View Full Version : PEP standard Race vs. Elka Triplerates w/ SSD

04-25-2002, 01:19 PM
Which ones will i be happier with. I'm gonna quit XC after this season and start running MX. Need advice soon.

04-25-2002, 01:21 PM
I would go with the elka's they seem to be better quality and have some of the same features that the high dollar pep's have for less of a cost

04-25-2002, 01:28 PM
thanks I was just wondering. I rode some TCS 0-preload shocks valved for a rider 30 lbs lighter than me and i might look at them too.

04-25-2002, 01:33 PM
yea they are really nice shocks too. I wish i had the money for any shocks right now it would be between tcs scs series or elka's. I like the tcs's better but after looking at the elka's for the cheaper price they seem really nice too.

04-25-2002, 02:03 PM
Occra get the elka's,,,you'll get them quicker and get better service on them over the pep,,,yes pep is good but I think the Elka's are better.

04-25-2002, 02:05 PM
The pep are better PERIOD.

Hate to say it guys but the elkas arent as good, they fade faster than pep and axis because of the shock oil they use, along with the fact that pep has way better valving then elka.

What pro is using elkas?

I only see pep and axis and the occasional tcs and works

04-25-2002, 02:09 PM
I have a feeling that the standard peps will be about = in performance as the elkas. Howevere PEP ZPS will blow elka away.


04-25-2002, 02:16 PM
i forgot to say, longevity is key into knowing which shocks are better too, you may be able to ride them both and be like damn the elka are great and I get more options, but 3-4 months down the road is the real factor.

04-25-2002, 02:20 PM
Doesn't it take like months and months to get PEP right now??

And I've heard the guy in charge at PEP has a real personality problem and his service sux,,bad.

Not flamin here,,,I'd throw some PEP's on the 416 in a heart beat,,they've been around for ever so I think that's one reason ya see them on soo many quads,,and the valsing might be jacked on the elka's but that's why ya send them back for proper vavling if it's not setup correctly..

04-25-2002, 02:25 PM
It doesnt Matter if Wayne at PEP has a attitude proablem or anything, becuase when your shocks need servicing you could just send them to Baldwin where there is great service.

Yes pep is backed up now. But if you order in the fall you can get them in about 6-7 weeks. I have been waiting on my ELKAS for almost 6 weeks.. Yes 6 weeks.


04-25-2002, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Rico
the valving might be jacked on the elka's but that's why ya send them back for proper vavling if it's not setup correctly..

lets see, two week wait for the shocks(or longer) ****ty valving(send them back)

5 weeks later get them back

I wish we could all do what my one friend did.

he has two full sets of pep zps, he has a fresh set to bolt on, and when the set that are on his bike are worn out, he sends them out and bolts the new ones on :eek:

04-25-2002, 02:36 PM
mark baldwin rebuilt my peps...took him 3 days:eek:

04-25-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by mrusk
I have been waiting on my ELKAS for almost 6 weeks.. Yes 6 weeks.


And those were ordered from the quad shop or from elka directly??

I guess this will end up in a pissin contest,,,I live like 15 miles from the quad shop,,that's why I'll be goin with elka,,I don't see any long waits for anything on the elka's I plan on getting,,,bottom line both are good it's a preference thing.:cool:

04-25-2002, 02:54 PM
I ordered from C and D racing. I ordered them before the quad shop was a sponser so dont flame me. Even if i ordered them after the quad shop came here i would still of ordered them from CD. The reason for that is i have talked to Kolby in the atvsource chat room for over a year and he always awnsered my questions about everything.

It doesnt matter if you order from CD or the elka direct, it will take the same amount of time. Cd has elka ship the shocks directly to the customer.


04-25-2002, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by beerock

What pro is using elkas?

