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View Full Version : Renthal Handlebars!

04-19-2002, 07:52 PM
I just bought a pair of red renthals today and going to put them on tomorrow, just wanting to know if they are easy to put on, If anyone would have the time to tell me step by step or is it common sense to put them on? Really I just want to know if the Neautral and reverse light will stilll be there or I will have to guess if they are in neutral

04-19-2002, 07:59 PM
there are a couple little dilemmas.
1. The tumb throttle has a tab that fits into the stock bars that will have to be filed off to get on the renthals
2. If you use the stock bar clamps and levers you will have to file some of the metal off the mounting hardware because since the renthals are aliminum there needs to be a gap in the clamps so you can tighten them. This sounds confusing so if anybody can clairfy these little issues it would probably be more clear. I love my bars though once i got them on. They actually do help absorb some vibration for those long rides.