt either for myself. I still Cont. to have issues with the Arm pump though and I did email them on my fidings and asked for further help to see what could reduce the Fatigue and cramping while racing.

I have Carpel Tunnel and Tendonitis so I have been eagerly searching for ways to cut down on fatigue.

My findings would be to just go and buy one of each and try them both and do your own test! For myself, I found my most results would have to lean towards Cardio Stack I think most of you will find it was great for energy and I will Cont. to buy there product in the future... :)

03-09-2005, 03:55 AM
we will get sample pack sent too people who want them when we get them. we put an order in a couple of months ago, and we still haven't recieved them. i will let everyone know when we get them.

03-09-2005, 05:56 AM
Read this.


03-09-2005, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by jb500ex
we will get sample pack sent too people who want them when we get them. we put an order in a couple of months ago, and we still haven't recieved them. i will let everyone know when we get them.

OK thanks..

03-09-2005, 08:35 AM
I have a simliar problem like yours. I have cists in both of my wrists. They are right in the joint and continue to rub away at my bone. It is similar to arthritis. I use and Anti-Vibe stem, Flexx Bars, and definitaley Cardio Stack. I did my first hare scramble the other week. I got very little arm pump and my wrists didn't hurt after the race like they normally do.

03-09-2005, 09:09 AM
Well, I have an unused bottle of Cardio Stack sitting on my shelf at home because the one time I tried it I got arm pump like a mofo. Cardio Stack is no different than any other energy supplement out there that contains L-Carnatine......it's just not. Other energy supplements also tend to exhasperate my arm pump problem, NOT take it away.

In my humble opinion, someone decided to market a regular energy supplement to the MX community..........

I know I won't touch the stuff again. It does work out OK for regular workouts, though.......it does give good energy....but if I'm racing, it's just water and bananas for me!! ;)

03-09-2005, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by 400grl
Well, I have an unused bottle of Cardio Stack sitting on my shelf at home because the one time I tried it I got arm pump like a mofo. Cardio Stack is no different than any other energy supplement out there that contains L-Carnatine......it's just not. Other energy supplements also tend to exhasperate my arm pump problem, NOT take it away.

In my humble opinion, someone decided to market a regular energy supplement to the MX community..........

I know I won't touch the stuff again. It does work out OK for regular workouts, though.......it does give good energy....but if I'm racing, it's just water and bananas for me!! ;)

Thanks for letting US know that.. But umm Y Water and Bananas?

03-09-2005, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by BlueZ440
Thanks for letting US know that.. But umm Y Water and Bananas? Water for dehydration . your mucules tend to cramp or "charlie horse" when you dont drink enough of it.Bananas contain alot of potassium and also helps with crampiing. I HATE bananas so I take a supplement with potassium instead.

One thing I have noticed is that after riding it does go away after a bit and I feel like my muscles are warmed up a bit, I was wondering, you think maybe taking some small weights and doing a few Arm excersises before a moto would be a good idea?

As for those Flexxbars, I tried them on a freinds quad and did not like them but I ride with everything else on my quad and I have a good set of shocks now :)

03-09-2005, 09:45 AM

03-09-2005, 09:57 AM
Yep - Tina is right on with the water/bananas info! :) In the summer I drink more gatorade, but water in the winter......just because I don't really need all those extra calories.

I have actually found the best thing for me is lots of cardio......working out during the week and getting in good cardio training has been the best thing for my arm pump (seat time is the VERY best thing, but I can't ride every day). I ride 2-3 times a week (on the good weeks) and that takes care of my strength training........riding that much, I don't really get arm pump much anymore.......I got it really bad the day I took Cardiostack at the WORCS race on Saturday, but on Sunday, when I didn't take it, I didn't even START to get arm pump. My last lap that race was my fastest.......my arms/thumb felt great! Breathing definately helps.......I have to make myself breathe when I'm racing.......keeping hydrated.......that's a biggie.......making sure your suspension is set up for your weight I think is also a really big deal. If it's too stiff, you will get arm-pump alot easier.......

I tried Flexx bars, too - didn't really think they made enough of a difference to spend $300 on them.....my antivibe stem and steering dampner do a great job as they are.......

You know.........finding a miracle pill for arm pump is going to make someone rich someday - like whoever finds the miracle pill for getting rid of fat (without any horrible side-effects!!)! LOL!

03-09-2005, 10:03 AM

03-09-2005, 10:48 AM
Cardio stack is NOT an arm pump reducer and it's not advertised as that... Don't expect it to be a miracle drug.

It's not going to give a boost of energy when you take it. It will take about 30 - 45 minutes to start working. Which is perfect for XC racing were your tired at 45 minutes and still have 1.5 hours left of riding. My lap times improved greatly after I started taking cardio stack at races and I started to finish a lot better in my class.


Work out, ride often and get on a good diet and you'll see arm pump go away.....:cool: <----that's what did it for me. Cardio stack just made me faster but didn't turn me into Superman over night like some are expecting.. take it for what it's worth.