I only see pep and axis and the occasional tcs and works
How long has axis, tcs, and pep been on the market? A **** of a lot longer than elka. There is a pro this year running elka's this year. Elka is a new company. You can't expect them to be the best shock out there when they just started. In my opinion they do compete with the top brands though

04-25-2002, 03:13 PM
elka is just like canondale they need to work out some kinks

04-25-2002, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by beerock

lets see, two week wait for the shocks(or longer) ****ty valving(send them back)

5 weeks later get them back

I wish we could all do what my one friend did.

he has two full sets of pep zps, he has a fresh set to bolt on, and when the set that are on his bike are worn out, he sends them out and bolts the new ones on :eek:

You make it sound like elka's are crap. Not only that but it doesn't take 5 weeks to get your shocks revalved FOR FREE so you know its set up perfect for you. heck it took me 2 weeks for brand new front shocks and 3 for the shock rebuild and thats with the mail time. The waiting list for pep is like 6 months so don't give me the amount of time it would take for it to get revalved or change the shock oil or anything like that because they cost 2/3 as much. With about the same amount of performance. I also think its dumb to call elka's valving "****ty" can explain what happens from this and why? or even how the shock works to know its "****ty" I doubt you've ever even ridden a quad with elka's. Now I don't really beleive that during the fall you will be able to order your shocks and wait about 1 month because there is still gonna people all summer being added to that list and they are gonna have a hard time the extra shocks while more people are still ordering. btw probably one of the reasons more pro's use elkas is because their company isn't as big and doesn't want to sponsor and because pros probably already have had axis or pep shocks for a long time. The thing I like about the elka triple rates is I know they are gonna be set up right for a free or a reason price if it isn't valved correctly for my style the first time and they are easy to deal with and no 6 month wait and no outragous prices for a shock just a tad better.

04-25-2002, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Nausty

You make it sound like elka's are crap. Not only that but it doesn't take 5 weeks to get your shocks revalved FOR FREE so you know its set up perfect for you. heck it took me 2 weeks for brand new front shocks and 3 for the shock rebuild and thats with the mail time. The waiting list for pep is like 6 months so don't give me the amount of time it would take for it to get revalved or change the shock oil or anything like that because they cost 2/3 as much. With about the same amount of performance. I also think its dumb to call elka's valving "****ty" can explain what happens from this and why? or even how the shock works to know its "****ty" I doubt you've ever even ridden a quad with elka's. Now I don't really beleive that during the fall you will be able to order your shocks and wait about 1 month because there is still gonna people all summer being added to that list and they are gonna have a hard time the extra shocks while more people are still ordering. btw probably one of the reasons more pro's use elkas is because their company isn't as big and doesn't want to sponsor and because pros probably already have had axis or pep shocks for a long time. The thing I like about the elka triple rates is I know they are gonna be set up right for a free or a reason price if it isn't valved correctly for my style the first time and they are easy to deal with and no 6 month wait and no outragous prices for a shock just a tad better.
pep zps arent just a tad better......have you ever riden on them? i doubt it

04-25-2002, 04:55 PM
whatever nausty after all youknow more than me and the pros :rolleyes:

Mity Mo
04-25-2002, 05:26 PM
If you guys would goto the Nationals more often you would find out that alot of A and Pro-Am riders and a few Pros are running the Elka's. PeP shocks are still using the technology that they started with. Anyone who uses Axis or TCS or the Elkas has a distinct advantage over PEP in many ways. Mostly the technology inside them is way different. The Peps that the Pros and some Pro-Am riders are using are rebuilt alomost every two races. And yes I have raced on PeP shocks and I think that the valving is good. But ne wtechnology in Axis,TCS and Elka is far superior. If you are racing hard and heavy you should be rebuilding your shocks every 6-7 months. If you ride like Tim Farr, Dana Creech etc... you will have it done a **** of alot more often. Mo;)

04-25-2002, 05:42 PM
so what it comes down to is tcs are elkas bodys right? well then there superior valving should make them better. i think axis still has some of the best technology, if you can afford them..
personaly, if i buy something that much $ im going to get what i want, even if i have to wait

04-25-2002, 05:59 PM
Well guys I ride with TCS at this time and love them. It took me a while to get them tuned in for me but once I did man they would soak up any jump. The MX track that I race on there is a nice jump and is right before a turn, I can flat spot it right in the middle of the turn and be perfectly set up to make the turn.

