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11-28-2004, 07:43 PM
Alright ... how many of you people have seen the movie Supersize Me ??? It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and won a few things . I swear if you watch this movie , it'll change your eating habits forever . The movie/documentry is about a guy that eats nothing but McDonald's for 30days . He can't eat anything else ... Only McDs for breakfast , lunch and dinner .... and must try atleast everything on the menu once in the 30 days .

The guy's health goes for a crap ...... to the point that if the test were any longer ... he'd die . I recommend , if you are a fast fod junkie like I am , to watch this show .

I Love my heart , I love my liver , I ain't EVER eating McDonald's again !!!!!!

11-28-2004, 07:45 PM
haha funny you brought it up, we watched it in SPANISH yes, spanish class last week. it was in english with spanish subtitles. All of the girls were freaking out when he was getting sick. i will not eat mcdonalds again though. i do occasionally have wendys or taco bell but no mcdonalds

11-28-2004, 07:50 PM
LOL .... yeah that was pretty gross . I have a weak stomach when it comes to someone puking . What I found interesting , was all the symptoms he was getting ... the tiredness , headaches, feeling depressed , etc... I think I'm gunna stick to eating home made dinners and healthy stuff at places like Subway . I'm gunna try and cut out the fast food junk ... which I eat 3 or more times a week ... see if I feel healthier . :devil:

11-28-2004, 07:54 PM
You won't die if you only eat that poo every once in a while. If I"m in a hurry, am traveling and am hungry I will stop and get something.

Now I grocery shop, make my own lunch. Or just wait till I get home to eat.

And Whenever I go on a riding trip I'll stop at applebee's or pondarosa on the way home. Pondarosa combanation of steak, garlic bread, spagetti, and there awesome chicken wings (better then kfc!).

Better then a greasey burger and fries ya know:confused: They admitted that eating certain things everyday will do you harm, but if you just ate the salads n stuff (wich they offer) you would be ok. But then again, do you really go to restaraunts for salads.:blah:

11-28-2004, 07:56 PM

stupid driver
11-28-2004, 07:56 PM
It helps that i dont live in the city, but i hardly ever eat fast food; once or twice a month at the most. I have heard many a horror story though, and have seen some gross pictures of what the food prep. areas look like. All i know is i will take a subway footlong over a bigmac any day.

11-28-2004, 07:56 PM
i watched that movie last week i dont know how anyone would ever eat mcdonalds in the first place. its not a real hamburger what so ever and it has as much fat in it as every other restraunt times 2 worst crap in the world

11-28-2004, 07:58 PM
I always picked burgerking over mcdonalds whenever I had the coice too btw:p

11-28-2004, 08:02 PM
John ... they ran tests on those "healthy" salads they have at McDs ... there is more fat and sugar in those salads ,than there are in a Big Mac .... thats over 32 grams of fat . I think they actually said there was about 52 grams of fat in those salads :eek2:

Also , they used McDonald's as an example ..... but it's the same with every fast food burger joint out there . McDs , BK , Wendy's , A&W , Dairy Queen , and so on .

11-28-2004, 08:04 PM
I haven't been a regular in about 2 yrs. Sounds like micky d's is introuble.

Somethings really wrong if a salad has more fat and sugar then a greasy burger.

Hail to the "king" if I'm in a hury I guess:confused:

11-28-2004, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
John ... they ran tests on those "healthy" salads they have at McDs ... there is more fat and sugar in those salads ,than there are in a Big Mac .... thats over 32 grams of fat . I think they actually said there was about 52 grams of fat in those salads :eek2:

Also , they used McDonald's as an example ..... but it's the same with every fast food burger joint out there . McDs , BK , Wendy's , A&W , Dairy Queen , and so on .

A&W was really good when it was around, pluss you could yell into those speakers.

I remember reading somewhere that mcdonalds was the worst in the bad ingredients catagory's. Just like Pepsi is supposed to be better for you then Coke:confused:

11-28-2004, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by 86350x
A&W was really good when it was around, pluss you could yell into those speakers.

I remember reading somewhere that mcdonalds was the worst in the bad ingredients catagory's. Just like Pepsi is supposed to be better for you then Coke:confused:

Whatever they put in their food , sure as heck ain't healthy for you I can tell you that . The guys colesterol went through the roof , his liver was on the brink of shutting down ( it started turning to mush , ie liver failure) , he was having a hard time breathing , chest pains , and gained 25 lbs in 30 days .

The amount of sugar he took in over the 30 dat period equalled 30 LBS ( thats from the sodas and sugars in the food ) ... the amount of actual fat he ingested , equalled 12 LBS . Totally sickening !!!!

