View Full Version : DG, whats your Opnion??

12-11-2004, 11:54 PM
DG products, whats everyone opnion on these?
Dollar General, or Damn Great??
What does DG mean to you??

12-11-2004, 11:56 PM
crap,i had a set of their stainless steel nerfs that rusted:o

12-12-2004, 07:14 AM

12-12-2004, 08:13 AM
they're a waste of money

12-12-2004, 08:53 AM
My front bumper, nerfs, and skid plates have held up pretty good and I have put them through hell beating over rocks and swiping trees and such. You can't always just go by what people say. Although I can't say I have tested the front bumper b/c I have never hit anything or anybody, but my nerfs and skids I can say nothing but the good about...;)

12-12-2004, 10:32 AM
Ya, everyone says they're crap. I've had no problem with mine at all. They've been real good, and good quality for me. The u brackets that hold the front of the bars to the frame start to get a lil surface rust on them, but i just take it off with a steel wool in like 10 seconds. I'd reccomend them. I wish i would have gone with AC though, just because they look awesome, the styling is much better in my opinion. My buddy just got some Tusk nerfs for his Warrior, and they were real good quality, but fit like absolute crap! It took us 2 and a half hours just to tweak and bend them, and push them into the right spot. I think i would reccomend those, if they weren't fitted so poorly! They were of good quality though.

12-12-2004, 10:46 AM
i just dont like thier bumpers that much. im sure thier a quality product but thier kind of over priced.

12-12-2004, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by drifterx
Ya, everyone says they're crap. I've had no problem with mine at all. They've been real good, and good quality for me. The u brackets that hold the front of the bars to the frame start to get a lil surface rust on them, but i just take it off with a steel wool in like 10 seconds. I'd reccomend them. I wish i would have gone with AC though, just because they look awesome, the styling is much better in my opinion. My buddy just got some Tusk nerfs for his Warrior, and they were real good quality, but fit like absolute crap! It took us 2 and a half hours just to tweak and bend them, and push them into the right spot. I think i would reccomend those, if they weren't fitted so poorly! They were of good quality though.
my tusk went on my 400ex in about 10 minutes

12-12-2004, 11:30 AM
only dg i have on mine is my nerfbars. held up pretty damn well.

12-12-2004, 11:40 AM
See mark, most of the people who say that DG is crap, probably has never even had any DG products on their quad and is just going by what people say. In my OP if you hit a tree head on going 40+mph nothing is going to hold up, I dont care if its DG, AC, or whatever. Same for nerfs, you cant expect anything to hold up to hitting and beating

no offense for the peeps that have actually ran DG prod. and didn't hold up ;)

12-12-2004, 01:22 PM
I am not a dg fan but I will say I have never ran any dg product on my quad. the reason I don't buy there bumpers is because I race xc and I swear I see at least one dg bumper at every race layn flat on the quad because they seem like they stick out a little far and when you go through a dip it catches the other side. I don't run there nerf bars because I don't think they look as good as some of the other products even tho I have seen some of there new nerf bars and they don't look to bad! I also don't run there exhaust for a couple of reason one I was told which don't make this true but I was told that they don't give the quad much more power than a stock exhaust does and I have noticed that tim far is sponsered by dg and doesn't run there exhaust:huh this could be because he is also sponsered by baldwin and they want him to run there exhaust but I don't really know. I'm not sayn dg is a terrible product I am just sayn those are the reasons why I don't run dg.

12-12-2004, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by 300racer
they seem like they stick out a little far and when you go through a dip it catches the other side.

now, this is true. I have had mine dig into the ground a little but not enough to bend it or anything.

12-12-2004, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by hessianmx111
my tusk went on my 400ex in about 10 minutes

Ya, i don't know if it was just a freak thing or what. They look good and fit good now that they're on, but it did take almost 2 and a half hours to tweak them, and get them on completely, a lot of bending involved. They do have a nice finish, and will probably hold up real well though.

12-12-2004, 07:17 PM
my dg swing arm skid has held up decently

12-12-2004, 07:24 PM
I have owned 2 DG products. 1 was a cannister on my old Polaris XLT 600, and another was a skid on my old 400ex that was stolen. The can got its use, and after sinking in a pond and rusting to hell, it wasn't much but did was it was made to do, create 0 power but hella noise. I never had any problems with the skid plate on my old 400. I wouldn't but any of their exhaust systems for a quad, or pretty much just anything from them, but that is just me:o

12-12-2004, 09:05 PM
i personally think many of their new products are pretty nice. DG is making a good effort to compete, and releasing some decent stuff. i am and will always be an AC fan, but my friend has had nothing but trouble with their products, guess it is just luck of the draw, kinda like chevy and ford.....but ford is better:D

12-12-2004, 09:11 PM
I agree...a lot of DG's new stuff is pretty nice. Timmy and JJ run their stuff. Their new pro-peg nerfs aren't half bad. I recently saw a honda 450r that had their nerf and fr. bumper on it and the guy really like them. and i didn't see any problems with them. Looked good.

12-12-2004, 10:19 PM
I have some dg stuff and have never had a problem with their products. ( knock on wood ) ;)

12-13-2004, 03:12 AM
Does anyone ever use there DG bumpers to push ppl outa the way with? I talkin about, like when your racing and u have been whooing at the person for a long time and they just WILL NOT move. have u ever just rammed them hard as they are going into a tight corner? And if soo what happend to your Bumper, My AC bends right up, untill it breaks! IM going with PRM next go-around!

12-13-2004, 08:24 AM
I had there bumper on my 300ex, it never broke but it was bent up pretty bad. My friend has there skids on his 450r and they didnt hold up for crap. The frame skid is cracked in a few places, and one of the mounts broke off, the swinger cracked all the way down the shock linkage cover. They were only used in 3 XC races, so i wouldnt recommend there skids. I was also go with PRM mark I've had great luck with them.

12-13-2004, 08:59 AM
I didnt have any luck with DG. I have had a couple of dg bumpers the alloy and the krome lite, neither one of them held up very well. I have PRM skids and bumpers now. the PRM Summit bumper is the strongest bumper i have ever used. Mark if you go with PRM you wont be dissapointed. On another note I have also ran the pro armor bullhorn bumper and will have to say it is as equally as strong as the PRM.

12-13-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by hessianmx111
my tusk went on my 400ex in about 10 minutes

lol same here