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View Full Version : anyone ridden in central oregon??

04-24-2002, 03:13 PM
Anyone ridden areas in central oregon?

I am curious to know if it is worth the drive...

I live in the Portland area and have ridden the dunes and in the woods a little but would like to expand my horizons.


04-24-2002, 09:49 PM
We might be going to Henderson(sp) on Tuesday if the weather at Sand Lake is poopy. We will be making a trip over there sometime this summer just to check it out.

Welcome to EX-Riders,


04-25-2002, 09:28 AM
Cool, have fun!!

Let me know how you like it!

Sand Lake is pretty fun but too small. Gets a little scary on the weekends sometimes. I've seen a lot of pretty bad accidents, never had one myself though...knock on wood. :)

04-26-2002, 09:50 AM
Yeah, I don't go there on the weekends. I was there last Friday with some people I met through here. Towards the end of the day it started filling up and I had head-on collision with a 250r going the wrong way on the " one way" trail:mad: . No injuries except my mashed front bumper:mad: After that, I loaded up and went home.


04-26-2002, 10:01 AM
ooooo! that sucks! sorry to hear that! lucky no one got hurt.

I have always thought that they needed to label those trails better, although you would think people would pay attention or at least slow down a little.

It really is too bad that sand lake is so small since it is the only sand riding area within a decent distance. However, small can help out with the getting lost factor.

Ever ridden Florence or Winchester Bay? Talk about getting lost! Great areas to ride though!

Do you do mostly sand riding?

04-26-2002, 12:03 PM
02exchic - I have always thought that they needed to label those trails better

A buddy of ours works in a screen printing/sign shop and made a bunch of "one way" signs with arrows. We put a bunch up on the trail (last year) and within say 3 weeks all but one was ripped down. I don't get that at all, why take the time to rip them down :confused: . I have yet to run into anyone while on "one way" myself but 2 of my buddies have had head on crashes while I was with them. Luckily no one was hurt seriously but in both cases it smashed their nice chrome bumpers :( Now we really only ride the trail at night so at least you can see headlights coming at you.

www.out4sand.com (http://www.out4sand.com)

twisted threads
04-26-2002, 01:55 PM
Yeah that makes no since that some one took down the signs that you guys made. I have never hit any one but I was right behind my buddy that did.

02exchic yes I have riden them both they are a blast! Have you ever been to Coos Bay that place is even bigger. But Coos Bay is small comparied to St.Anthony, Idaho that place is awsome. There are hills so big that people at the bottom look like ants.

04-26-2002, 02:11 PM
What the ****! Those are the idiots causing all the crashes on those trails.
There are too many people out there with too little respect for these riding areas and the other people using them. When I was there a couple weeks ago, some guy was cutting down one of the trees along the tree line. "Need firewood" is what he told me....(no other comment needed here)

That was very cool of you guys to at least try to make it safer, too bad someone else didn't think so. :mad:

out4sand--never been to coos bay. Nice pics on the website. I'll have to add that to my destination list for the summer. I have only been riding for 2 years, learned on an 89 Blaster. The 400 is my first bike, lovin' it!!! :D

Do any of you ride dirt also, or just stick to the dunes??

04-26-2002, 02:11 PM
I agree totally with twisted threads, Coos Bay is by far my favorite Oregon dune but as cool and large as it is, it has nothing on St Anthony's...that place is INCREDIBLE!!

I don't have to many picture because all I wanted to do was ride when I was there but check them out if you feel like it


twisted threads
04-26-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by 02exchic

Do any of you ride dirt also, or just stick to the dunes?? [/B]

I ride dirt also on my Ex but my R has not seen dirt for about a year. I just don't take off the paddles.:)

Out4sand those are cool pictures of Idaho. I mite be going over there in mid june If I can get the time off. I know what you mean about taking no pictures, I took the video camera and did not take one min. of film because I was having to much fun riding. Were did you stay at when you went??

04-26-2002, 10:23 PM
I mostly ride dirt/trails. Went riding today in Colton, very tight trails, mostly first and second gear. And alot of deep motorcycle ruts. I also bent a front rim, this getting to be an expensive week for me:(
I've been to Florence once, for 4-5 days last summer, and had a blast. I really like the trails just inside from the beach. I'm hoping to go to Coos Bay and/or Winchester this summer.

out4sand: Good effort with the signs, too bad there are so many losers out there.


04-26-2002, 10:29 PM
I don't have anything to say about riding there now. I would just like to tell you guys how much I miss even being able to choose a place in my home state of Oregon. I hope you all have a great time.

04-26-2002, 10:52 PM
Thanks for helping to keep our skies safe;)
When do you get to come home?


04-26-2002, 10:57 PM
Looks like I will get to head that direction about Dec this year with any luck. It would be nice to be there out of the cold that ND brings us. By the way you are welcome I love what I do and those bad guys are getting a big taste of it.

04-29-2002, 09:34 AM
YIY! Sorry to hear that JOEX. I guess that's when they say it's good to love your bike! (when you have to shell out so much $$) At least you got to get on your bike though. I was forced to sit this one out because of the damn flu. Been since the 20th for me know. :mad:
Colton, huh? Didn't know there was a place to ride there. The tight trails are okay but I get a little bored after too long on the same type of trail, plus I usually dirt ride with two wheeler owners. They cruise the rut as I try not to get dumped by it!
I have yet to be at a riding area that has a real good variety all along the same trail. I would like to find a place that allows for that type of riding without having to hit the gravel/dirt roads too much.

Florence is great. I will be taking my first trip of the summer in the coming weeks. Pretty excited!! Would like to try Coos Bay as well.

04-29-2002, 09:48 AM
02exchic, have you ridden at Jones Creek (east of Vancouver)?? It's really close, and they have some good trails that will keep you off of the gravel roads for pretty decent riding. I've also been spending some time out at Rogers/Brown's camp. They've got some good trails out there too. No matter where you go, you're going to have to hit the gravel every now and then. That's just a good excuse to go wide open for a bit. I am also pretty familiar with a place called Tahuya up in Washington (about 180 miles). It's got some really great trails (lots of variety).

Joe, sorry to hear that you got hit after we left Sand Lake that day. Seems like we were just talking about head on crashes as we were loading our bikes up.

If any of you Oregon riders want to be put on my group email list, send an email to chadhamel@earthlink.net I have about 15 people on it now, and it's really helping to get more locals out riding together. Lot's of good people with the same interests.

04-29-2002, 10:22 AM
Never been to Jones Creek, have to try there maybe this weekend....thx!!!
I went to Brown's Camp on my last time out. Had a good time. Hit one trail that was a little above my scope of capabilities, did okay though! (patting myself on the back) I also had my first experience throwing myself off the bike, that was fun. (only because I dodn't break myself or the bike)