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View Full Version : Skids Weight?

01-13-2005, 06:18 PM
if you start adding skids do you think that adds much noticable weight? i am slowly going to have all DG Fat Series skids and i think they are like 1/4 alum... ill have a arms, full frame and swinger...

if i was ever to buy some elkas will they take that extra weight in consideration when ajusting the shocks...?

01-13-2005, 07:51 PM
i have the full set and if you can rip you can rip you wont really feel the extra wieght because it will be evenly dispersed but you might a tad just a little all around but there worth it to i just turn my quad striaght up and i have a huge dip in my swingarm skid probly 1/8th deep and probly 1"x2" big and its right were my rotor is and you could imaging what would of ahppen if it hit that so what im trying to ay is the little extra wieght is worth it if you dont wanna pay more down the way ofr broken parts

01-14-2005, 02:16 PM
Sweet .. yeah thoes wayne rangers suck... my wife and her friend got tickets for 150 smackers for ridding on the "road" if you can evan call it that...

This is at Dorr Run

we all try to ride together but my friend wanted to show my this crazy hill and he said that the girls probally couldnt ride the trail to it.. se we told them to take the trail to a certain point and then get on the road for like 1/4 of a mile to parking lot 5 (the one at the very top) anyhow the sherriff ticketed them and they asked him how to get back and he said "you have 4 hours till dark, you figure it out" he would tell them or show them the way back...

moral of the story is learn how to read topo maps... but at wayne it really isnt that hard anyhow... its kind the girls fault.. and of course they shot their mouth off at the sherriff... bad idea...

01-14-2005, 02:34 PM
i have a full set of PRMS but i didnt notice a huge difference but they are definately worth it PRM