I take Cardio Stack Daily now and have lost 15 lbs with it and working out 4 times a week. Cardio stack will also help in reducing the soreness in your muscles. It's great for us old racers with wore out muscles... LOL

CORRY... I"ll buy that bottle of CS off of you don't throw it away. Give me your address and I'll send you a shipping label to ship it too me.....;)

03-09-2005, 11:06 AM
Delays the onset of ARM PUMP & Fatigue:D

03-09-2005, 11:07 AM
I will just send it to you, Rico!! :) I only took 2 of them, so the rest are yours - let me check at home, though - just to be sure I didn't throw them away!! I'm pretty sure I still have them! :) PM me with your shipping addy! :)

Cardio Stack
03-09-2005, 06:20 PM
I was asked to come on here tonight and respond to some of the e-mails regarding Cardio Stack.

ARM PUMP seems to be the big topic so I will address it. I deal with a similar topic regularly with professional football players and the 2 are closely related.

Arm pump is caused from a number of things:

1. Exercise
2. Lactic Acid Buildup
3. Muscle Acidity
4. Blood Type (some foods like bananas actually acidify muscle tissue and yes speed arm pump)
5. ADMA, Homocysteine
6. Superoxide Anion
7. Insufficient BH4 levels
8. Phosphodistearase
9. Low Acetyl Choline
and many more....

As far as Cardio Stack goes......

1st of all it is not a miracle pill. There is no such thing.

2nd of all it was not developed specifically for arm pump. It was developed to maximize cellular respiration by triggering hormone sensitive adipose lipase, transporting triglycerides and then converting them into energy to maximize a workout, a sports contest etc etc..it absolutely may help some people with arm pump in the meantime. Bottom line: it was developed for active people, professional athletes, will help with energy, endurance, recovery, fat loss, mental energy, mood, protect muscle, reduce lactic acid build up etc...unilke any other product on the market period.

Summary: While Cardio Stack may help your performance tremendously (especially when taken every day) there are other contributing factors that cause arm pump that sometimes a pill cannot overcome. Many are listed above.

The order of importance when addressing arm pump is as follows:

1. Hydration
2. Diet related to blood type
3. Exercise regularly
4. Ingest vital nutrients (As found in Cardio Stack) to help clear some of the causes of arm pump.

Owner Cardio Stack

03-09-2005, 07:07 PM
Thanks for the feedback.. I am running xc and am looking for energy and some less arm pump.. I tried the Pumpx samples and I had arm pump for the first 30 -45 min after that it was only about 25% and I was good to go for the rest of the race. I really wanted to try the Cardio Stack to see what it would do and go from there.. I would like to get a bottle but want to know that it will work before buying a whole bottle..

03-09-2005, 07:41 PM
yeah I deffinitley want to try it out. When you guys get samples in be sure to shoot me a PM. How much does a bottle of it run?

03-09-2005, 07:48 PM
on the racing website we have had it on special for $40 for a 90 capsule bottle and $25 for a 45 capsule bottle

03-09-2005, 07:48 PM
i have heard mixed reviews, from people i trust. but more positive then negative so if your in good shape and healthy id imagine it will work fine.

harlen tested it, and admitted to me that he felt it made a difference in his energy level. i myself cant take it but lord knows i need the extra energy:p

i dont believe (as stated) that its a cure all for arm pump....and no pill is going to turn a couch potatoe into joe racer:)

03-09-2005, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by 400grl
Yep - Tina is right on with the water/bananas info! :) In the summer I drink more gatorade, but water in the winter......just because I don't really need all those extra calories.

I have actually found the best thing for me is lots of cardio......working out during the week and getting in good cardio training has been the best thing for my arm pump (seat time is the VERY best thing, but I can't ride every day). I ride 2-3 times a week (on the good weeks) and that takes care of my strength training........riding that much, I don't really get arm pump much anymore.......I got it really bad the day I took Cardiostack at the WORCS race on Saturday, but on Sunday, when I didn't take it, I didn't even START to get arm pump. My last lap that race was my fastest.......my arms/thumb felt great! Breathing definately helps.......I have to make myself breathe when I'm racing.......keeping hydrated.......that's a biggie.......making sure your suspension is set up for your weight I think is also a really big deal. If it's too stiff, you will get arm-pump alot easier.......

I tried Flexx bars, too - didn't really think they made enough of a difference to spend $300 on them.....my antivibe stem and steering dampner do a great job as they are.......

You know.........finding a miracle pill for arm pump is going to make someone rich someday - like whoever finds the miracle pill for getting rid of fat (without any horrible side-effects!!)! LOL!



03-10-2005, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by 400grl
I will just send it to you, Rico!! :) I only took 2 of them, so the rest are yours - let me check at home, though - just to be sure I didn't throw them away!! I'm pretty sure I still have them! :) PM me with your shipping addy! :)

Send me a PM with your address when you find that you still have it. I'll ship out a prefilled out Fed-Ex shipping form.... You Must return it with pics of you also.....:D