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Hammer trx450r
11-24-2004, 03:09 PM
I was a pack and a half a day for 20 yrs. Never quit never tryed.

As of yesterday i smoked my last cancer stick. If anybody else out there wants to quit or has quit lets hear your methods.

11-24-2004, 03:15 PM
I quit about 3 years ago myself after smoking a pack a day for 15 years. I got pneumonia and smokes smelled and tasted awful so I decided I was done. I haven't touched one since. Only one thing will help you quit permanently...determination. Good luck to ya.

11-24-2004, 03:15 PM
yea kick ***!!! now you can use the money you used for smokes now for gas in ur quad!

11-24-2004, 03:29 PM
I decided that all of the coughing and trouble that comes with smoking was enough to make me quit:o

11-24-2004, 03:30 PM
Good for you Hammer!!:D I know you can do it!! Just think of all the money you'll save!! Good Luck!

11-24-2004, 03:33 PM
Someday ill quit, but todays not the day. Determination is the only thing, and just try to avoid social situations where smoking is around. Good luck!:D

komatsu kid
11-24-2004, 03:43 PM
awsome job, its been 4 months for me cold turkey pop and smokes,good job again spend all the extra money on parts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-24-2004, 03:59 PM
Congrats Hammer:muscle: and to the rest of you that have quit, that is awesome.

Hammer trx450r
11-24-2004, 04:49 PM
Thanks all. It has got to be the hardest thing i ever did. I guess u can say i liked the XC race i did this yr.

My wife told me if i quit for good i can get an '06;) when they come out so i can have both trims ready and setup

11-24-2004, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Hammer trx450r
Thanks all. It has got to be the hardest thing i ever did. I guess u can say i liked the XC race i did this yr.

My wife told me if i quit for good i can get an '06;) when they come out so i can have both trims ready and setup

lol looks like your getting a 06 then:p

11-24-2004, 05:44 PM
my friend smokes, and we figured out he spends $1005 dollars a year on it, so i told him just think of all the stuff you could get for your car with that money. he has a 1995 mustang that he wants to make faster.

so that'll help him.:devil:

11-24-2004, 05:49 PM
smokers are jokers:)

11-24-2004, 05:54 PM
congrats. its good theres some people out there that are determined to quit.

11-24-2004, 06:20 PM
Im gonna start ordering cartons from out of state for like $18, then ell the packs to all the kids that smoke for $5 each and make smoking a profitable addiction.

But enough about smoking, an 06' is plenty motivation for any diehard rider! congrats!

11-24-2004, 06:25 PM
My mom quit almost a year ago cold turkey then my brother "tried" but never did it but now he said he's goin to again b/c of the money he would save it was almost 1500$$ a year so good luck with it!

11-24-2004, 06:46 PM
I never started, and never will ;)

11-24-2004, 06:48 PM

11-24-2004, 06:50 PM
i want to quit, but its so hard. anyone know any good ways to help quit smoking besides nicotine patches and gum? iif so, please post. thanks

11-24-2004, 06:52 PM
dont buy them...thatll get you to stop

11-24-2004, 07:07 PM
hey, this is kinda weird, but my mom has a smoking problem, she has for the last 6 years, she wakes up, smokes the goes to bed, its pretty bad, is there anyways i can get her to stop, shes not exactly willing to, i have a whole showbox full of lighters,ciggerates etc that i have taken from her as an poor attempt for her to stop, but it didnt work :(

11-24-2004, 07:41 PM
To be honest, the only person who can actually make a person stop smoking is themselves. If she doesnt want to quit, she wont. Maybe help educate her, let her know how you feel, maybe that could help but in the end its all up to the smoker when its time to quit. Good luck to you all! Dont just think about the money you will save, think about your health also....

Hammer trx450r
11-24-2004, 08:05 PM
I went and got Welbutran and the patches together. its makeing it very easy too

11-24-2004, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Hammer trx450r
I went and got Welbutran and the patches together. its makeing it very easy too
Good for you! Its not easy, ive quit at least ten times.
Hang in there man, its gonna get rough over the next 10-14 days or so. The urge to light up will kick your *** inside out. Be strong, it will pass in a few minutes.

