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12-23-2004, 05:03 PM
were writing a book about quad riders and there stories so if you would like to put a story in the book PLEASE post it and we will put it in
we need all the stories we can get !!!!!

12-23-2004, 05:57 PM
search on here for running from cops, you'll get millions of stories

i was riding with my friend, he jumped a sand berm crashed and his helmet flew off cause he didn't strap it:rolleyes:, got up and said "What happened"

then he got stuck in the mud and the tires flew up a sheet of mud like a blanket and covered him completely

then we take him to a lake to wash off in and he rides wheelies through it but found a bump in the middle of the lake and flipped his quad and himself completely under.

then he's like, lets race

12-23-2004, 06:09 PM
I have a story to tell you about, do you have aim? If not ill pm you the story get back to me. Its fairly long adn a great story.

12-23-2004, 06:34 PM
i want to hear it

12-23-2004, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Scott-300ex
i want to hear it

12-23-2004, 08:49 PM
Alright since i have no one to talk to on AIM ill type it up.

To begin with im just a 14yr old kid. Dont have much money as a family and my self. Well there is a site WWW.ATVFLORIDA.COM that helped me get the quad that i am riding today. It all began back in January i guess you could say of this year, maybe later. On this site i only had 500 dollars to buy a quad with and I was asking a lot of people on the site if they would take monthly payments on quads and such so i could get something to ride. Well I found a guy in I think December or so with a 400ex in Louisiana for DIRT CHEAP and i mean cheap. Well remember that because that plays a role in the story. Well after asking about 50 or so people on this site if they would take monthly payments i made a post on the site in the open discussion forum and asked if someone could maybe lone me some money so i could get a ride and I would pay them monthly instead of the seller. Well noone budged on that either. So here I am at home "S-O-L" a ride. Well then a few days after that thread got lucked and a Dad of 3 kids stepped forward and made a thread about my thread being locked. He said he thought it was a crock of crap that my thread got locked and how remember when you were a kid? You didnt have much money either. And stating all this stuff like that and said it was wrong they locked it. He then stated in a next paragraph that he wanted to get me a quad with the help of the site. He said that he had 100 dollars to throw into a pot for me. He asked that everyone chip in. Well my name on that site was LakeMaryKid and now the site had "Project Kid" on their hands. People started replying saying they had 100 dollars or 25 dollars or 50 dollars or some sorts of money. Well we collected 500 dollars all in all. Well me having 500 dollars and them having 500 dollars that brought the grand total to 1000 dollars we had. Well knowing we wouldnt find that nice of a quad for that much money a young man, married with two kids age 26 stepped forward and said he would rebuild the whole bike to make it look nice and rideable. So now we have 500 dollars from this site and one of the most knowledgable guys about engines and quads on our hands. He used to race Mud Drags, and quads and all that. Well everyone on the site was looking for a quad for me and it just so happens one day i am on AIM and i get an "im" from someone i had no clue who it was. Well it turns out its this guy from Louisiana with the 400ex. I dont know how it happened or why he "imed" me at this time in my life but this is after talking to him via AIM a good 2 months ago.

