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View Full Version : 32,000 members...almost 2 million posts

11-28-2004, 10:59 AM

11-28-2004, 11:05 AM
thats un freekin beleivable!

lol. Damn this sites changed a lot over the years.

I remember when it was run by leo, black background and red letters and it was oh so small!

11-28-2004, 11:17 AM

11-28-2004, 11:40 AM
how long has it been running:confused:

11-28-2004, 11:42 AM
since like 2000 i think

11-28-2004, 12:49 PM
thats alot of posts n alot of people

11-28-2004, 12:57 PM
yep and like most other sites...take away the people who signed up and have NEVER posted...so take that 32000 and turn it down to most likely 21000 give or take...and now on the posting, take away all the retarded posting that doesnt relate to the topic at hand in most threads and what do ya have? about 300,000:rolleyes:

11-28-2004, 01:06 PM
ya i belive it was 2000 or so it was started. so many people here its great becuase you get answers so fast. i used to be over at BHQ when i rode those lil zingers and people would diss exriders but id still go on it. i had my blaster around year 2000 so thats about when it started. i forgot my old name so i had to make this name last year otherwise id have alot more posts.

11-28-2004, 01:07 PM
help me understand the thought process here....

if a member signs up and enjoys the forums but never posts that makes the forum no good? or the member not worth any thing? ummm.....sorry doug gust you dont count according to this:p

and as far as the member count, ben wiped out supposedly 7000 member names that had no activity. that seemed pretty lame to me. as a business man i dont trash my contacts simply because they havent done business lately. there may come a point in time when that list of contacts maybe usefull, so i didnt really agree with him doing that.

we use the numbers as an overview. we have around 1300 active members that log on each day. whether they post or not is thier choice, but they do log on and check out the site...and thats what we want.

as far as the posts. any forum will have good and bad qualities. as long as they keep the non-sense in the open forum its all good.

but i geuss since we are doing such a bad job we should just pull the plug on the site......not:devil:

enjoy it or log off....very simple.

11-28-2004, 02:06 PM
Pappy im not to sure what happened to you lately but geesh, maybe its too many new toys:D

first off i never said that "anyone" "everybody" "members" etc. here are worthless, i personally have found very good info on this site and thats why i am still here.
you dont need to become a "member" to be able to read anything on the site, only thing it gives you is posting privliges(sp) and actually being able to see pictures that are uploaded to the sites server.

1300 active members daily is awesome! and this type of statistic(sp?) is more interesting then an overall.

nonsense in the open forum would be nice but rarely happends and there are only a handfull of Mods to keep track of everything, its hard and i know that each mod isnt in EVERY section and reads EVERY thread...geesh person would go MAD :blah:

and lastly i never NEVER said that you or anyone here was doing a bad job... personally im happier with the new name atvriders.com it fits better, im happier with all the new stuff that has changed here in the past year or so.

im pretty sure that we (the members) of this site have freedom of speech or post hahaha and i have seen you even take this freedom and post YOUR opinion i was just taking the same freedom and posting mine thats all.

now, is there still a job opening with you? :ermm:

11-28-2004, 02:40 PM
sorry dave, i didnt mean to sound like i was singling you out, just responding in my own view to some of the things posted.

i know our goal isnt anything in particulair, i geuss thats why i get confused when folks start trying to negative things about the site...it takes its own course for the most part...we are more like a steering stabilizer then a powerplant...lmfao

and correct, everyone is free to post thier opinion....it just seems whenever i respond to that with my opinion everyones string shortens and they get defensive...lol maybe i hit too close to home with what i say?

people its easy...enjoy the site for what it is. if you have a complaint, pm it to admin....its no fun looking thru 6 threads where some 14 year old is crying in his milk about the site sucks. if it sucks so bad why are they here all damn day...lol

11-29-2004, 05:12 PM
pappy why does it say u only have 124 posts

11-29-2004, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by 02ex
pappy why does it say u only have 124 posts

thats all i gots bud:p

11-29-2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
thats all i gots bud:p

Naa you have 127 ;)

Just since i have been registered on here this site has grown enormously! It has also helped me out a ton! When i first started posting on exriders i know i didnt know ¼ of the stuff that i know now!

01-08-2005, 09:55 PM
This is copied and pasted from the thread when we hit one million posts. We had a contest, who could get closest to when we hit one million posts and also who would write the one millionth post.

We hit 1,000,000 posts 9-24-03 at exactly 7:39 PM.
Here are the winners!

DESDAK 4 for being the closest ( lots of applause)

Originally posted by DESDAK4
9-24-03 7:15pm

And Taco?.... Yes Taco for having the 1,000,000th Post!

Right now we stand at: 1,958,342 Posts, 01-08-2005 11:55 PM

01-08-2005, 11:15 PM

01-08-2005, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Scott-300ex

Yap lol

01-09-2005, 04:43 PM

01-09-2005, 04:44 PM