11-24-2004, 08:52 PM
i talked to a lady that smoked 4 packs a day for 25 years, she used the "smoke away" hasnt had one since. swears by it. but everybody is different. its not for some i guess. ive smoked a pack a day for 18 years now and im gunna give the smoke away a try, why not tried everything else?? walmart has is for 39.95 i guess....

11-24-2004, 08:52 PM
well lets see im assuming a pack of the stupid things cost 3.50 cents u said u smoke a pack and a half a day so thats 5..25 u spend a day and 1916.25 a year and u said uve been doing it for 20 years.................... that is 38,325 dollars you have spend on stupid ciggarets. you could have a 400ex, yfz450, and a trx450r tricked out to the fullest and i mean fullest for what u have spent on something that shortend your life


Hammer trx450r
11-29-2004, 04:42 AM
Originally posted by SGA
Good for you! Its not easy, ive quit at least ten times.
Hang in there man, its gonna get rough over the next 10-14 days or so. The urge to light up will kick your *** inside out. Be strong, it will pass in a few minutes.

Im now on day 6 without even a puff and its the hardest thing i ever did. First day was a breeze compared to the 3rd and 4th. Day 6 is feeling alittle better. SGA you nailed it on the head;)


I never rode as long as i did this weekend:D XC'ers look out

11-29-2004, 05:24 AM
good to hear you stuck with it dude, i wish i can say the same. i could tell you wanted one real bad out there on saturday.
so, are you gonna get black??:D
whats up with rauch creek for sunday? i'm feining for some track time!

n00b on a 400ex
11-29-2004, 08:38 AM
i dont see HOW people can get addicted to smoking, i cant even finish one without coughing. but why waste all that money? you could have at least 3 fulls tricked out rides for the money your wasting

11-29-2004, 10:37 AM
ive smoked for 5 years or so not much at first but im up to about a pack aday now. but i was just home for thanksgiving and one of my best friends mom was/is in the hospital b\c she has a tumor in her esophegus (s/p) and lung cancer. also she has bone cancer in her right hip and if she moves it the wrong way she can be paralized. she smoked well over a pack a day. they gave her 2 months to a year to live. i lived at my buddies house this summer so this lady is like a mom to me. and ive been thinking alot about how much pain she is in and how i never want to be paralized and im pretty sure its made me realize that im done.

11-29-2004, 10:45 AM
I quit last year cold turkey after 2 years of about 2 packs a day...i still get cravings when i see people smoking, its just something you gotta resist.

Good luck man, its gonna be rough for the next couple weeks but just hang in there...

You should start an envelope and put your normal cigarette money in there and use that to buy stuff for your quad- or take your wife to dinner;). You'd be surprised how quickly that money will add up!

11-29-2004, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Hammer trx450r
I was a pack and a half a day for 20 yrs. Never quit never tryed.

As of yesterday i smoked my last cancer stick. If anybody else out there wants to quit or has quit lets hear your methods. Good Luck to ya man, hasnt been quite that long for me smoking ...but close, finally starting to kick my *** a bit

It the worst after I eat...gotta have a smoke, but Im starting to worry a bit now that Im a flem monster:o :(

Im gonna try and remember to check back w/ you every now and then just to see where you are w/ it, wish you luck!

11-29-2004, 02:01 PM
hahaha, phlegm monster, thats definitely me smoking or not.:chinese: Yet another disgusting side effect of smoking...

