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View Full Version : This is messed up!! You gotta hear this

12-03-2004, 12:49 PM
Ok the other day I was at work and I went outside to take a break and seen the security guard telling some guy that he needed to leave and if he caused a scene then the police would be called..The guy left and thats all that I heard..Well later on that night I seen all these other people look very worried and a lot of "hush hush" talking was going on..Well come to find out this guy that I had seen earlier had drawn a little man on his hand and was talking to him all night (really wierd) and of coarse people started to make fun of him..well after a few things were said to him about him being a wierdo he totally freaked out, stood up and told everyone in the room he was in that he was going to kill everyone in the building and this was going to be another masacure like all the shootings at the schools..It freaked alot of people out, but all they did was suspend him from work and then escorted him off of the property..He then called someone there and said if they didnt give him back his job he was going to blow up the building!! This was reported again to the security guard and not the cops and thats it..I think the cops were called, but I am not sure..They didnt even fire this guy..He is only suspended!! I dont know what is going to happen, but I do not feel safe working there right now knowing some guy is probably sitting at home plotting how he is going to kill everyone there!! I dont know what I should do..I mean with everyhting that has happened lately this is nothing to be taken lightly..I think they should have handled things alot differently and let people know what was going on instead of keeping it such a big secret because this is affecting peoples lives..I only found out because I am friends with alot of higher management there and the security guard..Well just thought I would put this out and get it off of my chest!! Thanks for listening..

12-03-2004, 12:56 PM
Dude, that sucks! I don't blame you for not feeling safe. If a guy was talking with his hand then he is probably one of those psychos that will do something like blowing up a building.

(get some snipers on the roof):D

12-03-2004, 01:40 PM
Your place of work obviously isn't taking the guy too serisously and thats how lots of incidents happen. Thats a pretty bad situation you are in. Did you talk to the security or management about how you feel?

12-03-2004, 01:43 PM
Yea I know this sucks completely..I dont know what has been done with this guy..I dont know for sure if the cops were called for sure or not or anything..It is all messed up..I tried to talk with people about this, but they all say they cannot discuss it more than they already did with me..Its like it is some big secret or something and they dont think they should scare the people working there, but I think that people should know..

12-03-2004, 02:12 PM
Isn't a bomb threat a federal offense? I would be complaining to upper manangement about all this. If there is a bomb threat, the guy should have been taken into custody. I'm not a cop or anything and don't really know how they handle the situation but it definitely sounds scary.

12-03-2004, 03:11 PM
Yea I feel the same way about this..I am pretty sure a bomb threat is a federal offense and he should be in custody now and even sent to a mental hospital for talking to his hand, but I like I said I dont know what steps were taken when all of this happened..I know he was escorted off of the property and when he was home he called the trainer and said he was going to blow up the building if they didnt let him come back to work, but I dont know if the police were called after this or not..I heard that they were called, but do not know for sure..Like I said I find it all very wierd that everything about this situation is very "hush hush" and I dont know why..I will try and find out more information tonight at work but who knows what people will tell me..

12-03-2004, 09:13 PM
Someone needs to call the police. Get a friend to do it if you're worried about loosing your job. He just needs to tell them the guys name and what he did. The police will come and investigate.
Too many nuts out there now and I dont want to hear about you on the news.

12-03-2004, 09:15 PM
they should have arrested him and put him in a nut house

12-03-2004, 09:38 PM
wtf, if someoen said that at school they would be in the slammer in no time....

12-03-2004, 10:35 PM
a bomb threat nowadays is a act of terrorism and is a big no no ... he should be in the nut house talking to the walls...

12-03-2004, 11:26 PM
Ok here is the deal guys..I found out more at work tonight..Ok after the bomb threat was called in the Police were called, but I guess they said that they couldnt do anything, but the Sheriffs department could so an arrest warrant was put out for him, but they didnt even go to his house to get him..Also he was fired after the cops were called, but to me that seems like it would just piss him off more now and the cops havent even picked him up..I dont know WTF is up with this..I know if I was to do this I would be in jail, but who knows..I also found out that this guy was even nuttier than thought before. I guess he used to work there before at some point and would bring these spring type things and put on his computer and said they were to keep the even aliens away..They should have known he was a fruit at this point and never hired the guy back..Also I guess after all of this stuff happened while he was being escorted off the property he was saying this wasnt his fault and his second personality came out and this personality is evil and he has been trying to control him, but hasnt been able to..WHAT A FREAK!!! I will keep checking up on this hopefully as the days progress if the guy doesnt blow me up..hahaha..Thanks for all your concerns guys!!

12-04-2004, 12:07 AM
sounds like the perfect time to take a relaxing vacation....and a deringer to work ;)

12-04-2004, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by ZQ8Dude
sounds like the perfect time to take a relaxing vacation....and a deringer to work ;)

I would but I dont get my paid days again until after the first of the year!!

12-04-2004, 12:57 AM
Talking to his hand...come on man, lay off the guy. He was just trying to get laid.:rolleyes:

12-04-2004, 01:20 AM
you better take him out first before he gets you! :eek2: :eek2:

12-04-2004, 05:56 AM
do you know why hes not in jail?
Because 99% of the time .. if they talk about it in public like this guy did .. chances are hes not gonna go through with it. He just wants attention. When kids are actually going to shoot up the school they usually don't talk about it to everyone.
I've had people threaten to bring a gun to school, shoot up the school , stab me , shoot me to my face and you know what I did instead of running away .. I stood there looked them in the eye and told them to do it .. and everytime they turned their head and walked away.

12-04-2004, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by 440EXGUY
I would but I dont get my paid days again until after the first of the year!!

deal- happened to you too? lol hought i was te only one

anyways 440exguy, sorry to hear that.....can you leave me your 440ex if anything happens? (ok ok im half kidding....the 250x then ;) )