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04-28-2002, 04:49 PM
going to tower city next weekend...any tips on the place or info will be helpful. also need website for them..thought i saw it posted but cant find it..thanks

04-28-2002, 05:14 PM
go to towercitytrailriders.org,never been there,heard its real ruff but i am going down there real soon for the first time

04-28-2002, 06:24 PM
yea its alot of rocks and other junk. its like mostly trails some tight. its cool though cause theres soo many ppl u get to see alot of sweet rides.

04-28-2002, 06:57 PM
are there any mx tracks? i know there is at rausch creek...just wonderin

04-28-2002, 07:24 PM
rausch is the only mx track in the area..on sundays there are ama district 6 races at tracks around tc but rausch is the only practice track open all the time

04-28-2002, 07:27 PM
thanks..i normally ride mx and such but am going to t.c. with some friends. did not want to be unprepared so thought i would ask

Tommy 17
04-28-2002, 07:57 PM
ruasch creek is awesome thats all i can say:D nothin else can explain the place!!! best place i ever rode...

04-28-2002, 08:09 PM
it looks sweet, i got an email of a 400ex hitting a double..unreal
dont know if i am up to that level yet but will go there in the next couple of weeks

Ex'r Marlin
04-28-2002, 09:58 PM
EXATAK, are you going there with a member?

If I remember right, the membership is $175 for the year, and you are allowed some quests.

If you go, have fun!!!! I have been there about 8 times. The trails are similar to the ones at Rausch Creek...... Only a lot more of them!!!!!!

Note: If you have your atv set up for MX, you may want to put on a rear skid plate on, and at least run 20" rear tires!:D

Good luck!

04-29-2002, 05:02 AM
Checklist for Tower City riding :
1. Skid Plates
2. Skid Plates
3. Tire plugs OR extra set of tires
4. Skid Plates

No kidding , Skids are a must at this place . So are tire plugs or puncture resistant tires . Other than that just bring a pack lunch and you are set to go . The place is huge and you will never get tired of it . Yea there is a lot of rocks but there are some really nice areas i found this weekend with hardly any rocks . I rode 5th gear pinned for about 5 minutes on this one trail and then kept a pretty good pace for the next hour or so . You just have to get off the beaten path and explore a little . We found the old entrance to one of the mines . It was pretty cool , we ate lunch and explored a little , the date above the entrance was August 1923 ! When you go just be careful of open shafts and sink holes , they are evrywhere ! I'm going up to TC this coming weekend once i get my bike fixed . If anyone is going , let me know and we can ride

04-29-2002, 07:25 AM
haha come on guys it aint that rocky. sure it is but skids aint a must. sure their nice to have but not a necesity if u know how to ride. if u got 18's on then yea u would need them. yea it is 175 a year but u can get a day pass for 20 bucks. if ur with a member its free for the day i think. nj400 were u on like a bunch of whoops and coal dirt when u were wot and found that mine enterance? cause then u were on the other side of the mt and actually in tc. the club is on the other side of the mt from tc but yet they still hold the name. the club is actually in bear valley but ya well. those mines are sweet take a flashlight and walk inside u never know what u will find. but be very careful cause u dont look and u hit the shaft and ur falling 2000 feet so i wouldnt recomend it lol. theres 1 from 1896 i think its sweet. mines all over the place their nice.f

04-29-2002, 09:50 AM
BansheeGuy :
Wow you are actually lucky enough to live in TC . I have to drive 2 and a half hours LoL I'm pretty sure i was within the Tc boundaries . I'll try to explain where i was the best i can . go in through the gate , make a right at the office and follow the main camping road . Cross over bear valley road and head straight up that hill to the top . Hang a right at the top and ride the top of the mountain for a while . The mine entrance came up on our left , it said " Camp Stoney " in spray paint all over the place LoL . Thats the best i can describe it right now , i'm still angry about my bike . I had planned on staying up there and riding until tomorrow but a tree got the best of me on Saturday :) We should hook up and ride someday , i'll be up this saturday .

BTW its still 20 bucks wether you are with a member or not

Ex'r Marlin
04-29-2002, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Nj400EX
BTW its still 20 bucks wether you are with a member or not

Really???:huh I was not aware of that!

I was a member last year and it was $20 for each guest and they had to put my Tower City number on their paperwork for referencing an active member.

Thanks for the info!

04-29-2002, 11:02 AM
no if your a member its free for the year. they gave us like 20 free stickers cause we live in tc so i dont pay anything lol. did u go like on a trail thats like sand for a lil then up a bunch of rocks and down a very rocky path? thats the only way i know how to get on the other side but im sure there are other ways. yea we gotta go riding sometime. how did u hit a tree?

04-29-2002, 12:45 PM
EXMarlin : If you are a member its 175 for the year , thats it . If you bring any guests it is 20 bucks a day for each guest and yes they put your member ## on the paperwork .

BansheeGuy : I really can't even begin to give you exact directions to where i was , the place is so big ! LoL As for hitting a tree well i was riding some power lines and someone snapped off a tree branch on the trail so you wouldn't have to ride over it . Well they only left about an inch or so sticking out of the brush and i caught it . It spun me around and dumped me off into the tree that the branch was connected to . Not a pretty sight LoL Anyways i'm alright but i need a new tire and a new rim cuz the branch left about a golf ball size gash in the sidewall and the rim was pretty dented to begin with . Not to mention 3 hours of riding back to camp on the rim didn't help much either LoL

Ex'r Marlin
04-29-2002, 01:17 PM
If a "non-member" is to go to Tower City, does that person need to be with a member to get in?

04-29-2002, 02:04 PM
I'm pretty sure you need a member to ride with . They don't want ya just going out on your own . There is always someone to hook up with and ride with though so i wouldn't worry about it too much . I'd check at the office just to make sure the info i gave ya is correct though LoL

04-29-2002, 06:00 PM
yes they let u in if ur not with a member. wether ur with a member or not ur still a guest and its 20 bucks. they give u a guest sticker and off u go to ride where u want with who u want

04-30-2002, 03:28 PM
Soooo....If I drive over there on any given weekend, don't know any members, am not a member, and don't have a clue.......they'll let me in for 20 bucks a day???

hope that didn't sound too stupid, but I'm serious :huh