11-29-2004, 03:35 PM
keep off of them man, if you want to smoke, go ride, drive, or get on here, and you can talk to us on here, or just go somewhere with your car, whats fun is if you have a fast car and take it up to the strip.:p

11-29-2004, 04:30 PM
just think your soldier wont stand at attention when you smoke:eek2: :devil:

11-29-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by sEX
just think your soldier wont stand at attention when you smoke:eek2: :devil:


11-29-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by sEX
just think your soldier wont stand at attention when you smoke:eek2: :devil: well so far...Thats a lie!:devil: :D I dont wanna need Viagra, unless its to keep me from rolling outta bed in my sleep:blah:

but I have heard your lungs go first, then your schroader follows


11-29-2004, 08:36 PM
Kinda couincidence that this thread came up. I just got done talking to my mother telling her that I'm going to quit. I've smoked 1.5 packs a day for 3 years (MY 18TH BIRTHDAY IS IN 2 WEEKS MIND YOU). I want to quit for my 18th birthday. The money I save from ciggarettes is going to buy me my tattoo. I'm getting the gum to help. What I found that helps like during school or work is to take a regular pen and hold it like a cigarette and put it in your mouth like one too. That habit of something in your mouth is hard to break.

11-29-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by TheX1992
What I found that helps like during school or work is to take a regular pen and hold it like a cigarette and put it in your mouth like one too. That habit of something in your mouth is hard to break.
good point, you dont get addicted to just the nicotine, you get addicted to the action of smoking and the time that you smoke, and all sorts of thing associated with smoking like someone said he always smokes after eating. it's a terrible habit.

n00b on a 400ex
11-29-2004, 10:47 PM
if i was you id get like a banshee, then put a long tube in the end of the exhaust pipe(s), then just suck on the hose while your riding. smoke and quads at the same time, without spending the extra money!

11-29-2004, 11:17 PM
Good luck to ya, you really can do it.............Just stay focused, kind of like riding.

I smoke 2-6 cigs a day, and I need to quit also, and am entertaining doing it for New Year's. My habit is much smaller and I really have no excuse when people at a pack a day can do it. :cool:

Hammer trx450r
11-30-2004, 04:33 AM
Thanks all!! Day 7 and getting better day by day.

Now who is going to quit this week?

11-30-2004, 06:29 AM
Well it will be 7 months 2 Dec 04, after 24 years about a pack a day, I figured it to br about $130.00 a month, so I quit and bought my 450R, now instead if burning the money, I'm burning up the dirt with the money, now we go out riding as a family which is great, the Family that rides together stays together.

Here is my Smoke money:

11-30-2004, 06:39 AM
that is definately a good reason to quit smokin!:D

11-30-2004, 10:45 AM
AWESOME! I quit about a year ago. It was pretty scary. I would smoke about 6-8 a day. Every now and again I would feel my chest congested, but I would ignore it. This went on for about 3yrs, till one day. It was the day after the Marlins won the world series last year, my friends and I celebrated all night.When I woke up the following morning my chest was completely congested I could hardly breathe, let alone speak. I thought I wasn't going to make it to the hospital. I finally got to the hospital exhausted ( when your chest is so congested the body doesnt breathe on its own, you have to take breaths, short ones) I felt my chest hurting and I saw my life slipping away. I acted cool with my parents I didnt want to scare them. They quickly rushed me to an aerosol machine and thats all I remember. When I woke up I was in a hospital bed and felt alot better. The doc told me I had asthma, and almost suffered lung failure. He said I was lucky to make it on time to the hospital. He then told me my cigarette smoking had caused this. I worked at a Jet Ski shop at the time and he explained that the combination of the fumes (gas, oil, carb cleaner, fiberglass repair etc..) and cig's had damaged my lungs. By the way I was 25!. There is no cure for asthma, so now I go around with my ADVAIR (Inhaler) everywhere. I really rregret smoking and wish I could turn back the hands of time, but I cant.

Do it for you, your health, your family. Now its been a year roughly, and I cant stand even the smell of cig's! But I still have to use my inhaler. Sorry for the long post, it hit home.

11-30-2004, 11:08 AM
good post sinister
i need to quit cuz i cant breath either and i have asthma
yes my lungs are always congested especially in the morning and it sux bug time
i got the patch from the doc but when i use it i cant sleep at night and i dont eat all damn day
if anyone knows me they know i cant not eat.so i dont wear it because i love to eat
anyone have any other suggestions like a pill or one of those lozenge things ??