At this time C&D is going to sponsor me because I too am located in Nebraska where they are so I am switching to Elka's (Ordered them last week) SO what I am getting to is I have a complete set of TCS SCS shocks for sell. I think I may have them sold allready (havent heard back from the guy yet) but if any of you are interested let me know so I can keep ya in mind if this doesnt go through. Thanks

04-25-2002, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Mity Mo
If you guys would goto the Nationals more often you would find out that alot of A and Pro-Am riders and a few Pros are running the Elka's. PeP shocks are still using the technology that they started with. Anyone who uses Axis or TCS or the Elkas has a distinct advantage over PEP in many ways. Mostly the technology inside them is way different. The Peps that the Pros and some Pro-Am riders are using are rebuilt alomost every two races. And yes I have raced on PeP shocks and I think that the valving is good. But ne wtechnology in Axis,TCS and Elka is far superior. If you are racing hard and heavy you should be rebuilding your shocks every 6-7 months. If you ride like Tim Farr, Dana Creech etc... you will have it done a **** of alot more often. Mo;)


elka axis and tcs do not have an advantage over pep, are you nutz?

coming from somene who keeps there resivior right over there header your opinion holds little value. mo, you need to get a laser temperature reader and check your rezzies temp I garauntee you the rear shock on your bike is fading prematurely.

especially when you say people who run those shocks have an advantage over pep.

hmmmmmmm, then why has bill ballance been using them for a long time?

if anyone is racing hard and heavy they should have there shocks rebuilt every race mo.

the best thing to do is learn how to rebuild them yourself and save your money, its actually quite easy. valving too is easy once you understand it.

oh and by the way that company pep, got a patent on there zps design because they were the FIRST to come out with it.

so how is everyone else better than pep if they came up with the latest craze?

:rolleyes: :blah

04-25-2002, 06:21 PM
Well there is elka giving us a compression adjust triple rate fronts and a rebuilt rear for around a $1000. Then there is pep, giving us fronts for $900, then a rebuild of around $350 i believe. So there's a $250 price difference. The rear conversion from elka is better quality than pep's and yes, i've seen it and RODE on it. These combinations both have the same features. With the extra money you can go buy somthing else and i don't think you'll really notice a big difference in the shocks.

04-25-2002, 06:26 PM
just like to add, John (a pro who has ridden at rausch creek) specifically said elkas fade quicker. then pep or axis

04-25-2002, 06:33 PM
Is he sponsered by pep?

04-25-2002, 07:50 PM
I believe a part of the reason you see so much PEP stuff is the amount of sponorship they pour into the sport. I think it's great that they do it. Why argue about what's better, everyone likes what they like. It's all just a pissing match at this point. By the way Bill Ballance has been using Axis shocks for a few seasons now. I agree about the resivoirs next to the header, bad idea. Technologically, they are all pretty similiar inside, shim stacking. It's the shock builder that makes the magic:p

04-26-2002, 08:15 AM

04-26-2002, 12:19 PM
Guys they all offer the same stuff for about the same price(within a couple hundred $ besides axis) I would prfer tcs over the other brand but that is just a personal preference. Earlier I was just saying I would rather have the elka's over that modle pep. pep makes good shocks but in the end it comes down to what shock u want and how much you can pay.

04-26-2002, 03:17 PM
Man mocazan you have a awsome quad.

04-26-2002, 03:29 PM
like yours will be better than mine!!!;)

04-26-2002, 05:02 PM
basicly all mine has now is shocks besides simple stuff like nerfs, kill switch, skids, ac bumper, 909's and it will probably be a very long time tell I even get a-arms and like forever with the 440emx though. Although i think we are getting one of those huge box vans like 4punksdad had with all the grafiti on the side. And if we sell the blaster and yz80 or the 66 mustang I might get like 500 bucks for something on the quad. btw how do you like that fatboy exhaust?

