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View Full Version : December officially SUCKS

12-22-2004, 01:38 PM
Well I needed to vent so I came on here. Alright I don't want everyone thinking I need pity, but I want people to realize that life is a precious thing and every day you need to stop and thank god for everything you have, before it's too late. First off, back in 1996 (dec 4th) my sister was killed in a drunk driving accident. She had a lot going for her and she wasn't even able to live her life. November 25th this year, my grandfather passed away. Today, December 22, my mom called me crying telling me to drive careful. Turns out my second cousin, only 18 years old, was killed in a car accident. He was one of the brightest kids out there. He had scholarships to get him through school for eight years. Wonderful kid, and he'll definitly be missed. now I sit here and think why is always the good people? Why? It's never the low life killers or child molesters, rather it's the ones that deserve to live.

This is just a plea for people to be careful. We are all involved in such a dangerous sport and just like that you life can be taken away. I realize now what I have and I am so thankful for it.

Merry christmas everyone and please, PLEASE be safe this holiday season.

12-22-2004, 01:44 PM
:(God must have needed special help from some special people. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

12-22-2004, 01:46 PM
Yea its most of the time really good people who die.

12-22-2004, 01:51 PM
sorry to hear about your loss
you should do some motivational speaking at schools and stuff
it seems you'd be good at it and im sure if you could prevent one kid or adult from getting killed or killing someone else it would make you feel better inside
again im sorry

12-22-2004, 01:55 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss Brittany . :(

12-22-2004, 02:11 PM
yes truly sorry to hear about your loss. your family will be in our prayers this christmas

12-22-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Sorry to hear about your loss Brittany . :(

12-22-2004, 03:59 PM
I really appreciate all your kind words everyone, thank you.

12-22-2004, 05:34 PM
Sorry to hear this... :(

Everyone have a happy, and SAFE holiday season! :)

12-22-2004, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by muddkitten
yes truly sorry to hear about your loss. your family will be in our prayers this christmas

12-22-2004, 08:19 PM
You have had some hard times. I'll keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

12-22-2004, 08:23 PM
a friend of mine passed away in september from a car wreck b/c he was late for work and passed a truck in the fog and was head on crash. when everyone keep asking why the only thing his dad could say was that god needed a lil excitement in heaven but sorry to hear that
everyone be safe

12-22-2004, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by hot450girl
Well I needed to vent so I came on here. Alright I don't want everyone thinking I need pity, but I want people to realize that life is a precious thing and every day you need to stop and thank god for everything you have, before it's too late. First off, back in 1996 (dec 4th) my sister was killed in a drunk driving accident. She had a lot going for her and she wasn't even able to live her life. November 25th this year, my grandfather passed away. Today, December 22, my mom called me crying telling me to drive careful. Turns out my second cousin, only 18 years old, was killed in a car accident. He was one of the brightest kids out there. He had scholarships to get him through school for eight years. Wonderful kid, and he'll definitly be missed. now I sit here and think why is always the good people? Why? It's never the low life killers or child molesters, rather it's the ones that deserve to live.

This is just a plea for people to be careful. We are all involved in such a dangerous sport and just like that you life can be taken away. I realize now what I have and I am so thankful for it.

Merry christmas everyone and please, PLEASE be safe this holiday season.

:( Sorry to hear that

12-22-2004, 10:41 PM
Sorry to hear that. I've known 3 teenagers that have died this year. It never gets any easier. Just gotta keep on keepin on.

12-22-2004, 11:46 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. I'm not having a good month either, seems my girlfriend and I are pretty much done after almost 2 years. Just in time for the holidays. :(

12-23-2004, 11:58 AM
Brittany, i can relate to some of the things that you speak of, in that i to have lost some people who were close to me this year... Just yesterday, i was wearing a leather coat of mine while out christmas shopping, and went to put a gift card i purchased into the inside pocket of my jacket.. feeling a piece of paper in there, i pulled it out and realized that it was the bulliten from a friend of mines funeral back in May of this year.. It had a picture of him on the back, and all i could think about was, how can such a great person like him be the one to suffer and not be able to live out life?? It is so horrible that some whom are the greatest of people out there have to lose all of what they have...

Even though i have lost a couple of friends of mine, i can not even imagine what it has to be like to lose an immediate family member like you have many times... I just hope that you will stay strong, and just remember the good times that you have had with these people, and always remember to live life to the fullest and always be careful...

My prayers are with you and your family Brittany, Happy Holidays to ALL!!!


12-23-2004, 09:23 PM
Thanks everyone! I've become a stronger person from all this. I know I'll see my sister again, it's just hard because I really miss her!

To make matters worse I had to get surgery today, but it went extremely well. The doctors had to laugh because people who usually get what I got done are bed ridden, crying and can't move. Once my drugs wore off I was dressed and half way out the door! I feel great :)

12-24-2004, 10:11 AM
Brittany you have my deepest sympathys. I now realize how horrible it is to lose someone at the holidays after losin my grandmother this week but like ya said one day well be seein everyone again. Glad to hear your doin so well after surgey.