11-30-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Trujeepr
Well it will be 7 months 2 Dec 04, after 24 years about a pack a day, I figured it to br about $130.00 a month, so I quit and bought my 450R, now instead if burning the money, I'm burning up the dirt with the money, now we go out riding as a family which is great, the Family that rides together stays together.

Here is my Smoke money:

Dude, that's smokin':devil: Sorry, I had too! Seriously though, congrats on quiting the nasty habit and on the new quad!:)

One way to quit smoking is too buy like 2 cartons of your favorite smoke. Startign smokeing them sticks and don't quit, keep smoking and keep smoking! You'll wind up getting sick, pukeing al over the place. After that, you'll probably not want another smoke!:)

11-30-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Hammer trx450r
Thanks all!! Day 7 and getting better day by day.

Now who is going to quit this week?

That real good, keep it up, dont think about it, do what i did and put the money away for something worth living for and not dieing for, beside this forum don’t let people know that are around you, they will watch you like a hawk, and wait for you to cheat.

Keep up the hard work,


01-02-2005, 12:59 AM
Well, it is my New Year's resolution...........24 hours so far cold turkey! :ermm: It's tough, but I want to succeed!:macho

01-02-2005, 01:00 AM
Well, it is my New Year's resolution...........24 hours so far cold turkey! :ermm: It's tough, but I want to succeed!:macho

01-02-2005, 01:18 AM
Yeah my New Years Resolution is to quit chewing. It's gonna be tough but well worth it, that stuff gets spendy and of course much healthier.:huh

Hammer trx450r
01-02-2005, 05:04 AM
Awesome guys!!!!! I'm i think at 6 weeks without even a puff.

01-02-2005, 08:14 AM
awsome! i was actually trying to find this thread a week ago to see if anyone is still holding out. keep going man you wont regret it

01-02-2005, 08:15 AM
Hammer that is AWESOME!!!
Very glad as a non smoker someone else has quit I dont have to have second hand smoke :)

Hammer trx450r
01-02-2005, 12:22 PM
Thanks guys!! I know what u mean i cant stand the smell of it anymore. and YES, if u quit smoking you will be faster on a quad. If that aint reason enough than nothing will work.

01-02-2005, 01:28 PM
Congrats to everyone for quitting. I've never smoked, just tried 1 or 2. My parents quit again today. They smoked for about 20 years, quite for about 6, then started again about 6 months agao and finally quit again. I'm making SURE they don't pick that crap back-up.

01-02-2005, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by stocktires
Congrats to everyone for quitting. I've never smoked, just tried 1 or 2. My parents quit again today. They smoked for about 20 years, quite for about 6, then started again about 6 months agao and finally quit again. I'm making SURE they don't pick that crap back-up.

I smoked for 6 years, quit for 8 years, started again almost 2 years ago........Now quitting again. Don't start smoking, seriously. If it was all that good why would so many smokers be going through the trouble to quit? It don't make you cool, and certainly won't help your riding............You don't see any top pro's lighting up in the pits, do you?:p

01-02-2005, 02:19 PM
I've quit now for a little over 2 years. Hardest thing I ever did. Smoked a pack a day for 15 years. Took me 5-6 times to finally lick it.

Take it day by day, that's all.


01-02-2005, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by RIDER11X
I smoked for 6 years, quit for 8 years, started again almost 2 years ago........Now quitting again. Don't start smoking, seriously. If it was all that good why would so many smokers be going through the trouble to quit? It don't make you cool, and certainly won't help your riding............You don't see any top pro's lighting up in the pits, do you?:p

I'm not smoking dude, just tried one or two over the years. I have an *** load of will power so I know I wouldn't get hooked. Smoking is NASTY, smells like crap, and really is pointless.

01-02-2005, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by stocktires
I'm not smoking dude, just tried one or two over the years. I have an *** load of will power so I know I wouldn't get hooked.

I highly suggest you do not depend on your so-called "strong will power" and dont smoke 1 more cig... nobody knows the power of the addiction until they have been hooked.