04-26-2002, 05:17 PM
its a sweet pipe, real loud too

04-26-2002, 05:40 PM
I have Elkas all around, just got my rear Wednesday. So far, I have no compliants. I will really test the rear this weekend at the local track. I really like the service from Elka, and I got some great pricing directly from them. As far as quality, of course they use some very well built parts. They are not new to shock building, just new to the ATV scene. And yes, they may need to have a "break in period" like any manufacturer to get an A-1 setup. But in my opinion, they are A-1. I thought I had slightly soft fronts, they sent me a new pair of springs for free. What a breeze they were to put on. I got my fronts built, shipped and recieved in 7 days. It took longer for the rear becuase they relocated their shop in the last month, hence the backup. I will tell you this, I ride with some other great riders here, and there is a mix of racers who use pep's and axis, and we are always neck and neck. These shocks do not limit me at all. And stated before, all pro's have thier shocks rebuilt after a couple of races right there on the spot(don't we all wish we had the money to do the same), so as far as the fading being that big of an issue... I personally don't rely on just one persons opinoin on one set of shocks. I am not saying it didn't happen but I never make judgment on anything from a sole source. Mabey it was just that particular set, or mabey they do fade sooner but I haven't noticed fading on my fronts and I've had them for 5 months. That's like saying you get bad set of PEP's, so they must all be bad, right? BTW, Elka is picking up someone to sponsor, Chad Duvall. I was lucky and recieved the same prototype rear shock that they are sponsoring him with. I beleive it's now available for general sale now too. Anyway, Consider how "PRO" most of us really are, or will be? Anyway, good luck!

04-26-2002, 10:38 PM
hey the kid from nebraska. do have any tires for a 300ex. I really need some soon. I live in nebraska to. rising city,Ne where do u Live

04-27-2002, 12:35 AM
Hey guys...i don't post much, but if you go to atving.com and search the forums you'll see where I use to talk about the different shocks often.

I'll break somethings down for everyone here. On each brand of shock.

Works still use the older ball check piston. They can not be valved as greatly as the shim stack that is in the newer shocks such as elka's or axis. Work does have a zps shock. The stadium series, and in fact peps ZPS is a high quality copy of this shock. PEP has NO patent on a zps shock because of this single fact.

Uses a works style body (they DO make their own bodies now) and piston. The Technology in these shocks is getting dated with each day that goes by. The main reason so many pros use them is because of A)sponcership (I'd use the shock if you give them to me free) and B) PEP is on hand at every race to repain and revalve the shocks. Their ZPS shock is a higher Quality works stadium series shock. I know that may hurt some of your feels, but it is the truth so get over it.

I my opinion they are the best shock on the market...and for this reason. Although they do use a shim stack...they are a conventional shock. They are NOT ZPS. They are just a great shock and can sag lower and still dampen better then anything else on the market. I bet their own zps style shock is not far behind. Their are many detail about the axis shock that makes it suppior to anything else on the market. If you'd like to know a few just ask.

Elka's and TCS:
Elka supplys tcs with their bodies now. Both are great shocks and use a shim stack piston. TCS does have a upper hand on valving in that Todd has been doing it for about 3 years now. Elka is the shock company to watch. They may not have much race support this year but I believe that will change greatly next year.

This for you info:
A ball check piston uses ball bearing in the piston to let the oil through. The bearing is controlled by small coil springs which can not very much in its rate.

A shim stack has several large holes in the piston with a stack of shims (look like washers) over them. The shims can very in thickness and dia. and they flex to allow the fluid to flow thru the piston. Their valve rate is virtualy limitless.

On a side note....PEP does still do the best job of valving their shocks, but if they don't update the technology soon you are going to see more people running the other brands in coming years. The GNC champ is running Axis, by the way.


04-27-2002, 09:36 PM
Mr_400EX, Can you Compare Elka againist PEP? I want more Info on the Two and how they Compare.

