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View Full Version : removing baffle

Flatwoods Flash
12-14-2004, 05:23 PM
Everyone around here that still has the stock pipe on their 400exs takes the baffle or spark arrestor out of the pipe and then puts the endcap back on. When I see one like this I always ask them if they rejetted. They always say no because it is not an aftermarket pipe. Would taking the baffle out cause you to need to rejet like i tell them it would? What size jets would you go to?

Also is it safe to run without the spark arrestor and the endcap off or would you be taking a risk of warping a valve with too little backpressure? With this setup what size jets would you go to?

12-14-2004, 08:20 PM
i did it and no i didnt rejet and yes i should cuz im runnin lean now....but thats ok the BIG GUN is goin on tomarrow or thursday :)

cut the spark arrestor all the way off with a die grinder or hacksaw or whatever you got...it wont hurt anything, its just opened up like an aftermarket...also, drill some 3/4" holes in your rear baffle itll take some of that ridicuolus bubbly noise away and drill holes in your airbox lid then rejet to like a......156 or so main you should be sweet...

also, do a search next time ;)

12-14-2004, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by throwinitup
i did it and no i didnt rejet and yes i should cuz im runnin lean now....but thats ok the BIG GUN is goin on tomarrow or thursday :)

cut the spark arrestor all the way off with a die grinder or hacksaw or whatever you got...it wont hurt anything, its just opened up like an aftermarket...also, drill some 3/4" holes in your rear baffle itll take some of that ridicuolus bubbly noise away and drill holes in your airbox lid then rejet to like a......156 or so main you should be sweet...

also, do a search next time ;)

I am thinking that a 156 would be way to rich if all you have done to your bike is holes everywhere. I would say a 152 at most. And don't expect any performance gains by removing the baffle, it really doesn't do much.
I would say leave yours in until you have the money for somthing that will actualy do good to your bike;)

12-15-2004, 01:56 PM
ah your right 152 would be good and idk what ur talkin about... IMO i have alot more throttle response..and it sounds better than stock, too.... :rolleyes: