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View Full Version : What in the name happened to this site?

12-08-2004, 09:26 PM
I occasionally poke my head in to see if the same ol' fools are riding their EX's around :p, and there are some serious changes being done. This site got friggen huge!

It was big when I came but Jesus...

Hey guys, I dunno but, ATVrider.com? (thats a bummer)...but whatever floats your boat, I just couldn't be nearly as attatched to the site as I used to be, theres just too many people and kids, kinda funny how it exploded though...

I'll come by and see how this post did, but I rarely get on this site anymore (or any site) for that matter...

My 2 cents for being around this site for a few years...

ATVriders.com is a "no no"....and the member list goes on and on and on and on and....

was fun while it lasted...until that whole "special member" thing...kinda turned me off...

I salute all you REAL EXrider.com patrons who have witnessed this site from the beggining to the catastrophy... :D

anyone elses take? well being as though your all regulars I already have an answer...nevermind

12-08-2004, 09:28 PM

man you must have been gone a long, long time...

12-08-2004, 09:37 PM
It's definatley not quite the same anymore, but change happens and the site has been responsible for a lot of changes in the industry. It's fun to look back on the old days before I even registered as a member and look at the small community it was. It has a commercial feel to it now. Nevertheless I'm always an exrider at heart and I still enjoy the site. I think it's direction will only help the future of our sport.

12-08-2004, 09:39 PM
Oh Well, Can't please everyone.

The site didn't win AMA Website of the Year for being a garbage site against RacerX and Cyclenews.

Sorry the "Supporting Members" turned you off, but I guess you are independently wealthy and could afford to absorb all the cost of running a website without member or sponsor support. Especially after the site almost crashed last August because of the huge amount of photos posted daily.

Glad to see you came back, and regardless of your opinion about the changes that I have made to the site,if you still have any intereste in ATVs, I am sure you will be back again in the future.

12-08-2004, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Admin
Oh Well, Can't please everyone.

The site didn't win AMA Website of the Year for being a garbage site against RacerX and Cyclenews.

Sorry the "Supporting Members" turned you off, but I guess you are independently wealthy and could afford to absorb all the cost of running a website without member or sponsor support. Especially after the site almost crashed last August because of the huge amount of photos posted daily.

Glad to see you came back, and regardless of your opinion about the changes that I have made to the site,if you still have any intereste in ATVs, I am sure you will be back again in the future.


12-08-2004, 11:15 PM
the "kids" thing used to bug me too, but I had to remind myself 2 things...
1...I was once 1(hell...still am)
2 ..ya gotta start somewhere

I still have my days but try my best to overlook it(the irritating 1's haha) and if I can help give advise...cool, b/c thats all it is anyway,if they take it, even better:ermm: :blah:

12-09-2004, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by cheetah
I think it's direction will only help the future of our sport. ;)