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01-27-2005, 09:29 PM
just got a big shocker Sunday night.......

My Ole man wanted to do a therough look threw my quad ,seems like it wasnt pullin as hard as it used to even after installing a new cam(defected one replaced) and even after changing front and Rear gearing... Still doesnt pull as hard....
Well, MY piston was bad,rings are shot ,rod had a small amt. of play but not too much it was time to do a rebuild... Its had TONS of races and its only been a year, but were talking DBL riders racing it, so its had some hours on it

well, money was tight right now ,were right smack in the middle of our series,4 racers in my house trying to make it one more month, but He didint think it should wait that long so....

I get a call from him late that night that him and a bunch of my buds all put in for my Bday a new 440 kit w/12:1 piston had spent all day getting it done and going threw heat cycles on it so that I could hopefully kick some butt this wk end
Ive only seen one 440 around here and it was having issues with head gaskets so I dont know really what to expect, other than the 426 revs quicker.. I wasnt too keen on having to buy race fuel now,but looks like we got a sponsor for that now so I wont have to worry this year!!

Im in a STFT series right now, what difference will I see/feel compared to my 426. I still am going to replace some of my 426 stuff so that I can have both on hand,and I will be installing a 450R carb but I am anxiuos to see what differences there is
I am still in shock of just how nice and genorous all my buds were for doing this for me.. I was a little choked up from the kindness,so if your reading this ... again, Thank you Fastbikes!! :) ;)

01-28-2005, 12:01 AM
Your welcome....anything to help a sista out!!:D

01-28-2005, 06:48 AM
Congratulations, I love my 440. It has a lot of torque which suits me fine for woods racing. I had to install oversized headstuds to fix the gasket prolem. I went with FDO a while ago, but GT thunder has them out and cheaper than what I paid. Heavy duty parts now are the best way to go. Rod, cam chain, studs, and a good gasket kit running all of the gaskets.

01-28-2005, 02:15 PM
I would get a h/d rod when you get the chance. You may or may not have head gasket problems just depends.
When you get a chance to race it i'm sure you will like it though.

01-28-2005, 08:53 PM
Wonderful people have wonderful friends:)

I bet you'll be de doin' some serious arse kickin':D

01-28-2005, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by JOEX
Wonderful people have wonderful friends:)

I bet you'll be de doin' some serious arse kickin':D I sure hope so... Cause all I seem to be getting lately is MY *** kicked :( :o

01-28-2005, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by K_Fulk
I would get a h/d rod when you get the chance. You may or may not have head gasket problems just depends.
When you get a chance to race it i'm sure you will like it though. I already have the right head gaskets :)

01-31-2005, 10:36 AM
RIGHT ON Tina :D:D thats cool!!! Wish I would of know I could of made you guys a KILLER deal on a 440 kit!!!!!!!!!!! We have one BUT decided to go w/ the 426 for right now, we tore it down this weekend & it doesn't look too bad actually!! We are taking a dune trip middle of Feb so we didn't want to wait or rush our machine guy waiting for re-sleeving so we thought we'd see what the 426 will be like before we go ALL out ;) I think it'll be just fine since ti's not really raced, BUT when DJ does start racing it then we will have to GO ALL OUT:blah: i WILL BE (damn caps lock) LOL, VERY interested to see your results :D:D:D

So keep us updated & are you posting flatrack pics or threads an ymore/??? :( haven't seen any lately I'm missing hearing abuot your guys' racing!!

01-31-2005, 10:49 AM
Hey Girlie
I DO still keep doing pics for theracing, BUT..its in Video form now, its the only way to make the race lok good since all my pics come out blurry with my POS camera :(
My 440 kit was FREE! so it dont get better than that!!:blah: It was my Bday gift!!! I raced it this wkend ..not running good :ermm: it flooed at the end of my race and I even had to be towed back to the pit...lol Troy will get it dialed in hopefully this wk end . Its goign to also get a 450r carb to add a few more ponies...hehe
You are goign to simply LOVE the 426, I loved mine but wanted a litte more top end Ill keep my 426 for a back JUST in case I ever need it ...
Dunig... your goign duning?! Im jealous!! I have hit sand but only TWICE last year!! Im not summer racing this year, so Ill have more time to play :)

The kids are doing GREAT!! Brandon is havinga hard time with the big dogs, he has been having to line up in the back too and he cant get around this 150(hes skerd to go around it cause its so BIG!:eek2: ) but we also tell him to stay clear of it too cause if they tangle hes gonna know it! I think Brandon is sitting in third place right now, but close to 4th
Kelsey is UNDEFEATED this year!! :blah: :macho She is justabout ready for a bigger quad shes getting TOO TALL for here mini.

