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11-30-2004, 09:07 PM
If it wouldn't be for bad luck , I swear I'd have no luck at all . Most of you guys know about the accident I was in 3 months ago , which shattered my leg . Well tonight I'm walking through our kitchen at home here .... and what do I do ??? Tripped , Fell , and severely sprained my ankle on my injured leg . I wasn't supposed to put a lot of weight on my leg , and I ended up putting ALL my weight on it . The ankle twisted and I heard a pop and a crack . I thought for sure I broke the screws in my ankle . Spent 2 hours in emergency tonight ... took x-rays , and it shows that I might have even fractured my ankle . But for right now , it's a severe sprain . Just my luck . Who ever has the Voodoo Doll of me , and is doing this to me .... Please stop ... I'm Sorry !!! :(

11-30-2004, 09:10 PM
sorry to here that:ermm:

11-30-2004, 09:12 PM
OMG.....so sorry to hear this happen next! Your luck has got to change soon....just you wait!!!! At least i hope so anyway, you deserve it!!!!!

11-30-2004, 09:12 PM
ouch man that sucks!:( hope it isnt hurt to bad and heal soon

11-30-2004, 09:19 PM
Thanks guys ..... the pain sucks . My broken leg didn't hurt as much as this does . I got a tenser bandage and ice on it right now , and it's about the size of a grapefruit. I also popped 2 Tylenol 3 with codeine , so hopefully I'll be able to sleep well tonight . I'm just lucky I didn't break the screws holding the rod in place . And lucky I didn't nail my head on the table as I was going down . :ermm:

11-30-2004, 09:23 PM
bummer greg! It must just be one of those days...i'm having one myself. But i'm lucky enough that i havent gotten hurt.

Get better and keep popping those painkillers! are you going to be able to go to work tomorrow?

Cole Trane
11-30-2004, 09:31 PM
That sucks man!! I'll say get well soon, but I don't think you know what that means.:ermm:

11-30-2004, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Who ever has the Voodoo Doll of me , and is doing this to me .... Please stop ... I'm Sorry !!! :(

sorry bro i was aiming for the crotch but i missed:D

11-30-2004, 11:46 PM
dam man, sorry to hear that! Just think after you get rid of all that bad luck, the good luck starts to come in!

11-30-2004, 11:57 PM

12-01-2004, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Bush0102
bummer greg! It must just be one of those days...i'm having one myself. But i'm lucky enough that i havent gotten hurt.

Get better and keep popping those painkillers! are you going to be able to go to work tomorrow?

2004 hasn't been my year . I've spent more time in the hospital and hurt than I did being healthy and unhurt . Can't wait for ;05 to roll in ... maybe it'll bring me some good luck .

As far as being able to work tomorrow .... ;) I haven't been able to go back to work since the accident in August . Out of almost 12 months this year , I've only been able to work 3 1/2 ..... my stats for this year aren't good . LOL :(

Painkillers , Tenser Bandages and Ice are guna be my new best friend for the next week or so .

Thanks for all the get well wishes . :)

12-01-2004, 12:23 AM
damn bro...I think you just need to sit on the couch, watch some porn and relaxe:o

12-01-2004, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by hondarider2006
damn bro...I think you just need to sit on the couch, watch some porn and relaxe:o

haha, did your brother give you that idea for him ?

I would agree though, prolly should do something to quit getting hurt :devil:

12-01-2004, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by hondarider2006
damn bro...I think you just need to sit on the couch, watch some porn and relaxe:o

Oh I'm sure I could find some way to get hurt while doing that . ;) Prolly get a bad case of tennis elbow or something .... then I'd have to try and explain that one to the doctor . :confused:

12-01-2004, 12:38 AM
Well doc you see I was just....:confused: lol man you did something to piss someone off...seems like you have been having a ruff time latley. Maybe just slow down a lil...:rolleyes:

12-01-2004, 12:48 AM
Here, wear this.

12-01-2004, 08:52 AM
^^haha, not a bad idea!

Greg, I think your best bet is just to sit in your room and have a few of those hot Canadian women tend to you...that's what the doctor ordered:blah:

12-01-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Oh I'm sure I could find some way to get hurt while doing that . ;) Prolly get a bad case of tennis elbow or something .... then I'd have to try and explain that one to the doctor . :confused:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

12-01-2004, 11:32 AM
don't worry, your prolly about to hit the lottery, you got no where else to go but up!!!!:D

12-01-2004, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by zephead400ex
and have a few of those hot Canadian women tend to you...

I didn't think hot women existed in Canada :huh

12-01-2004, 11:45 AM
nope all the hot women are at the party in my pants lol
greg i know what your going thru man
i have the chitties luck of anyone i know except for you
today i woke up an hour late for work then the only parking spot i copuld find was in 4 feet of water(yes i got wet)
then as i got out of my car i tore 2 buttons off my frickin shirt
and then to make matters worse my lawyer called me and told me its going to cost an extra 2500 dollars on top of the 7000 i already spent for my divorce
happy f ing days are here

12-01-2004, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
I didn't think hot women existed in Canada :huh

Pam Anderson, Shania Twain, Estella Warren, Greg's mom:)

Tommy 17
12-01-2004, 11:50 AM
damn that sucks... i think we need to make u a padded room and never let u leave it:huh

12-01-2004, 12:01 PM
A padded room and that suit would do me perfect . And having hot girls come tend to me ..... I dunno ... I'd prolly say something for them to b!tch slap me or something . ;)

I hope you guys are right about my luck needing to change sooner or later ..... cuz this is getting really f'ing bad !!! :grr:

12-01-2004, 03:14 PM
Damn Greg, sorry to hear that. Jesus... the 2 of us riding... the carnage we'd do to ourselves! Btw... guess when I come up we'll still be able to get handicap parking at the local joints?! :eek: :p

12-01-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
Damn Greg, sorry to hear that. Jesus... the 2 of us riding... the carnage we'd do to ourselves! Btw... guess when I come up we'll still be able to get handicap parking at the local joints?! :eek: :p

Bart , if we ever ride together , I'm calling 911 and putting them on Stand-by . I'm sure we could manage to hurt ourselves one way or another . And don't worry ... I got my handicapped parking passes in all 3 of our vehicles . :p

I guess I shouldn't have brought back my wheel chair the other day ... I could sure use it right now .

HAHAHA .. lastnight while I was in Emergency getting x-rays done , the x-ray lady remembered me from when they brought me in by air ambulance the first time . She told me I had bad luck . THEN while I'm down in the hospital bed , one of the hot nurses that took care of me turns the corner and she's like " Hey what are you doing back here .... did you hurt yourself again? " I had to explain to her what happened this time . She told me if I had really wanted to see her that bad , she'd just give me her number . Ahh good times good times . :p

Lastnight was the first time I seen the original x-rays from the day they brought me in by helicopter . All I can say is WOW :eek2: I wish I'd have had a camera

Tommy 17
12-01-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star

Lastnight was the first time I seen the original x-rays from the day they brought me in by helicopter . All I can say is WOW :eek2: I wish I'd have had a camera

kinda freaky when they show u that x-ray huh...

when i shattered my leg i kept askin them to see the x-ray... they kept sayin u don't wanna do that son... YES I DO let me see it... lets just say i passed out when i saw it and i would do anything to get the picture of that thing out of my head... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:o

12-01-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
kinda freaky when they show u that x-ray huh...

when i shattered my leg i kept askin them to see the x-ray... they kept sayin u don't wanna do that son... YES I DO let me see it... lets just say i passed out when i saw it and i would do anything to get the picture of that thing out of my head... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:o

Ya .... I knew it was gunna be something bad .... but damn . I don't know how the doctor was able to piece it all back together. My leg was twisted in the wrong direction .... pieces of my Tibia were pushed way over ... then there was about 20 chunks all gathered like pieces of a puzzle . I now know why he had to use wire to hold things together . I know if I'd have been a doctor ... it would have been amputation time !!!


12-01-2004, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by hondarider2006
damn bro...I think you just need to sit on the couch, watch some porn and relaxe:o

That's dangerous.....he might get an erection and break that too...I don't think anything would lower your self esteem more than having your willy in a cast.

12-01-2004, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Aceman
That's dangerous.....he might get an erection and break that too...I don't think anything would lower your self esteem more than having your willy in a cast.

Damn ... that would be one long and heavy cast . LOL :blah: :devil:

12-01-2004, 09:23 PM
damn bro...I think you just need to sit on the couch, watch some porn and relaxe

it would be kinda hard to relax too lol:D

12-01-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Damn ... that would be one long and heavy cast . LOL :blah: :devil:
I tell ya Greg, you should be the poster boy for optimism!

For the slow ones...
A tendency to expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation.

Related Words: brightness, buoyancy, happiness; idealism, positivism

Contrasted Words: hopelessness; despair, gloom, melancholy; malism; defeatism, fatalism; cynicism

Antonyms pessimism

12-01-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by SGA
I tell ya Greg, you should be the poster boy for optimism!

For the slow ones...
A tendency to expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation.

Related Words: brightness, buoyancy, happiness; idealism, positivism

Contrasted Words: hopelessness; despair, gloom, melancholy; malism; defeatism, fatalism; cynicism

Antonyms pessimism

LOL . Ya .. I try and keep a positive outlook on things . If I wouldn't , I'd be down in the deepest slump right now .... which I don't want to be in . It's been a tough year and a half .... between losing my girlfriend , spending countless weeks in hospital beds and all this stuff with my broken leg .

But I just keep telling myself , that there are people out in this world that have it alot worse than I am right now . I was just watching the news tonight , and not too far from here , a man lost his wife and 3 children in a house fire . All this just before christmas ..... I'm sure he'd take a shattered leg over losing his whole family any day of the week . I know I would .

But you know they say things happen in threes .... I spent 6 weeks in hospital in March , Broke my leg in August , and then this happening lastnight ..... so this string of bad luck SHOULD be over . I think I'm gunna buy a lottery ticket tomorrow . My luck has got to change soon . :blah:

As far as brightness .... I dunno about that one . And buoyancy ... chit you oughta see me swim ... I don't float .. I sink like a rock . :p

12-02-2004, 11:25 AM
Hey Greg, I'll tell Sled Chick she should go see ya. That sucks man, don't try walking on it anymore for a while. Sitting on your *** sucks, but its the only way its gonna heel.:confused:

12-02-2004, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by 86350x
Hey Greg, I'll tell Sled Chick she should go see ya. That sucks man, don't try walking on it anymore for a while. Sitting on your *** sucks, but its the only way its gonna heel.:confused:

Ya thats the plan for now . It's been 3 days , and the swelling hasn't gone down at all . I'm still not able to move my ankle , so putting weight on it , is out of the question for now . My surgeon is gunna have a field day with this one when he finds out . Maybe he'll prescribe me a big bubble wrap suit or something . :p

12-02-2004, 11:35 AM
It would be better then getting put into one of those giant bubbles:D

12-03-2004, 04:12 AM
I heard you might be getting a special visitor this weekend. Your luck may be a changing. Don't forget to scrub your weiner:confused:

12-03-2004, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by 86350x
I heard you might be getting a special visitor this weekend. Your luck may be a changing. Don't forget to scrub your weiner:confused:

HAHAHA ... Ya ... someone is supposed to come visit and do some x-mas shopping .... but I already had plans to go to the cottage for the weekend . :(

Also its snowcross time up in Sault Ste Marie ... which I had hopes to go to .... and its Supercross time down at the Skydome in Toronto . So now i need to make a choice ... stay home and hang out with Mylene .... go to the cottage with the folks ... go to snowcross races.... or go to Supercross races . Everythign always happens on the same weekend !!!! GRRRRR:grr:

12-03-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
So now i need to make a choice ... stay home and hang out with Mylene .... go to the cottage with the folks ... go to snowcross races.... or go to Supercross races .
Depends on how this Mylene looks and if she likes to play ;)

12-03-2004, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by SGA
Depends on how this Mylene looks and if she likes to play ;)

She's not too bad ...... I'd ... ummmm ... well you know . ;) But going to see the snowcross races would be fun too . :p

12-03-2004, 01:21 PM
Here maybe you guys can help me decide who I "hang out" with this weekend .

Mylene ...( fiery red head . )

Tanya ... (ex girlfriend)

Natalie .... ( she's lotta fun)

Or Francesca ... ( Ms Ghetto booty :blah: her *** is the one on the left and she's the one in the middle )


12-03-2004, 01:53 PM
Dam son! :blah:

12-03-2004, 02:05 PM
hot fiery red head man
she looks the hottest but i could be wrong

12-03-2004, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by MY450R
hot fiery red head man
she looks the hottest but i could be wrong

None of these pics do them any justice . Especially Natalie's picture ....... she's got a body to make any guy drop to his knees ... and she's got a doll face .

And well Francesca .... I never turn down ghetto booty . :blah:

Ghetto booty is what landed me with Tanya the first time .... I just can't say no to a nice *** !!!:D

And well ... a red head would be nice for a change .... I hate making decisions .... maybe all 4 would like to "hang out" this weekend :devil:

12-03-2004, 02:15 PM
id prolly do all of em lol
but i tell ya booty is my specialty man.if i go out with a girl she has to have a nice ***
simple as that

12-03-2004, 03:05 PM
brunette man, little thick to smack that ***

"whos ur daddy"

12-03-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
None of these pics do them any justice . Especially Natalie's picture ....... she's got a body to make any guy drop to his knees ... and she's got a doll face .

And well Francesca .... I never turn down ghetto booty . :blah:

Ghetto booty is what landed me with Tanya the first time .... I just can't say no to a nice *** !!!:D

And well ... a red head would be nice for a change .... I hate making decisions .... maybe all 4 would like to "hang out" this weekend :devil:

Take sled chick to the races:cool: I like franny's fanny:D

12-03-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star

Natalie .... ( she's lotta fun)

Or Francesca ... ( Ms Ghetto booty :blah: her *** is the one on the left and she's the one in the middle )

Natilie... dam shes cute!:)

And that thick booty pic, i'm down with that!:blah:

12-03-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by SGA
Natilie... dam shes cute!:)

And that thick booty pic, i'm down with that!:blah:

Oh man .... you gotta see Natalie in person . She's cute in that picture ... but in real life she's smokin' hot . She's catalogue material .

And well Franny has a really cute face , nice body and a wikkid ghetto booty . If I had to chose out of all 4 of them ...... it would be a tough decision ... they could all come home with me :blah:

But honestly .... Mylene for her personality .... Tanya cuz me and her have a ton in common ..... Nat cuz she's a doll ..... Francesca cuz of her ghetto *** .

But all four at once will do me just fine . :blah:

12-03-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
But all four at once will do me just fine . :blah:

Aint life rough? :rolleyes:

12-03-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by SGA
Aint life rough? :rolleyes:

Oh it is .... I gotta step in the middle and tell the girls to calm down ... theres only so much of me to go around ... they all have to share and take turns :devil: :blah: Just playing .... wish it was that easy .

12-03-2004, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by MY450R
hot fiery red head man
she looks the hottest but i could be wrong

I dated a pure redhead for about a year and a half.
Whats the old saying?
Red on top, fire down below.

Man I gots me plenty of 3rd degree burns!;)

12-03-2004, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by SGA
I dated a pure redhead for about a year and a half.
Whats the old saying?
Red on top, fire down below.

Man I gots me plenty of 3rd degree burns!;)

:blah: :devil: I'll let you know how severe my burns are after this weekend . Maybe I'll end up injured AGAIN .

12-03-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
:blah: :devil: I'll let you know how severe my burns are after this weekend . Maybe I'll end up injured AGAIN .
All four girls =

12-03-2004, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by SGA
All four girls =

Damn ... you found the picture of me with my funky shirt . :devil:

If thats the result of what happens when ya get 4 girls ..... sign me up . What's a little bit more pain .... I'm becomming emmune to it now anyways . :p

12-05-2004, 09:38 AM
Seems like a nice girl to talk to, but I dunno. I never did like red heads(b!tchy!). One common trait is that there nipps are higher up on there boobs.

Did you do anything or stay home and yank away:confused: :p

12-05-2004, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by 86350x
Seems like a nice girl to talk to, but I dunno. I never did like red heads(b!tchy!). One common trait is that there nipps are higher up on there boobs.

Did you do anything or stay home and yank away:confused: :p

I hung out with Franny the other night . But stayed home yesturday and lastnight ... my foot and leg was aching too much . And if I can find Mylene's cell number I'll give her a shout cuz I know she's in town .... but i can't find her # :ermm:

So really , I stayed home and yanked all weekend !:grr:

12-05-2004, 01:57 PM
She said she sent you something:confused:

I was only joking, but if you got franny to sit on your lap, your weekend couldn't have been all bad:confused:

If I had her number I'd tell ya, all your women live to far away for me lol:p I do Wish I had as good of a quality selection as you do. Some nice kitty's in there. Hope that foot gets straightened out soon.