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View Full Version : yfz vs 450R XC

01-16-2005, 09:40 AM
Going to buy a new bike to set up for xc racing... What are advantages and disadvantages of both... New to xc racing world..

01-16-2005, 09:46 AM
I would say go with the 450r for XC. Yes I own one, but the reason is because I race XC also and think its the best of the 2 for it. The power is much smoother and easier to use, which is better for XC. The seat is more comfortable, and I myself feel more comfortable on the 450R. Its a bigger quad or at least feels like it, most people say if you are around or over 6 foot the YFZ is uncomfortable. Also the YFZ's steering is very sensitive, which I dont like in XC. I'm not saying the YFZ isnt a good quad because it is, I just think it belongs on the MX track and thats not for me. I'm also not saying it can't be used for XC because we all know it can, balance seems to do very well on it. Even where I race there are alot of them, it just depends on what you feel best one. I would say try to ride both of them and make your own decision, I think you would like both of them.

01-16-2005, 09:50 AM
Yeah deff the 450r for xc! Alot of pro riders such as chris borich are starting to make the switch to the 450r. He says the rider is alot more comfortable, the controls are easyer to use, has alot smoother power transfer, and the fcr carb on the yfz's give you the worst arm pump. Also when he raced the 450r he took I believe 3 strait wins after he made the switch.

01-16-2005, 09:52 AM
I agree I think the 450R is the way to go for the woods.

Beak, do you race the District 15 races?

01-17-2005, 01:20 PM
I race at Casey which is part of District 17, I raced one district 15 last year at kingman. Gonna race at Casey and try to hit as many district and GNCC's as possible this year.

01-17-2005, 02:47 PM
Well if you go to any of the Culver harescrambles I should be there and hopefully the Kingman ones as well.