Troy is 3-4th in Pro,they screwed up and scored him 3 nights with zero points and he has placed top 4 every race BUT the first wk end.. :rolleyes: He should be in a solid 3rd

Im sitting in 3rd as well, its hard to win $hit this year, they are all so fast . Im yet to beat BlueZ440 this year, hes set up and running VERY well this year,but Ive also bee lined up near the back EVERY RACE this season(unlike SOME people who draw good numbers all the time!) :p
Last wk end I took 2nd in the heat and 3rd in the main,lots of wrecks this year!! Ifyou can EVER get to cable, I have been pstng a few vids from wek to week and Ill have more up on my site this week

01-31-2005, 11:30 AM
THANKS for the race report :D:D

YES we are going to the dunes :blah: can you believe it'll be the 2ND time in 6 months :eek2: WHOA slow down Sandvig's LOL
A bunch of the Monroe racers & others all hit Sand Lake Presidents weekend so it should be FUN!! And Ron is taking a couple days off so we'll be able to enjoy it a little more this time!!

Tell the kids WAY TO GO!!!! sounds like they are doing great, I know what you mean about Brandon trying to get around the BIG quads, we tell Trevor the same thing, & thats in the PEEWEE class, there are a couple of big 50's out there man they'd run right over the top of Trevor if he got tangled also!! So we tell him to be VERY careful w/ them. We are leaning on getting him a Kasea but we want to pump the LEM up w/ about a 60-65 1st because he's so used to riding it, & it's set up good for flatrrack. We are taking either a LT80 or the 90 to the dunes w/ us for him to get some seat time on,his LEM just doesn't MOVE in the sand plus it gets all clogged up, heck he might shock all of us & do great on that, maybe we'll justhave to bump him up a class next year :eek: ;)

Well at least your hanging up there w/ the boyz ;) that sucks about Troy's points I'd be ******in'!!!!!!!!
WE haven't been racing since Monroe :( we will hit a few but are waiting for DJ's 240 to be done!! My 300 is pretty much retired now unless I decide to run it in the 250-350 class but thats getting SOOOOOO COMPETITIVE HP wise it's crazy!!! But we still hve some secrets up our sleeves ;)

Well have fun racing I'll try & watch some of the vids, it just takes awhile to download but I'll just leave it on all day LMAO I'm getting closer to high speed though

01-31-2005, 11:46 AM
on a side note, blueZ440 Is heading to race Glen Helen this wk end w/ Lance and a few other locals. He could use a BIG best of luck!! Ill be rooting for him.... :) He raced an exibition race with the Pro calss this wk end and done VERY well!! He will be racing next year Pro . I dont feel so bad losing to a rider whos Pro Level now:o

01-31-2005, 11:47 AM
BTW.. Would you like me to burn you a CD of this years vidoes I made??? I will send you a copy if you like you will have to play it on computer cause its burned toCDR not DVDR..

01-31-2005, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
BTW.. Would you like me to burn you a CD of this years vidoes I made??? I will send you a copy if you like you will have to play it on computer cause its burned toCDR not DVDR..

:cool: that would be WAY cool!!! I'd love to see them :) We're thinking about getting a DVD recorder so we can just plug the vid cam into it & record on DVD WAY more convient.
I can send you some discs if ya want :) LMK
and THANKS again!!

02-01-2005, 12:17 AM
I got cha covered ;)

you will have to play it on your computer though....

02-01-2005, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
I got cha covered ;)

you will have to play it on your computer though....

Thanks girl :) no prob playing it on the puter, if it's too slow I 'll go use my bro's :D:D

HEY BLUE IF YOUR READING THIS GOOD LUCK THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go kick some butt man I wish you the best! I'm sure Todd is racing?? Along w/ Lance?? Well if so tell them Dirtmomma said good luck :D:D:D

02-01-2005, 10:09 AM
I dont know that Todd is doing anymore racing ???:confused: OR if hes just going to do a rebuilt ect... I dont think hes FT racing anymore,but maybe he will be MX'ing this summer :)