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View Full Version : Cop story(not cop bashing dont worry)

01-07-2005, 10:05 PM
So tonight my friend gets pulled over for rolling through a stop sign. And the cop didnt say much, asked for insurance, reg and drivers liscense. So the cop comes back with 2 papers, says have a nice day and leaves. Says nothing else.

He didnt get a chance to look at it right away and when he did he noticed it was 2 tickets, failure to stop or yield at a stop sign(85$) and a failure to show documents(like 140).

It turns out he gave him an expired insurance card(he had the current one in the box too) but the cop never said a thing. So him and his dad went to the police station and they were just being big *******s telling them that it isnt their job to debate things in the police station and to take it to court. GIVE ME A BREAK, that is just not the way things should be done, their job is to protect and serve the comunity not be complete dicks. its an honest mistake and the cop should have mentioned it being expired, not just drive away.

What do you guys think? are we just being babys or does anyone else get sick over how SOME cops will treat peope. ALL of the people i know get very scared whenever they see a cop, isnt there something wrong with that? shouldnt people not be afraid to see a cop pass them on the street even when they are not doing anything wrong?


also, lets not start bashing cops so the thread stays open. I understand they have a very dangerous and hard job but at some points it can get out of hand. stay respectful.

cool 300ex
01-07-2005, 10:10 PM
Thats bs! I feel the same way about some cops i will say i ahve ment some cops that are cool and some that are total dicks. The other night we called teh cops to help out with something and he was on call he just kept giving us the run around because he was to lazy to leave his damn house. It's his job he was getting apyed for it and wouldn't even come do anything.

01-07-2005, 10:15 PM
Around here some cops are nice and like if they pull you over or something they will talk to you and be cool about it but some are total d!*ks about stuff...the 1st time i got pulled over...5 days after i got my liscense the cop was real cool and stuff like was tlaking to me and my friends and everything but like one day we were sitting in a parking lot and they came and were just being *****h*les about it like they couldve said just get out not sit there say get out and give us a speech for an hour

01-07-2005, 10:20 PM
imo your buddy should have made sure it was the right one. normally a cop would tell him it was bad, but he doesn't have to.

cops around my house are cool. i get caught for exhibition driving all the time and they just give me a dirty look :D

01-07-2005, 10:30 PM
yea thats screwed up. hes one of the guys who takes his job too seriously and is a dick about it. all cops ive been in contact with so far were cool to me. i got pulled over for doing 74 in a 45 the other week ( i know). and we talked for a while and he invited me to the station for a tour and all that good stuff. still got my 180 dollar ticket tho.
some cops take advantage of the general publics ignorance to the law.

01-07-2005, 10:31 PM
the cop should have told ur buddy why he was gettin tickets.

01-07-2005, 10:32 PM
that is bs!!! he should have pointed it out that the card was expired and asked for a current one. i could be wrong but i think he is required to inform you beforehand if he is going to give you a citation for anything you did wrong. now you are going to have to go to a hearing and plead not guilty. i would raise hell about it being a big inconvenience that you had to do so and point out that there is no reason you should be standing before a judge. my fieonce(sp) got fined for a parking ticket. she paid it but received a citation weeks later saying she she never paid it. she had to go to a hearing, the fined was tripled and they stated she was also responsible to pay the court costs & such. she showed up, showed them the copy of the check and that it was cashed 3 days after the parking ticket was issued. everything got dropped but it was a major pain in the *** because she had to take off work to go there only because the dickheads in charge of this stuff have their heads up their asses.
i am very good friends with 15 local cops from various places in my area but there are also some that are major dicks. almost every cop in my area stick together and are friends with each other outside the job but there are some that even the cops themselves can't even stand.:ermm:

01-07-2005, 10:36 PM
He prob should of asked what the other ticket was for.