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View Full Version : Been thinking lately

01-12-2005, 04:24 PM
Well now is the magical time for a car....and i have only been riding once over the past month
And i have been seriously thinking of selling the 400ex that i just got back toghter,things have came up,some good,some bad and i just haven't felt that much of a "spark" towards riding anymore.
IDK what to do here guys,please help:(

01-12-2005, 04:41 PM
its jsut a phase people go thru with all hobbies (or in my case addiction). YOu second guess it but after you make a big step you either regret it or dont. I would sell the 400ex anyway, buy a car and save for a 450. Oh well, do what you want but winter seems to really make people really get out of riding especially someone about to turn 16 (like me). I just enjoy riding too much. When money becomes an issue ill probably just buy a dirt bike becuase they are cheap and save up for another wheeler :D

01-12-2005, 04:45 PM
yea idk yet...ill see maybe what happens,it might just be cause it is the winter and it all depressing and chit.
My dad is adding onto are garage or building a whole new one for me and my quads,so idk maybe ill start some lil quad/dirtbike thing or something,idk ill see when the time comes

01-12-2005, 04:45 PM
There comes a time in all quad riders lives where they start to ask themselves if it's all worth it , or do you sell and buy soemthing else . Kinda hard to take a girl out to a nice dinner at a restaurant on the back of a quad ... and god knows they don't wanna take the bus to dinner ( Damn women ;) ) . I sold my old race quad a few years back to pay for college , and at the time I thought I wouldn't get another ..... fast forward 3 years later and I now have a new 450 sitting in ym garage , I have a college degree and I have a car . :devil:

01-12-2005, 04:49 PM
lol yea i gotcha bro.....another big part of my life now is my girl too
I have to take extra care of her cause her dad is the dare officer so ya know....but what i do know for a fact is that...for next winter,i aint going to have a quad again for awhile.....everythging is getting sold

01-12-2005, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by 300exrida
lol yea i gotcha bro.....another big part of my life now is my girl too
I have to take extra care of her cause her dad is the dare officer so ya know....but what i do know for a fact is that...for next winter,i aint going to have a quad again for awhile.....everythging is getting sold

so your selling...or your selling next year?

01-12-2005, 05:18 PM
idk i gotta see what happening im DEF selling next year,prolly late novemember early december imma start parting out

01-12-2005, 05:23 PM
damn you put alot of time into that thing, sucks to see it go. im 15 i just bought a brand new 450r. i got 3 years to pay it off and i know im going to want a truck in those next 3 years. half of all the money i make goes towards the quad, half goes to me. most of that will go in the bank for a truck. i dont think i can get out of riding, i like it too much and i try not to get so caught up in the racing and rebuilds cause i have alot of fun riding in the winter as well.

01-12-2005, 05:23 PM
If you aske me it is just a stage. I am going through kinda the same thing snowboarding right now. The last 2 years i couldnt wait for the seoaon to start and snowboard. This year first day back I honestly could have cared less. I'm still staying in the sport because I live it. It's still fun and hanging out with friends is always fun. Wait till next year when you say you want to sell. I bet you will have changed your mind.

01-12-2005, 05:25 PM
no i know it definely will be going next year,i need car money,im going to ride the piss out of it,and then sell it

01-12-2005, 05:32 PM
hey 300exrida im going through the same thing as we speek. is your quad all payed off if it is keep it. for like 2 or 3 months i ddint ride harldy at all. just keep saving up for a car ebcase if you sold your quad what else woudl you ride. everyone goes through this at the age of 16 giving up something to get a car and liscense and all the garabge.

01-12-2005, 05:36 PM
yea idk i might sell all my other crap to....my BMX bike,paintball guns,i have no use for this crap anymore im sorry to say:(

01-12-2005, 05:39 PM
I don't know what the situation ison why you would want to sell it, but I bet you'll regret it. I don't really know about you but I'm having a tough time in school because all I do is look up exriders or draw pictures of quads or think about racing, but I don't think you have an addiction like I do. Do whatever you feel is right. I think I need to call ATVers anonymous.:rolleyes:

01-12-2005, 05:53 PM
paintball waste of money get rid of all yoru crap i did and i dont regret it. i never sold mt standard becase it kinda means something to me the first real bike i had.

if you HAVE to sell your quad to get a car do what you have to do but you will regret it.

liek evryone else said its just a phase and you will get over it.