11-28-2004, 08:18 PM
I'll have to watch it,it does sound pretty gross. Like I said, one meal once every three weeks is about it for me. Everything else is home cooked. Sounds like this movie really bothered you:confused:

We have corperate nurses come around and do 6 month check ups, the one guy that eats fast food every day was called the poster boy for bad health. 52 percent body fat, weighs 267. Falls asleep all the time at work. I'll stop here:p He's to lazy to cook for himself.:p

11-28-2004, 08:23 PM
Oh man ... this movie changed the way I look at fast food . I knew it wasn't good for you , but I didn't know it was THAT bad . When your liver and kidneys shut down cuz of the chit that's in it .... that enough to convince me . Once I'm able to get out and do stuff ... I'm hitting the gym . But right now ... as of now ... healthy diet only . Good old home cooked meals . :D

n00b on a 400ex
11-28-2004, 08:23 PM
i havent eaten at any fast food restraunt for...probly almost a year. god i remember once when i thought i smelled septic sauce, turns out someone made a mess and jammed the door open. :blah:

11-29-2004, 08:40 AM
i just ate mickey d's for the first time in like a couple years and it was good but the ppl there ticked me off
cutting in line cause there fat and need to eat

Tommy 17
11-29-2004, 10:49 AM
that movies a bunch of bull... michael moore is nothin but a fat POS!!!!!:mad: :grr:

u ever watch his bowlin for columbine what a freakin joke...

11-29-2004, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
that movies a bunch of bull... michael moore is nothin but a fat POS!!!!!:mad: :grr:

u ever watch his bowlin for columbine what a freakin joke...

Tommy WTF you talking about?? It ain't a Michael Moore film .... it's Directed by Morgan Spurlock ... Have you even seen the film ???? :rolleyes:

11-29-2004, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Tommy WTF you talking about?? It ain't a Michael Moore film .... it's Directed by Morgan Spurlock ... Have you even seen the film ???? :rolleyes:

Yea I was thinking the same thing...

11-29-2004, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by MY450R
i just ate mickey d's for the first time in like a couple years and it was good but the ppl there ticked me off
cutting in line cause there fat and need to eat

ya lol the story behind ur avatar is that the kid was craving a big mac wiht extra grease:huh

11-30-2004, 12:29 AM
the guy that made that movie came to our school 2 weeks ago...He was pretty weird:huh But he did make some good points. I believe he said he paid a little over $700 on McDonalds that month...and I forget how long it took him to loose all the weight he gain. I don't think I will ever eat at McDonalds again:o

11-30-2004, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by Toadz400
Yea I was thinking the same thing...

lol, I'll have to check that movie out. Didn't see it yet, just stuff on the movie, the comercials n stuff.

11-30-2004, 08:15 AM
the slim kid in my avatar eats people and pets
he can even eat stuff that we normal ppl cannot
he digested part of my z 400 for breakfast once
man was i pissed

11-30-2004, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by MY450R
the slim kid in my avatar eats people and pets
he can even eat stuff that we normal ppl cannot
he digested part of my z 400 for breakfast once
man was i pissed

I think he must have ate your piston:eek2:, he sure is bouncing like one:confused:

11-30-2004, 09:57 AM
At the end of the movie , it said something about how long it took him to lose all the weight . I believe it was 5 - 7 months , and it took him about 3 months to get his cholesterol and his liver back to normal . Pretty crazy if ya ask me !!!!

11-30-2004, 10:18 AM
I thought it took about a year and a half to have everything back to normal 100% ..... his woman is a vegan chef so he was in pretty good shape when he started ....

11-30-2004, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Regular_Joe
I thought it took about a year and a half to have everything back to normal 100% ..... his woman is a vegan chef so he was in pretty good shape when he started ....

It could ahve taken that long for everything to get back to normal . The caption was comming up on the screen and I didn't have my glasses on to read it ..... so I was guessing as to what it was saying .

And ya , he was in good shape at the start . As you watch the movie , you can actually see him getting fatter and he doesn't look as healthy . His eyes and his color were just going down hill because of his liver starting to shut down . He was turning a bit yellow . :confused:

11-30-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I didn't have my glasses on to read it ..... so I was guessing as to what it was saying .

haha thats a sign of getting old. i shouldnt be laughing tho i wear contacts and glasses:rolleyes:

11-30-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
that movies a bunch of bull... michael moore is nothin but a fat POS!!!!!:mad: :grr:

u ever watch his bowlin for columbine what a freakin joke...

#1. Just because he stated facts about your country you didn't like .. you hate him.
#2. I haven't even seen this movie yet and I believe everything that is being said here.
#3. If michael moore ate mcdonalds for a month straight chances are he'd be dead by now.

Oh yeah last but not least .. this isn't even his movie.

11-30-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by DEAL

#3. If michael moore ate mcdonalds for a month straight chances are he'd be dead by now.

LMAO he is pretty lumpy :p

01-22-2005, 01:11 PM
Let's bumped this one back up to the top . If you haven't seen the movie , I suggest you rent it . It'll change the way you look at fast foods . Since I seen the movie , I haven't eaten any fast food , other than Subway subs ( which are actually healthy for you) .

Also to reinforce myself from staying away from Fast Foods , I read the book Fast Food Nation written by Eric Schlosser which I ahd gotten for christmas . ( I asked for it , and just finished reading it ) . It's a 384 page book that will change your views about how the Fast Food industry works . You wouldn't believe what goes into those hamburgers , french fires , milk shakes that you have when you go to these places .

