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View Full Version : A huge thank you to John Natalie

01-18-2005, 12:35 PM
So I take my little brother to our local track(El Cajon MX) and who pulls in behind us in a huge bus and trailer??? John Natalie, Darrell Patton, and Michelle Reiser. Jeremy Schell, Doug Eichner, and Justin Beilman were also there. My brother just has been riding since he was 2, but just recently has started MX. He is 15. Anyways, he has had some trouble with a few of the jumps out there. The biggest problem he has is keeping his rythm up. As in his speed fluctuates because of his inability to hit rythm sections.

Anyways, there is this one rythm section out of a tight turn that is about a 15 foot double, followed by about a 40 foot table. The table is followed by a tripple and then a tight 90 into another double that is about 30 feet. He could nail the first 15 foot double but had to roll everything else and it just slowed him down a lot.

Well I made him watch Natalie and Jeremy Schell nailing the sections, and then he followed as close as he could for a few laps. Basically, by the end of the night he was nailing the whole section and needless to say I am super proud of him. My father wants nothing to do with his racing, so him being confident in himself is half of his riding.

I just wanted to say thank you to Natalie, Schell, Patton, and Michelle Reiser for being awesome roll models, and for teaching the younger riders even if they don't really know that they are. We didn't want to bother them so we didn't try and chat them up, or take pictures, but the time that they were there they definatly were helpfull to at least one novice rider with dreams of being where they are someday.

Thanks again.

01-18-2005, 02:27 PM
Thats awsome!!:)

Keepin it real!!!!!

01-19-2005, 11:40 AM
It is awesome. He is still smiling ear to ear just because he got to be on the track a the same time as all of them.

01-19-2005, 03:05 PM
my parents arent for racing either and i wish i had a brother like you that takes me riding. im jsut now racing cause i finally turn 17 so i can drive now. im glad he got that section down good for him.

01-19-2005, 03:56 PM
My father was a pro motorcross racer. He raced with Marty Smith, And Bob Hannah. My grandfather owned a company named Racers Research with Borck Glovers father. That company later bacame named DG when my grandfather sold his portion. So he had tons of support growing up. My grandfather use to sponsor all the greats, like Marty Moats, Marty Smith...ect. If you were a fast rider in the late 70's and from San Diego, chances are you were sponsored by my grandfather. My father almost died from a bad accident he had up in Saddleback(california) in the late 70's. I think that is why he isn't in the picture. He is scared to see his son hurt. But to not even watch the video's of his son is pretty cold. I'm just glad my brother is determined to prove to our father that he can make it. As long as I can afford it, he will be at the track.

01-20-2005, 02:18 PM
hey man thats pretty cool u helpin your lil bro out....

its hard with parents....

always worried bout there baby's u know....

its better then them not even carein what he does and stuff....

he could be salein drugs and all that stuff but he's not he's on the track...doing his best..and got a big bro 2 help him.....

thats what family is 4 man....u need all the support u can get....

my mom wont come 2 the races...she gets sick and throws up.....

member winnin all the motos and the main in a race and i was like mom u c that...and she started throwin up again.....lol i find it funny...
but hey man keep up the racin...good luck and i heard of your pap b4 man....

and as far as john goes...i know him and he's prolly one of the nicest ppl i have ever known in my life...

also one heck of a racer....

good luck man


01-22-2005, 01:30 AM
that is great that he got that section down !!!

All of the pro riders (atleast all that were there) are very freindly and love to talk to racers / fans (they are doing it because they love the sport because it sure the hell is not for the money)
just wait a few minutes after they come off the track so they can set down and relax a minute and as long as they are not real busy I am sure they would love to chat for a few minutes and take photos

01-22-2005, 03:01 PM
I've had a similar experence with Jason Luburgh. My dad and sister met him at an Aerosmith concert when he was still attending otterbine here in central ohio. Anyway after talking to him and the entire luburgh family at some of the nationals Myself and sister were invited to come down and ride at his private track. if you've seen Huevos 7 that is the track, it's in his backyard behind his dad's house. It was a great day of riding till about an hour into the session my carrier blew:ermm: but I've been invited to ride there all summer long. so I most deff. owe Andy, Jason, Jamie and the entire luburgh family a thank you.

Natalie is a super great guy, he ran out onto the track at casy il and helped me pry my quad off another. that's what i love about our sport, is that everyone is willing to help each other out, hell i've been known to give out tips and tricks while on the line 4 qualifying. Well i'm out


01-23-2005, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by khj
that is great that he got that section down !!!

All of the pro riders (atleast all that were there) are very freindly and love to talk to racers / fans (they are doing it because they love the sport because it sure the hell is not for the money)
just wait a few minutes after they come off the track so they can set down and relax a minute and as long as they are not real busy I am sure they would love to chat for a few minutes and take photos

I will be back at the track tomorrow, so I'll remember that. Thanks again.

01-24-2005, 10:30 AM
hey guys. I really appreciate all the great comments. If you see me at the races or practicing dont hesitate to come up and say hi. I love meeting new people. If Im busy at the time Ill just tell ya when I will have time to chat.

Moms and Dads really need to be involved in thier kids life no matter what they are doing. I could think of alot worse and more dangerous things than motocross. My sister was killed driving home from work when a drunk driver hit her. Anything can happen. Your best bet is to support them and spend as much time together as possible. Let them live thier dreams. get them the best safety gear and teach them to be responsable and they will be safer than you think. well thanks again everyone. good luck at whatever you do.

01-24-2005, 11:10 AM
Thanks for the encouraging words John. Next time you are in town, I will make sure to introduce myself, and my brother to one of his hero's. I'm sorry to hear about your sister.

01-24-2005, 03:58 PM
Yeah, my big brother really helps me alot with racing, he explains the stuff to my dad because he dosent see the importance of modding a quad for racing and he really helps me with riding and all.

Hetrick Racing
01-25-2005, 05:28 AM
I can say that John is a class act and is one of the best if not the best rider thats on the circut.
But this extends off the track as well,when he was on my team his attitude and willing heart were winners.
I miss having him around our pits just for that reason,sure it would be nice to have a top seat pro,but its a bunch nicer having a good friend.
We still are good to each other and as always he makes it a point to drop by and say hi.So to all you guys and girls stop in and talk to him, he is on top of the game.
Now to state, your brother should be proud to have ya,you of him as well.
Keep up the good work.
Dont be to hard on dad there are a bunch of things that make parents act that way,he is with the both of you in his heart.
You can count on that.
We help a bunch of kids and the views of the parents vary,but one thing remains,they love their kids.
Good luck

01-25-2005, 10:32 AM
Thanks Hetrick!

So last night we were at teh track again , and who is there this time..... Tim Farr, Dunks, Dustin Whimmer, and of course Natalie. Man those guys are fast. Natalie had some troubles, and my brother actually helped him get his bike off the track. Then him and Farr chatted with my little bro. Thanks again guys. you are all awesome!