04-27-2002, 10:59 PM

I have not ever rode on a quad with Elka's so I can't really comment on how they ride. I sold my quad around 1-1/2 years ago. I rode PEP, Works, Olins, Axis, and TCS sprung quads and ended up getting TCS then. They were the best bang for you buck. Now I do believe that if I had the money I'd get Axis, if not i would defenitaly get elka's. PEP's can valve their shocks so well, but they cannot revalve the fact they use the old check ball piston. While elka is not the best at valving (YET) with each day they are getting better. Since they use a shim stack, as they get better when you seed it in for service you will get better valving. At some point PEP will have to move to a shim stack, and when they do they are going to be way behind.


04-27-2002, 11:05 PM
Thanks a lot Mr_400Ex. I don`t have Money for Axis so I will get Elka. How do you like a Rebuilt Stock Rear Compared to a Whole New Rear Shock?

04-28-2002, 01:17 AM
I got a new TCS and a riding buddy got the rebuild...I'm not sure if elka does their rebuild the same as TCS or not...JEFF at Quad shop might know.

My new shock had a much bigger shaft and would compress farther before bottoming out. When I would pick up on the grab bar it would come up to just below my waist.

His rebuild shock of course had and stock size shaft. It would not compress as far BUT it when I picked up on the grab bar it would go above my waist.

Because of this the travel was about the same.

They were both dual rates also.

If i could do it again i'd get the rebuild


04-28-2002, 11:37 AM
Thanks Alot. I hope you come on here more often. You have all kinds of Shock Info. I think I will get the Elka Rear Rebuild. It is a Dual Rate also. I will have to ask Jeff how the Elka and TCS Rebuilds compare.

04-29-2002, 03:04 PM
anyone else have any ?'s?


04-29-2002, 03:23 PM
HaTE to break it to you but Axis does have zps shocks, the jusst don't advertise it. They can't call it zps because that is patented by PEP. I ha d axis on my 400 and have PEP on my 250r. ThePEP I think are way better for mx. WHen you order your axis shocks you can ask for their zps shocks that is what I did.

04-29-2002, 03:37 PM
PEP ZPS was out WAY before the works stadium series was.

I agree with James70214, i've heard that for mx, axis is way to soft...and PEP is much better. I have pep's and i love them....i'm not trying to be bias.

Mity Mo
04-29-2002, 04:27 PM
Doug Gust is a long time favorite of PEP. He as of London,KY is riding Axis. Just thought those of you who put forth what the Pros use thought that might interest you. Mo;)

04-29-2002, 04:32 PM
Just wondering, what year do most of you think PEP started making ZPS shocks? I know the the year the pros went from LIMITED MASS to ZPS. Also PEP may have patented the name (ZPS) but they did not by anyway patent the technology. And yes the works stadium shocks came out right before the pros switched to the ZPS peps. I wonder why?

Ya'll are not the first people by any means I've heard say Axis has trouble with their valving. Also unless they are offering something new they don't offer anytype of ride lowing shock. They can make their shock sag, buts not by the same means as elka, pep, tcs, etc.

PEP still valves the best, I won't argue that by any means.


P.S. I may not get to reply until Tues.

edit: I believe Gust was on Axis at Macon also. I say this because I was there and was kind of shocked when I saw it. Many of the Pro are slowly leaving PEP. What was Jones on last year? He is running Axis this year.

04-29-2002, 07:14 PM
Jones was running axis last year too!

04-29-2002, 08:29 PM
Yeah I think we will start to see more Axis Shocks at the Track. I noticed that Tim Farr had a Axis Rear on his CRF. Maybe Axis is doing something better. I just think Elka will be there some day too.

04-29-2002, 08:58 PM
I ordered my elka's direct from elka got them in two weeks never had to send them back they set them up soft so you might have to adjust them harder if need be. I talked right to the owner of the company when i put my order in made sure i would not miss a race if i blew out a shock he said he would have them back to me. So fare i haven't needed to send them back if i do i will let you guys and girls know how the service was. I wrote them an e-mail one night about info. when i was checking on shocks he called me personally like the next night. That right there made 75 percent of my decision.

04-30-2002, 08:07 PM
Harebounder what Shocks did you get? I`m not sure if I should Spend the Extra Money and get them from Elka, or Save and get them from the Quadshop. I think coming from Elka they would be Setup better, but I really don`t know. What do you Guys think? Should I just Save some Money and get them from the Quadshop?

04-30-2002, 10:06 PM
I got zps piggy back triple rate comp. only adjust, set up for gncc for the front. The back I got the zps dual rate comp. and rebound for the back. You get the dynometer chart showing they tested them who tested them. Give them a call you can get their number from a mag. or their website. I don't want to rip on the quadshop because i haven't done any business with them but my friend has and had to send his back and still not sure if they are right yet.

05-01-2002, 06:05 PM
Those are the Front Shocks I want to get. I can`t Afford a whole New Rear Shock so I will get it Rebuilt. I think I would be Happier if Elka themselves Setup the Shocks, but I don`t want to Pay the Extra Money. If I talk to Elka and he will match the Price or get Close I will think about getting them from Elka, if not it`s the Quadshop.

05-01-2002, 06:11 PM
How much are is the shocks you are getting if you get them directly from elka?

05-01-2002, 06:16 PM
I ordered my shocks from CD and they got shipped to me directly from ELKA. So i saved alot of money and got the same shocks as if i ordered from Elka direct. I am pretty sure Quad shop doesnt set the shocks up but elka does.


05-01-2002, 06:19 PM
I`m not sure how much they would be Directly from Elka. I should Call Elka and see what they say. I know Jeff said he could get me the Shocks I want for $1000. That`s the Fronts and Rear Rebuild. That is with our Discount though. I think from C&D they were $735. I know Elka is Charging a lot more then that. I would have to Call to know for sure.

Mrusk, I know C&D doesn`t Setup the Fronts, but do they do the Rear Rebuild? I might have to ask Jeff about the Shocks some more.

05-01-2002, 08:35 PM
If you are wanting ELKA's go with C&D they are the best by far, tell them I sent ya. Excellent customer service and very friedly. Talk to Kolby or Dusty he's wife.

05-01-2002, 08:40 PM
Marty @ Quadshop does all the shock building as I understand it. I believe they stock the parts for the piggyback resivoirs and build those. I ordered the remote rezzies and they had to order either the shocks from Elka or just the parts. I know they do all rear conversions in house. I actually ordered my shocks for a heavier rider weight than my own. It's a gamble but I heard the valving on early elka's were soft, I like heavy valving anyway. I've got good things to say about Quadshop, as far as the shocks they get them to you pretty quickly normally and are willing to work the bugs out of the shocks if your not happy with them. Other things sometimes you have to wait for. As I understand it they are still growing and can't always have stuff to you immediately like the powerhouses like Nac's and K&K. They couldn't afford to stock everything under sun like those guys so you gotta wait a little bit sometimes. They're prices are competitive and they are willing to work with you on stuff. Have no fear doing business with them but have a little patience also. :p

05-01-2002, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by WarriorMan
Harebounder what Shocks did you get? I`m not sure if I should Spend the Extra Money and get them from Elka, or Save and get them from the Quadshop. I think coming from Elka they would be Setup better, but I really don`t know. What do you Guys think? Should I just Save some Money and get them from the Quadshop?
The shocks from us are setup exactly the same way that Elka sets them up. If you have doubts about that call Elka and ask Martin how we set them up. Recently we have been cleaned out of almost all of our shock parts, so we have been ordering complete socks from Elka untill everything is caught up and they can send us parts again. This has put shock orders 2-3 weeks behind.
Every now and then someone gets their shocks that like them a little different than the recomended setup wether they get them from us or Elka or another dealer. If that happens we will always work with that person to get them setup for their likes at our cost.