Unless you like eating cow chit in your burgers .... meat that has been sitting in the meat grinders at slaughter houses for a few days ... meat from cattle infected with so many diseases ... french fries made from potatoes that are chemically induced ... etc etc ... than I suggest you step away from the Fast Food counter lines and chose a different place to eat .

Watch the movie and read the book ... it'll surely change the way you look at a Big Mac or a Whopper .

01-22-2005, 01:30 PM
screw mcdonalds im making turkey sammiches :D

01-22-2005, 01:33 PM
I haven't eat'n any fast food except for Subway ever since I saw it.(well, i did have some Wendy's chili) Another disturbing thing brought up was about the lobby groups and how powerful the fastfood industry has become. It's some eye opening stuff.

01-22-2005, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by philsan
I haven't eat'n any fast food except for Subway ever since I saw it.(well, i did have some Wendy's chili) Another disturbing thing brought up was about the lobby groups and how powerful the fastfood industry has become. It's some eye opening stuff.

Ya man ... after reading the book , you'll be amazed at the power these large Cattle ranches and Slaughter houses have over the government . What even more disturbing , is that the fast food companies like McDonalds , Wendy's , BK , etc have even more authority . I find it pretty bad , when the Food Safety guys don't have the power to pull tainted meat off the store shelves .It is voluntary for the meat companies to issue a recall ... but only if they wish to do so . That is disturbing . :huh

01-22-2005, 01:48 PM
Why do you have to bump this thread up right as i get some sweet coupons to bk and mc'd's. 20 chicken nuggets for 2.99!:eek:

01-22-2005, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
Why do you have to bump this thread up right as i get some sweet coupons to bk and mc'd's. 20 chicken nuggets for 2.99!:eek:

LMAO ... so that when you eat it , you think of the chickens all crammed in tight places .... most of which have never stood up before .... eating not grains , but animal bi-products ( aka other dead animals) laying in their own chit and eating it as well .... and all those chemicals they put in the chiken nuggets to give them their smell , taste and texture . MMM how good does that sound . :devil:

Oh and just to let you know ... chicken nuggets are made from old chickens , that no other companies want to purchase .... so McDs buys them ... grinds them up bones , brains and all ... then filters them so that the larger pieces of bone , feathers etc aren't going into the process of making them . MMM that sweet taste of bird brains and chit . :p

01-22-2005, 02:08 PM

01-22-2005, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Ralph

HAHA Sorry Ralph ... but you'll thank me one day . :p

01-22-2005, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
HAHA Sorry Ralph ... but you'll thank me one day . :p

i have coupons to about 20 free sandwiches to bk and 20 to mc'd's, all i need to do is have a friend buy a meal and i just tap in. But now you had to go ahead and ruin a ton of really good meals for me. and all you can say is you are SORRY!:mad:

j/k...lol im dumb enough to still eat there anyways...

01-22-2005, 04:46 PM
greg u best be right bro. after reading this thread (back when it was first created) i quit eating fast food. i never read anything on it or watched the movie but i knew it was bad and all but didnt think it was that bad. back in the day i ate at wendys like 3 times a week for a few weeks on lunch break and i put on 5 lbs. that pissed me off, then this thread came along so im done for good. but damn does a jr bacon cheeseburger and fries taste good.

01-22-2005, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
greg u best be right bro. after reading this thread (back when it was first created) i quit eating fast food. i never read anything on it or watched the movie but i knew it was bad and all but didnt think it was that bad. back in the day i ate at wendys like 3 times a week for a few weeks on lunch break and i put on 5 lbs. that pissed me off, then this thread came along so im done for good. but damn does a jr bacon cheeseburger and fries taste good.

Dude trust me ... I'm for real with this one . I used to eat McDonald's about 5 times a week ... soemtimes twice a day . I watched the movie and read the book and I'm totally disgusted with what goes into the foods .

The whole process ... from the raising of cattle , to the slaughter , to the chemicals that are put into the food so you get that "great taste and great smell" , just totally disgusted me . I also feel a lot healthier since I've stopped eating it also .

01-22-2005, 05:01 PM
i saw this movie. they said that the guy ate as much mcd's in a month as most people would have in 8 years:eek2: so what happened to this guy would actually take the normal person 8 years of eating mcd's to happen to them.

01-22-2005, 06:08 PM
i gotta see that movie.. I eat 3 double cheeseburgers when i go there about 3 or 4 times a week (i havent been in a couple weeks though). but i noticed that when you squeese the burger, it drips grease all over the paper, man its sick, but i love my double cheeseburgers.:(

01-23-2005, 04:48 PM
I just downloaded and watched the movie. While I was not completely suprised by the outcome, it is still incredible to see what these foods are really doing to your body. I used to eat from fast food places about 2 times a week but after watching that movie, im going to try to cut it down to maybe once a month or so... when I am desperate. Good movie though