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View Full Version : Rear brake sticking

09-05-2001, 08:22 AM
I have been noticing lately that my rear brake will stick and not release. I took the caliptor off and lubed up the slides but it still does it. I am going to put new brake pads on to see if that helps. I have noticed the the rotor has some wear but not wore out (yet). Has anyone else had this problem? What rotor should I get to replace it when it is time.

09-05-2001, 08:45 AM
Pull out your rear brake lever assembly, clean it up with some emry cloth, lube it up with some wheel bearing grease and it will be good as new.

09-05-2001, 01:36 PM
Yeah I've read that the rear break pedal will sometimes stick and cause the problem your having,,like wheelie said pull your rear break pedal off and greaser up real good and I bet your problems will go away.... I'm guessing you ride in muddy or sandy conditions??

09-05-2001, 02:25 PM
We get in the mud once in a while, who am I kidding most of the time! I will try that tonight as soon as I get home.
Thanks! :D

09-07-2001, 02:27 PM
Well I went home and took out the brake lever and clean it up, then greased it. A friend of mine told me to change the brake fluid also. After all that and a phone call to Rocky Mountain to order brake pads. I took off the calipor to clean it up and noticed that the rotor was warped. :mad: So I had to call Rocky Mountain back and get a rotor also.
I hope this cures my problem, I also plan on greasing the carrier this weekend also. I hope I didn't cook a bearing.