01-12-2005, 05:56 PM
you can sell your stuff and all but put some thought into it before you do. think about what you would do without all of your stuff. im not relating this to you but my outlook is to just have some fun as a kid. i work damn hard to get the stuff i do and i try not to get sucked into things like big relationships and stuff. Ive seen too many kids sell everything to spend time with their girlfreinds and a few months later something goes bad and they break up and the kids go to stuff like drugs. Im not exactly at the point where i need a truck but it will be soon and im not going to sell my stuff to get one. If it means being the kid who doesnt have his car first out of his freinds ill deal with that but i cant sacrifice everytihng i do for it. My bmx bike and quad are what keep me away from all of the drugs and drama and i dont really know what id be like without it all.


01-12-2005, 05:59 PM
lol o yes trust me i want to post pix....but anyway,im still going to get another quad,i just have to get past this "phase" and its not about girls and crap to...althgouh i can relate that some of it is because but not a good amount of it ,thanks guys

01-12-2005, 06:05 PM
I just thought of another thing, well atleast it's something taht I'm doing. I'm building the 250r so that I can have a quad with more power than the 300, the 250 I can keep for an indefinate period of time. There is no growing out of it like the 300. I will be going to college in a year and a half, and I know if I kept that 300, I would be continualy wanting something better, and while I was in college I wouldn't be able to afford it. I am doing the same thing with a car and snowboard. I found a bronco that I am getting from a friend that this summer will have a rebuilt v-8 motor, and a new transmission, for 500 dollars. And for snowbaording When I get to college all my stuff will be 3 years old at least. My board is already 4. Next year I'm getting new board and boots to last thru college.

If you sell your 400 now. Make shure to get another quad before you go off to college. That will put a big drain on your money.

01-12-2005, 06:09 PM
im not going to college i dont think
Im going to UTI tech most liekly for automechanics for a year and a half,college isnt going to teach my nothing about automechanics,and after high school im not going to need advanced chemistry etc,im having a hard enuf time in biology learing about cell diffusion,and the "cell cycle" lol i hate it

But im still going to try just incase if i do have to go to college and i will have my grades to back me up,ever since i got my girl,i've been doing better in skewl,i guess that made me realize that this is the best times of my life and i need to do the best i can everday just because maybe the next day i wont be here,so live life to the fullest,idk but ever since she got into my life i've actually been trying and it seems to be working as well

01-12-2005, 06:09 PM
....i was going to do the same thing but i love quads and could never give them up...so i sold my brand new snowboard...my custom paintball gun (minicocker)...and everything else besides my BMX bike...so save for a car then go figure i got two cars for free :huh lol i ride my land cruiser almost as much as my quads...i go offroading through my woods like everyday.....

01-12-2005, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by 300exrida
im not going to college i dont think
Im going to UTI tech most liekly for automechanics for a year and a half,college isnt going to teach my nothing about automechanics,and after high school im not going to need advanced chemistry etc,im having a hard enuf time in biology learing about cell diffusion,and the "cell cycle" lol i hate it

But im still going to try just incase if i do have to go to college and i will have my grades to back me up,ever since i got my girl,i've been doing better in skewl,i guess that made me realize that this is the best times of my life and i need to do the best i can everday just because maybe the next day i wont be here,so live life to the fullest,idk but ever since she got into my life i've actually been trying and it seems to be working as well

I know exactly what you mean. I'm looking to go to WyoTech for a year. But even thou it is only a year, or in your case a year and a half it is still about as costly as a 2 year school.

01-12-2005, 06:16 PM
its still going to cost a chit load though dont get me wrong....i've already looked into it,the best one in new jersey....lincoln tech,22 grand a year,and UTI i think is almost 25 so it is quite a bit for my *** to come up with,but my parents told me they are behind me 100% and said they will help with w/e so i guess im good there

01-12-2005, 06:23 PM
Man you guys need to post on another site or maybe im just a pure addict when sponsors and companies look through the forms to help this website and they keep seeing this im getting out of riding racing etc what are they gonna think I got out of quad for a year and a half when i was 15 had a serious girlfriend they dont last know she wants to kill me and every girl I talk to and shes crazy I got back into ATVs full force with a Z tricked out then I just bought another one cuz I sold my truck that i worked on for two years system rims paint graphics all that stupid crap I sold it for 2500 bucks with 8000 invested sucks bad dumb decisions could of got a truck for 3500 and had a quad the whole time oh well live and learn

01-12-2005, 06:26 PM
^^^^ o shut your chit,that is what the open forum is for:rolleyes:

lol but anyway,idk yet im dont feel like spending 50000 milloon dollars on a first car neway