01-02-2005, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by RIDER11X
Well, it is my New Year's resolution...........24 hours so far cold turkey! :ermm: It's tough, but I want to succeed!:macho

Well dam... I was gonna start smoking this year! thought maybe I could bum some cigs off ya! :D

good luck on the quitting... and don't start up again! Remember... mind over matter... if you don't have a mind, it doesn't matter! ;)

01-02-2005, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
Well dam... I was gonna start smoking this year! thought maybe I could bum some cigs off ya! :D

Crazy Honda will still be smoking............:bandit:

01-02-2005, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by RIDER11X
Crazy Honda will still be smoking............:bandit:

Yeah, but his always smell funny... :eek: :eek2: :blah:

01-02-2005, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Hammer trx450r
Awesome guys!!!!! I'm i think at 6 weeks without even a puff.
Hey man, congrats on not smoking for 6 weeks!:)

How about give us guys that are thinking about quiting a rundown how its going so far, what was your weak points, what did you do when you had a craving ,what week was worst, etc.

You can be sort of like our role model.

Hammer trx450r
01-03-2005, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by SGA
Hey man, congrats on not smoking for 6 weeks!:)

How about give us guys that are thinking about quiting a rundown how its going so far, what was your weak points, what did you do when you had a craving ,what week was worst, etc.

You can be sort of like our role model.

SGA u summed it up for ME, with the comment of "it'll pass in a few minutes" was so right

My urges now are met with a snicker like "i kicked your *** haha"

And chew the chit out of gum

I also had the drive that i didn't ever want my 11 month old see me with a cig hanging out of my mouth.

Most important of all DONT SMOKE, dont bum smokes, don't bum drags, don't smoke butts, nothing. much harder if you touch even one because you start over from that day. And count your days because you will be amazed at how fast they go by and your done!!!!!!! All you need to do is make it just one more day, everyday;) Hope some of this helped

Hammer trx450r
01-03-2005, 04:43 AM
New study out says if you quit when you are 35 to 45 you live just as long as someone who never smoked

01-03-2005, 07:46 AM
I quit in '94 after smoking 15 years. Just watchout for weight gain.

01-03-2005, 07:57 AM
Well today (3 Jan 05) its been 8 months since guitting.

For those of you going through this your body will go through some changes, just bare with them, it takes about 8 or 9 months for your body adjust to not having the Nicotine in your body.

Keep up the hard work it will be worth it in the long run.


01-03-2005, 02:23 PM
I quit smoking about 4 years ago. You just have to want to quit and just do it. Gum helped me alot. Instead of a pack of smokes, I'd go through a pack of gum a day, but it worked. I can't stand the smell of cigs now.

I took the money I was spending on smokes and used that as payments for a quad.

Good luck to all that quit. You will be glad you did.

01-03-2005, 11:02 PM
72 hours and counting on many more!!!!!!!:macho

01-04-2005, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by RIDER11X
72 hours and counting on many more!!!!!!!:macho

Keep up the good work, buddy! You can do it! Remember... no smoking= better stamina for riding!

01-04-2005, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by RIDER11X
72 hours and counting on many more!!!!!!!:macho
Hang in there man or i'll come up there and put my boot * ^%$#@&^!

Its a royal f'ing pain to quit, thats all i'll say about it.

Im right behind you to stop smoking, wont be long. If you guys can do it, then so can I :scary:

Hammer trx450r
01-04-2005, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by SGA
Hang in there man or i'll come up there and put my boot * ^%$#@&^!

Its a royal f'ing pain to quit, thats all i'll say about it.

Im right behind you to stop smoking, wont be long. If you guys can do it, then so can I :scary:

Seriously though, if i can quit then anyone can. I was a full on smoker, sometimes 2 pack a day forever. Now i run 4 miles a night.

01-04-2005, 09:24 AM
:) I'm glad your doin so well!!!! Keep it up!

01-04-2005, 10:15 AM
great work guys!!! FIGHT THE POWER!!:mad: