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12-27-2004, 03:33 PM
always wear your helmet. i just witnessed a wreck. my cousin (tp300ex), me and our other friend were riding around today. me on my old breeze (cuz my KFX is gettin some parts put on), tad on his BRAND NEW two day old 05 ex. and our other friend on his 4x4 kodiak. well we were goin to the guy that fixes my fourwheeler house and evan wrecked into tads brand new 05. suffered from a concsusion and bruised up elbow. didn't know what happened. tell more details later. gotta go to the hopital to see wahts wrong with him. by the way he didnt have a helmet on but tad did.

12-27-2004, 04:07 PM
like the saying goes

"Stupidity Hurts"

12-27-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by JRDrider22
like the saying goes

"Stupidity Hurts"

yes it does.

12-27-2004, 05:00 PM
A frind of mine has a saying,

"If you're going to be dumb, you gotta be tough."

12-27-2004, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by EXRIDER400KFX
always wear your helmet. i just witnessed a wreck. my cousin (tp300ex), me and our other friend were riding around today. me on my old breeze (cuz my KFX is gettin some parts put on), tad on his BRAND NEW two day old 05 ex. and our other friend on his 4x4 kodiak. well we were goin to the guy that fixes my fourwheeler house and evan wrecked into tads brand new 05. suffered from a concsusion and bruised up elbow. didn't know what happened. tell more details later. gotta go to the hopital to see wahts wrong with him. by the way he didnt have a helmet on but tad did. ask lt250andraptorider about helments. he was wearing his and still had several parts of his brain bruised and also hemmoraging. just think what would it would have been like if he hadn't wore his. One thing i won't do is ride with out a helment bet ur cousin doesn't anymore either

12-27-2004, 07:13 PM
people will never learn, we will always hear about people getting hurt or dying, and they could have been fine, or have less injuries, if they were wearing a helmet. Everone has that "it wont happen to me" attitude, thats why this always happens.

12-27-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by angieyes
. One thing i won't do is ride with out a helment bet ur cousin doesn't anymore either

my cousin was wearng a helmet.

ok so heres the story.....
we were all riding and we decided to go check up on my fourweheeler to see if it was ready. so we're going there and while were RIGHT infront of his house our friend evan runs smack into tad on his new 05 ex (2 days old). they both fly off their quads. evans kodiak rolls over once and lands on the side. (you can tell it was skidding while itw as on the side) the side of the plastic and the side of the rim as all scraped up. so anyones i push evans quad over. tad catches his. evan's elbow is allll scraped up and is swollen big time. it attracts a big crowd over there. the guy that works on my fourwheeler came outside because he heard the crash. then about 4 or 5 other neighbors came over there to. one guy kept saying call the police. i was like dude are you stupid. so we couldn't get in touch with his mom or dad or anything. so we called my aunt. we drove him back over to her house (less than 1 mile away) and she brought him to the hospital. he didn't remember anything. he thought he was dreaming and what not. he didn't know what happened at all. so anyways tads new EX has bent and chipped plastics,tailight broken completely off, and tweeked subframe. evans kodiak has scraped plastic and bent swingarm i think and the front rack is bent all the way down. tad had a helmet on. but evan didn't. anyways evan is in surgery right now for his elbow. and he had a concussion. nothing happened to tad. well sorry for the long post but that's my story ;)

12-27-2004, 07:54 PM
helmets are cool

12-27-2004, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by MixMasterMike
helmets are cool


12-27-2004, 09:35 PM
its cooler not to wear one im sure, but cool isnt always the way to be. be SAFE for once. wear a damn helmet, some people never learn thats why prisions are overcrowded.

12-27-2004, 09:55 PM
I had 2 cuncussions during football season. They are no fun:(

12-28-2004, 05:37 AM
Originally posted by bulkdriverlp
its cooler not to wear one im sure, but cool isnt always the way to be. be SAFE for once. wear a damn helmet, some people never learn thats why prisions are overcrowded.

so if I dont wear a helmet I will be arrested and go to prison?

12-28-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by chucked
so if I dont wear a helmet I will be arrested and go to prison?

i was wondering the same thing. i don't think this kid knwos what he is talking about.

12-28-2004, 12:33 PM
maybe I misunderstood, but what was the reason for your friend on the Kodiak running into the EX? Was he showing off? To do that damage he must have been going really fast. I bet next time he gets on a quad he wears his helmet!! I hope he gets better soon though. Keep us posted

12-28-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by EXRIDER400KFX
i was wondering the same thing. i don't think this kid knwos what he is talking about.

Kid? I'm sure the guy was born in '72, I must still be a baby compared to him! And you talk like you are at the most 13 or 14...I think people need to go back to school and learn how to write.

But I'm also confused about the helmet thing and going to prison...I don't get that. Oh and why would it be cooler NOT to wear one? I thought helmets look cooler than a skull crushed in?:D

12-28-2004, 04:03 PM
i got a question, if you think it is so cool to wear a helmet and everything and how you care soo much about helmets.......then why didnt you tell the kid to put a helmet on?:rolleyes: yeah

12-28-2004, 04:29 PM
its cooler not to wear one im sure,

this means some people dont like to wear helmets cause their ugly or mess up their hair or something.

some people never learn thats why prisions are overcrowded.

must be a young crowd responding. this means the reason prisions are overcrowded is because most are repeat offenders. some have been to prision many times. THEY JUST NEVER LEARN. has nothing bout being sent to prision for not wearing ur helmet. now do WE understand?????

12-28-2004, 04:32 PM
If you got a $10.00 head wear a $10.00 helmet if you have nothing upstairs then dont wear a helmet.Broken arms legs heal broken braines never heal the same.Always wear a helmet.

12-28-2004, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by bulkdriverlp
its cooler not to wear one im sure,

this means some people dont like to wear helmets cause their ugly or mess up their hair or something.

some people never learn thats why prisions are overcrowded.

must be a young crowd responding. this means the reason prisions are overcrowded is because most are repeat offenders. some have been to prision many times. THEY JUST NEVER LEARN. has nothing bout being sent to prision for not wearing ur helmet. now do WE understand?????

alright i gotchya now. i just didnt understand it the first time. didn't explain it to clear.

12-28-2004, 05:41 PM
i rode before down the block w/out a helmet and i hated it. i knew it was a wrong thing to do. i felt weird without it on

12-28-2004, 06:03 PM
I understood what u meant i just had to be a smart *** :devil:

12-28-2004, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by EXRIDER400KFX
alright i gotchya now. i just didnt understand it the first time. didn't explain it to clear.

ok now answer my question

12-28-2004, 06:18 PM
My dad doesnt wear a helmet and it really makes me mad, he thinks hes fawkin superman somthing .

i love my helmet, its like my visa, i never leave without it.

12-28-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Cdaleracer
maybe I misunderstood, but what was the reason for your friend on the Kodiak running into the EX? Was he showing off? To do that damage he must have been going really fast. I bet next time he gets on a quad he wears his helmet!! I hope he gets better soon though. Keep us posted

we were going to the guys that works on my quads house to check to see if mine was ready. hes the second house after a turn. my friend on the kodiak has neverbeen there and he didnt kno where he lived. so he thought tad on the EX was still going fast but he was about to turn into the driveway. im guessing that since he didn't know where it was he was still goin at a good speed because he didn't kno the house was right there.

12-28-2004, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by APK400exRacer
i got a question, if you think it is so cool to wear a helmet and everything and how you care soo much about helmets.......then why didnt you tell the kid to put a helmet on?:rolleyes: yeah

maybe because i am not the kids mom and he wouldn't have listened to me anyway probably. so why don't try to find another way to be an *******.

12-28-2004, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by EXRIDER400KFX
maybe because i am not the kids mom and he wouldn't have listened to me anyway probably. so why don't try to find another way to be an *******.

ok your so worried about your friend yet you didnt tell him to put a helmet on. I dont care what you say ill always tell people to put helmets mom. Even if im not there mom, dad , granmother, dog walker etc. Nice try to prevent what turned out nasty. :rolleyes: :huh

12-28-2004, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by APK400exRacer
ok your so worried about your friend yet you didnt tell him to put a helmet on. I dont care what you say ill always tell people to put helmets mom. Even if im not there mom, dad , granmother, dog walker etc. Nice try to prevent what turned out nasty. :rolleyes: :huh

yes that's great. i really don't care what you have to say. im going to keep my mouth shut in respect to rule 1 :o

12-29-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by APK400exRacer
ok your so worried about your friend yet you didnt tell him to put a helmet on. I dont care what you say ill always tell people to put helmets mom. Even if im not there mom, dad , granmother, dog walker etc. Nice try to prevent what turned out nasty. :rolleyes: :huh

You've got a good point...I never ride with anyone that's not wearing a helmet, I don't want to see anything like what happened there happen. I always make my friends wear a helmet, if they don't have one, I give them one of mine. If I don't, I know that I'm partly responsible if they get hurt.