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View Full Version : need some resume help guys

01-17-2005, 02:30 PM
hey i was gonna try to get some sponsors this year even know its my second year racing but i figured some of you people out here could give me some advice on what to put in it and what to say and maybe some places to send to?/
thanks for the help

01-17-2005, 04:03 PM
Sign up at Sponsorhouse.com It is the best and fastest way to get sponsorship.. It is $50 a year and worth every penny..Just put you goals, accomplishments,and what you are going to do for your sponsor...Work hard promote there products to the best of your ability on and off the track.. Be a positive role model for your sponors and fellow riders..Something to that effect.. Hope that helps out...

01-17-2005, 06:41 PM
i looked at sponsorhouse.com but the way my luck is i'll pay the 50 bucks and it wont work but hey i'll prolly try it to see what happens.

has anyone else on here use sponsorhouse.com

01-17-2005, 07:38 PM
Hey I promise you that if you fill out your resume and be professional about it.. You will have a sponsor or 2 by the first week... I sent one to Utopia Optics On a Tuesday and they made an offer by Wednesday.. ASV is another good sponsor to start with.. Go through the list and send requests to everyone you would like to sponsor and be sponsored by.. It works and worth every penny of the $50..

Cardiostacker is accepting resumes for sponsorship also.. hit them up...

01-17-2005, 08:11 PM
well i did i signed up
i sent out some hopfully i'll get some good replys
thanks alot i'll let ya know if i get any
thanks again