05-02-2002, 03:49 AM
When I rebuild your rear shock its the same way Elka would do it.
If I set you up a front pair its the same way Elka does it.I have all there formulas and know there methods,I stayed up in canada with them for 5 days.I dont do guess work on the shocks I do them just how they want they shocks to be built.We sell over 30 pairs of shocks a month,that like one a day.Remember right now its just Jeff and I keeping up with everyones orders.Low over head means better deals.
Even if you buy from Elka for the same price as me you'll have to pay 3 times as much in shipping.

The worst time of the year to buy parts is March April and May.
Everyone runs out of stuff quick.

Sorry if we dont get to answer everyone email or calls the phones ring non stop and theys over 50 emails a day.We try to treat everyone the same.

05-02-2002, 04:36 PM
Thanks Jeff and Marty. Now I know for sure I will get the Shocks from you Guys. Jeff has helped me out a lot and I really want to help out the Site Sponsor. Plus I can get the Shocks Cheaper. When is the Best Time to Order Shocks? I think when I get the Money for the Fronts I will Buy them and then Save for the Rear Rebuild. Will it be OK to just run the Front SSD Shocks with the Stock Rear for a while? Also does Elka give you Shock Covers? Thanks to all that have Helped.

05-02-2002, 05:22 PM
Im just going to save up untill i get enough to do most of it at once so it lookes good and not some parts are worn out lookin. They should come with them but i think i will get some nacs shock covers do you guys have them??

05-02-2002, 06:14 PM
WarriorMan, the best time to order shocks is anytime except the spring time. You can run the stock rear shock with the front Elka's but it will feel a little unballanced (rear high), I know a few guys that have done it and say its not too bad. I wish Elka gave us shock covers, we have to buy them!

05-02-2002, 06:59 PM
I hope to Order my Fronts this Fall. Then when ever I get the Money for the Rear Rebuild I will get it. Man I have to Buy Shock Covers? What a Rip.

05-04-2002, 09:30 AM
Man I order my elka long travel shocks and houser a arms over 3 weeks ago and there still not here. hop there get here soon.

05-04-2002, 08:03 PM
Man I have noticed the Wait for Elka and Houser is starting to get Longer.

05-06-2002, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Marty@TheQuadshop
Remember right now its just Jeff and I keeping up with everyones orders.Low over head means better deals.

Ummmmmm,,,,do you guys need Rico ta come out there after work and help ya catch up,,maybe work a deal on some cheap Elka's???:D :D :D :D

05-06-2002, 01:20 PM
We'll provide the beer Rico!:macho :macho :macho

05-06-2002, 01:22 PM
I think you guys are hangin out at stooges to long after work and not gettin home ta build them shocks..;) I do plan on coming out there soon ta BS with you guys,,maybe this week,,I'll pm ya before I do..:cool:

PS...paying me in beer is not a good idea,,you'd be better off hookin me up with a deal on shocks,,cuz I'd probably run the quadshop in the ground tryin to keep up with supply and demand on the beer I'll be needing..LMAO Ya'll might have ta drive me home too..LOL

05-06-2002, 01:26 PM
Funny you mention Stooges, everybody from UPS goes there after work. I haven't been there yet, actually I don't even drink beer but you and Marty can throw down!:D

05-06-2002, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Jeff@QuadShop
Funny you mention Stooges, everybody from UPS goes there after work. I haven't been there yet, actually I don't even drink beer but you and Marty can throw down!:D

Me and my dad go to stooges every now and then and drink beer at lunch,,LMAO,,hope work doesn't see this.

And you mention you don't drink beer,,,either your allergic to it or your not human,,which is it??:eek:

05-06-2002, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Rico

Me and my dad go to stooges every now and then and drink beer at lunch,,LMAO,,hope work doesn't see this.

And you mention you don't drink beer,,,either your allergic to it or your not human,,which is it??:eek:

LOL...I just don't have a taste for it.

05-06-2002, 04:29 PM
Rico I would not want you to Build my Shocks. I like it Best when Stuff Works. LOL.