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honda racer 211
01-22-2005, 01:34 PM
Which is better 250r - 450r

01-22-2005, 02:01 PM
depends on the person and your riding style,and there the 250r diehard fans that think its going to make a comeback :rolleyes: .I still have my 86R , but don't ride it nearly as much as my 450r , but thats just me.

01-22-2005, 05:39 PM
the 450R and the 250R are both great quads. it hard to say which is better. i have a 450R with all my mods listed below and one of my friends has a like new 86 250R with just a curtis sparks exhaust. i love both of these quads so much its really hard to say one is better than the other. i feel more comfortable on my 450 but i havent ridden a 250R enough to really get the feel for them so its hard to decide. i also like the powerband of my 450 better than the 250, but you gotta love the sound and smell of a 2 stroke!

01-22-2005, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by ridinredodb
but you gotta love the sound and smell of a 2 stroke!

I think thats why I still have my 86R :D

01-22-2005, 08:04 PM
i'm goin to say 450r,newer more reliable,and 4 stroke,so much more updated and stuff,don't get me wrong 250rs r great and were teh best quads,but in their lifetime,they just don't cut it anymore to the new 450s,and i know some will get pissed at me writin this,but u gotta face the facts so day,look around,watch huevos and tell me how many 250rs u see,i saw 1 in a scene from outta this country,and look at the nats.not many ppl race them anymore,,just my 2 cents

01-22-2005, 08:06 PM
I agree I think both bikes are great but times are changing. Quads are just gonna get better and better hopefully.