12-23-2004, 09:24 PM
sorry guys it was too long for one post

Well after everyone was bickering over whether or not i could handle it everyone agreed it is the right thing. Well now comes the issue of getting the quad down here. Some of the guys like 3 or 4 said they were going to drive up and get the bike and bring it back. Well the guy who said he would rebuild the bike had connections with shipping companies cuase his company dealt with forklifts and they had them shipped in all the time. Well so we decide to get it shipped here. So we send the money off and 5 days or so later it is on the truck. Now in route to Florida. It took about 7 or so days to get here i think. It was very rough but what do you expect for one grand right?!Here is a pic of it when we got it.http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid125/pe37047cbbb5191148a2d8bb3dec42d4c/f804ccf4.jpg Now this thing was just nasty. It would not even start when we got it. The head pipe was just caked with RED CLAY. I mean it was corroding and the muffler was gutted and was just disgusting also. So the quad doesn't start and is just nasty. The swing arm bracket on the left side was all messed up and snapped and welded back for a redneck fix. Well this guy strips it down in 2 nights to the frame. This thing was just disgustingly dirty. It was ridden hard and put up wet. So then some guys on the site who had 400ex's previously had some left over stock parts. One had a complete exhaust system and another had some pegs and another had a bumper and so on. Well eventually we had enough stock parts to replace the old beatin parts. Well the guy gets the head off and everything and finds that the rings are locked down. Well this guy being the "high speed" guy he is decides well if we are getting a piston why not get one that is a lil bit better for the same price. Well he didnt tell me but told me i will like it and better hold the F^ck on when i hit the gas and steer straight cause it is going to haul some serious arse. Well he put in a Wiseco Titanium 11:1 compression piston stock bore. He then does one of THE BEST port jobs ever. So he ported and polished my heads. So now he is hopping it up and everything. Well he paints the engine to make it look good and then starts to do the frame. He strips the paint and then puts some primor down and paints it a Lolipop blue color. Well now what would look better than some nice powder coated parts to go with that nice frame right? Well a local powdercoater stepped forward who also rides and said he would powder coat some parts for me. So he powder coats the front hubs, the swingarm, the oil tank, and the pegs. We would have done the rear hubs but did not get them in time cause the stock 400ex axle was bent and a guy shipped us his 250r axle for it. And we had to wait and look around for some 250r hubs. So now we have a sleeper motor, a painted frame and subframe, and powdercoated parts. So now the process of rebuilding it starts. So we rebuild it with all the new and revamped parts and she turns out AMAZINGLY. Well now what would go better with this than a BIG group ride of all the people who made it all come true? Yes that is right we then had a big ride with a cookout and all over a FULL weekend. We showed up a half a day late becuase the starter took a S^it on us and had to find one in a few hours. Thank god this guy has some connections. So we show up and i finally meet the guy who starts this whole thing. And talk about a fantastic weekend this could not be any better! Now guys let me know about any work this guy is just fantastic. Please visit his site at WWW.ALLTERRAINPERFORMANCE.COM and now for the photoalbums of the process of the rebuild. Sorry they are not in order. Here is the process pics. http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=2941000093
and here is a BIG group pic. i will post the other pics in a few they are uploading.

12-23-2004, 09:41 PM
post pics of your 400 now

12-23-2004, 09:48 PM
The Guy Who Did All The Work & The Quad Finished:
The BIke Again:
Group Pic:
Another Group Pic:
All The People:
Yet Another Group Pic:
The Guy On The Left Is Who Built The Bike and On The Right Is The Guy Who Started The Pot Luck Thing:

12-23-2004, 09:50 PM
Dam, I wish I got that kind of assistance when I wanted a quad.

12-23-2004, 09:52 PM
trust me i am soo glad it happened. Out of the whole deal i gained quite a few new dads and some big brothers that i wish i had. I only have a sister and these 3 guys like 18, 19, and 20 are all like older brothers to me now. Trust me i am soo grateful.

12-23-2004, 09:56 PM
Hey, do you happen to have parents?:huh

12-23-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Big400EX
Hey, do you happen to have parents?:huh

lmao what a ? to ask

12-23-2004, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by APK400exRacer
trust me i am soo glad it happened. Out of the whole deal i gained quite a few new dads and some big brothers that i wish i had. I only have a sister and these 3 guys like 18, 19, and 20 are all like older brothers to me now. Trust me i am soo grateful.

lol yes i have parents, just not very fortunate ones

12-23-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by APK400exRacer
lol yes i have parents, just not very fortunate ones

I am glad to hear that it all worked out for you, nice 400 BTW!

12-23-2004, 10:23 PM
Wow u got so lucky. That was so nice of them to do that.

12-23-2004, 10:24 PM
dude, somebody did a **** job on your seat cover

12-24-2004, 08:53 PM
man, i bet you got carpletunnel typin all that

awsome story though man