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12-03-2004, 05:14 PM
hey guys(or women(,i need halp,i was offered a trade for a 1996 honda cr250r dirtbike.it has a fmf,bored .20 over and a few other things,they have a brand new top end put on it today (friday the 3).it comes with extra plastic,2 sprockets,and a few extras.the guy is paying all my shipping except for $50,he is paying the rest.i have a 1997 honda 300ex,new bearing carrier,k&n filter,dg umper,dg nerfs,its prettymuch stock.[for sale by the way($1,500)].should i trade?

sled_ed 300ex
12-03-2004, 05:19 PM
its good if you want a dirtbike but man a dirtbike!!
this is atvriders!!!!
Im kidin its agood offer!

12-03-2004, 11:33 PM
yea, definately sounds like a good bike, but like sled_ed said, its a dirtbike, but sounds like your getting the better end of the deal

12-03-2004, 11:36 PM
thanx yall..appreciate it

12-03-2004, 11:38 PM
both have about equal resale value. the main thing here is have you ever ridden a bike? those 250s have 3 times the power of your 300. if your not familiar with riding a bike you might hurt yourself. but its just like learning to ride a quad or drive a car for the first time. take er easy and get used to it and you will have a lot of fun. bikes are great

12-03-2004, 11:40 PM
no,the only bikei ever rode was a little 50...LOL...yeh i will take it easy the first few weeks,or maybe even months.

12-03-2004, 11:55 PM
ahhhh, youll be ridin out in no-time:cool:

12-03-2004, 11:57 PM
yeh,anyone own or owned a cr250?.....how are theey?

12-04-2004, 12:09 AM
my friend had a 97 for 4 weeks till it was stolen:mad: it was a great bike though, smooth power, but still responsive and very fast. i think they hook up a little better than any other bike, but the front can go for the sky too lol. definately a fun bike though

12-04-2004, 12:12 AM
it might be kind hard for me...im only 5'7 or 5'8

12-04-2004, 12:18 AM
the smaller u r the faster u can go. b4 u trade ask him if u can ride it, take it out an c how u feel on it, u may decide to keep the quad, dirtbikes r fun as hell but jus not everyones style. if after u try it, u like it then any trade is a good trade. dont trade sumthin u like for sumthin u dont like even if it does seem like a good deal though.

12-04-2004, 12:21 AM
noo..the guy lives in florida,hes paying shipping and everything,when they unload it,the guy will start it and everything so i can make sure it runs and stuff.

12-04-2004, 12:22 AM
oyeha by the way,i live in louisiana

12-04-2004, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by hondaman09
yeh,anyone own or owned a cr250?.....how are theey?
i gotta 98 cr500 and it hauls, its too much most of the time and ive been ridin bikes for a long time, but its also good in the sand cause it dont bogg down like the smaller bores do. i also have a yz250 and a couple yamaha thumpers. the 2 stroke 250's are fast and you wont want to get too stupid at first cause it will send you to the ER. just take it easy and get used to it, its not the best bike to learn on because of the power but you will get better at it i guess. sounds like a good trade but just so you know they are higher maintnence(sp) than your 300ex and the pistons dont last as long. i would advise you to get a chest protector and riding boots if you dont already have them, they have saved me alot.

12-04-2004, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by hondaman09
hey guys(or women(,i need halp,i was offered a trade for a 1996 honda cr250r dirtbike.it has a fmf,bored .20 over and a few other things,they have a brand new top end put on it today (friday the 3).it comes with extra plastic,2 sprockets,and a few extras.the guy is paying all my shipping except for $50,he is paying the rest.i have a 1997 honda 300ex,new bearing carrier,k&n filter,dg umper,dg nerfs,its prettymuch stock.[for sale by the way($1,500)].should i trade?

i dunno i dont think id do it, you could sell your 300ex for 2000 if its in a clean shape and buy a 00 or 01 cr 125 which is a better handling bike and has adequate power....i sold my 01 for 2000 and i see them in ads all the time for 18-2200 that cr 250 is a 12-1300 dollar bike........if that

12-04-2004, 12:40 PM
i have my bike for sale for 1,500

12-04-2004, 01:02 PM
look around first....youll see newer and better two stokers go dirt cheap

12-04-2004, 01:22 PM
yeh i think i will look around,i was looking at them in the quicquarter,and they had one for $950,it was either a 2000 or 2001.ther was no way i was goin to trade if it was stock,but it has a few extras so.well i dont know thats why i asked,thanx everyone for the help,i wont trade,ill just sell it and buy a cr125.

12-04-2004, 02:34 PM
if your serious and have only ridden a 50....dont get it, when you wick the throttle on a 300ex..it lunges, when ya wick the throttle on the cr250 ...it staight up BARKS!;) 1/2 the weight and 3 time the grunt. I realize its a 96 but still, the new 250s are like the old 500s:macho

12-04-2004, 06:39 PM
LIek alot of people said if you want a dirtbike your making out but if your jut gonne get it and sell it buy something else you mid as weell keep your 300