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View Full Version : To Sleeve or Not?

01-26-2005, 09:46 AM
Considering picking up a bike that needs to be sleeved as it has been bored over to many times, For the same price I can pick up a used cylinder that needs to be bored or get the current head sleeved. I would think sleeving it would be better, but my uncle who is a vet of ATV's thinks sleeving isnt that dependable. So what kinda info do you guys have to offer, or what expierences have you had?

Thanks - Morgan

01-26-2005, 10:37 AM
Maybe your Unc is trying to tell you that repetitive resleeving is not the best, and there is some truth to this. But in your case, if your current cylinder has been bored too many times and is in need of only its second resleeving, then you would be fine just resleeving the one that you have. Reason being that if you buy a used cylinder, who is to know if the bike was overheated causing warpage and the head - to - cylinder mating surface to be out of acceptable tolerances.

01-26-2005, 11:42 AM
as far as I know this would be the heads first re-sleeve. No Positive. How exactly is re-sleeving done? I was under the impression the would press the entire sleeve out and then press inan entire new one, my uncle was sayin they bore the original way down and then press in a thinner then stock sleeve (since you still have some of the original) so you then have like 2 layers.

Which is true or are they both true for different circumstance's?

01-26-2005, 11:50 AM
old one is removed, new one is pressed in, it's a dependable as the shop that does if for you, it can be as bullet proof as stock, or sombody can completly jackleg it

01-26-2005, 12:17 PM
Id be taking it to L.A. Sleeve or LASleeve.com

They have been doing this awhile and all the local shops ended up reccomending them. SO I feel they are just as qualified as anyone, but its 3 week turn time, thats lousy if you ask me. Add 50$ and they will do it in a week they say. thats rude.

just for the re-sleeving its 250$, sound about right?

01-26-2005, 07:02 PM
Daaaaaaamn!! $250 just for a resleeve costs way more than a big bore kit with a new LA sleeve alone. I know this because I did the same thing when I had my old 440 kit. Screw that price, honestly you would be getting ripped off. Find a good reputable machine shop in your area, they would be able to press in the new sleeve for under $50 no doubt.
And BTW, your uncle is completely wrong about the process of resleeving. Like UglyMotha said, the old one is pressed out and the new one is pressed in. The new piston is then measured and the new sleeve is bored out to accompany the piston's exact measurement with the rings and honed. Like I said above, any good machine shop should be able to handle this task. Oh, and stay AWAY from the bike dealerships. ;)