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View Full Version : cut in plastic

09-05-2001, 07:02 PM
i know everyone says to use mop n' glow to shine up your quad to make those hundreds of tiny scratches less noticable but i've got a little bigger problem. i had a fairly bad wreck about a two months ago which left my plastic with a few really deep cuts in the plastic. from landing upside down on some rocks. i dont mind those really small ones but the big gashes dont look too good and mop n' glow doesn't even start to help with them. so any advice on fixing them? other than replacing the plastic. which i might do next year anyways. i think my quad would look good dark blue or orange hehe. but for now is there any way of covering them up or perhaps removing them? their pretty deep

09-05-2001, 07:38 PM
they have a kit in dennis kirk and maybe others that get the scratches out i think it is made by PC racing. You sand it with fine sand paper and then put some special stuff on it. thats about all i know.