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View Full Version : OCCRA MAY 5th race at SCIPIO, OK

04-29-2002, 09:06 PM
Whoever is planning on racing this thing, bring tall tires...the course is rough as ****. Lotsa BIG rocks and mud.

04-30-2002, 01:37 PM
you gonna run it? I'll be on my yellow 400 with shaved fenders #288. Hope to see you there.

04-30-2002, 03:33 PM
wish i could make this, but i'm going out of town. occra races at lake murray, too, right? i like riding there. how good is the quad turnout at these events?

04-30-2002, 09:12 PM
This year we've had the most quads ever and are making a new class. Beginner.

05-01-2002, 04:47 PM
exactly where is this event? im in dallas.

05-01-2002, 06:44 PM
Scipio is located outside of Mcalester. From Dallas, just take 69 north, it's probably about a 3 1/2 to 4 hour drive. Once in Mcalester, just stop somewhere and ask someone. It's out in the boondocks.

05-01-2002, 06:48 PM
By the way, OCCRA288, I went to OCCRA's website and it didn't have any info on this race. Such as, when do I sign up, what class I will be in for sure, etc. Is there an age class, or only the three classes-amateur, expert and utility? You said something about a beginner class...what's the difference between that and the amateur class? I definitely need to be in the SLOWEST class!!!

05-01-2002, 08:04 PM
You can sign up and practice saturday before the race. Utility=automatic transmission w/ reverse.
Beginner=First year racers and just slower people
Amatuer=one of the most competitive classes these guys are pretty fast.
Pro=We race for money and bragging rights. This is the fastest class(of course). I race Pro.
I think everything but pro costs 30$ if you are a member and 35$ if you aren't a member. Pro entry is 35$ for member and 40 if you are a nonmember.

05-02-2002, 06:15 PM
Dude, I'm gettin' butterflies already, and I haven't even decided for sure if I'm gonna race yet! That course is supposed to be super rocky and I really don't want to tear my stuff up. How tough do they usually make these courses? I mean it's rideable, right? They do take into consideration that alot of folks ride sport bikes and not big, jacked up 4X4's, right? Maybe I'm just being a wuss...I should just do it, huh?

05-02-2002, 08:35 PM
They won't make it unpassable if that's what you mean. but it should be fairly hard. WE have more Sport quads than utilities in all the quad classes. As long as you have a belly skid and a swingarm skid you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

"Everyone has their first race, When will yours be?"

05-03-2002, 04:10 PM
How many miles is this course? How long does it usually take to pre-ride one? What time should I go out there to sign up and pre-ride? Do all the classes race together, I mean, am I going to be on the course the same time as the experts and pros? Cause, if that's the case, I don't wanna piss anyone off by being in the way?

05-03-2002, 05:09 PM
I don't know how long this track will be. more than 7 miles I hope.

You will race at the same time as the experts but if you hear someone behind you and they are faster than you let them by. Most pros will rev their engine hard when coming up on someone or they will holler at you as well. The guys are really hard to piss off so don't worry about that.

05-05-2002, 05:11 PM
This track was a grueling 8.2 mile lap with no easy sections whatsoever. There were miles of rocks bigger than your tires and more rocks just lurking right off the track. I ran 3 laps in the hour and a half alotted. Each lap taking almost exactly 32 minutes. The last lap I had a flat about 5 miles from the checkpoint so I went hard as I could and ended up fifth place. I'm not the fastest rider in OCCRA but I've never quit a race due to equipment failure or injury.