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View Full Version : Stained Plastic--HELP!!

09-04-2001, 08:20 PM
Just had a question for everyone out there. I am new at this thing so I hope I do it right. I own a yellow 01 400ex and ride mainly in a wooded area. After washing my 400 the last couple of times I have noticed stains on the front nose of the quad. They appear to me like some kind of dye from the plants in the area. They are a rustic-looking color and they will NOT come out. I haven't tried too many things for fear of really scratching the plastic. I know this is only cosemetic so it is not that big of a deal, but I would REALLY appreciate anyones input on this one. Thanks alot!!

09-04-2001, 08:33 PM
I'd use some mean green and get a lot of soap and water and scrub it. Then armor all it up or use mop n glow to shine it.

09-04-2001, 08:38 PM
I have never really heard of mean green....where can I get that at?? Also, what would I use to scrub the plastic with....I tried using just an old clean t-shirt...but I scrubbed long enough without results that it was like I used sand paper. Thanks

09-06-2001, 08:29 PM
Power Washer?????

09-06-2001, 08:35 PM
Yeah...acutally I have access to one but it was to no avail. I may try that Mean Green cleaner and see if that works. I am not sure where to find it though, also if anyone else has any suggestions I would REALLY appreciate them. Thanks.

09-08-2001, 01:37 PM
When my bike gets scratches and dirt gets in there I take my mom's all porpous bleach cleaner and it's like that bleach for colors it works really good just don't let it sit there for more than 3-5 mins.

09-17-2001, 01:57 AM
i had some deep scratches after my wreck
on the head light - handelbars rear fender's
the whole thing was fugged-

i took a streight razer and holding it at an angel
likeif you hold it this way- / pull it --> that way
with a little preasure- dn't dig in- and you can get te scratches out- try it