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View Full Version : how do u bled the brakes?

04-20-2002, 09:22 AM
in my service manualy it does not say how to. i need to because of my damn brake block off is junk. fluid is leaking from it and i want to get it fixed by may 15(the trails open that day). i was told i need to over haul my rear caliper. where do i get the the stuff to do that? also how do i safty wire my grips? i had some put on and they are sliping and the guy did not safty wire them.
a realy :confused: big bad brad

04-20-2002, 09:43 AM
To bleed the brakes.... First,I am going to catch some flak for my method but a guarantee it works better than most. Make sure you have the master cylinder full, then loosen and retighten the bleeders to make sure they arent seized up. Now you need a partner, have him work the pedal or lever while you get fluid all over yourself. Put a latex glove on,loosen the bleeder and hold you finger over it tight,now have your buddy slowly press the pedal. The idea is pressure will push your finger away and allow the air and fluid out then will keep it from sucking air back in when he releases the pedal. Pump it 4 or 5 times and your done, close the bleeder. Just make sure you keep fluid in cause if it runs out you start all over! Try it!

04-20-2002, 11:30 AM
Check the FAQ for "brake bleeding jabber style"

04-20-2002, 12:00 PM
what does every1 mean when they say safety wire the grips?

04-20-2002, 09:27 PM
to "saftey wire the grips" is to take a very small diamiter wire and wrap it around the grip and twist it tight, then cutting the excess really close to the bar so u dont cut your hand. The purpose of this is to ensure that the grips dont come off while riding, hense "saftey" wire.

now to bleed the brakes. take some old carb tubing, and tie it like you r tying a knot, only dont pull it tight. Take the cap off the resorvoir, make sure it doesnt drop low enough to suck air, u will then have to start again. Put the end of the tubing on the bleeder/nipple. Pump up the brakes then crack the bleeder. Repeat this till you see that the fluid is over the highest hump in the knot. Now you can open the valve and countually pump the brake (note: keep an eye on the brake fluid level). Keep pumping until u see the new fluid comming out the hose. close the bleeder, top off the brake fluid, and put the lid on the resorvoir and your set.

04-24-2002, 10:35 AM
When I safty tie my grips I allways end up getting a shape point and cutting my hand on it. How do you get the safty wire twisted and cliped off so you don't hurt your hand?

04-24-2002, 08:11 PM
U may not be using small enough diameter wire, but what i do is take a flathead screw driver, and drive whats left of it up into the grip, dont do it so hard that u run the screw driver through the grip though.

04-24-2002, 08:15 PM
crazedex is right but leave enough to stuff into the grip it will be easier to work with./////safety wire pliers are pretty cheap also////

04-24-2002, 08:19 PM
yea take small mire grab pliers put the wire around grab it witht he pliers twist it make the part where the knot like thing is where your hand touches the most. twist until tight NOT TO TIGHT OR U CAN CUT YOUR GRIP then cut it with wire cutters or brush cutters then tap the wire that is left with the pliers up into the grip. this is the best way to do it very easy i have done it to many nike and cannot feel a thing. another thing is that u can get grips that have slots for em that makes it so u cant feel it.