View Full Version : Bike riders that hate quads

11-24-2004, 08:19 AM
Here is a post on ThumperTalk.com
There are lots of bikes guys that really hate quads and think that quads do all the trail damage which is not true at all.
Read through the thread and answer in a nice way. Do not answer if you are gonna bash the bike guys. We want to work together to keep our riding area's open not fight with one another.


If the link doesn't work for you go to www.thumpertalk.com in the forum section under General. The name of the thread is "quad bashing revisited"

11-24-2004, 08:24 AM
its a crying shame

11-24-2004, 09:06 AM
I think them guys should look into sadle bags for their bikes. It would easily fit a box of tissues...or 2. :p

11-27-2004, 02:16 PM
lol sadlebags would be great for them. :blah: To bad they think that they know everything... Looks like Ill be doing my best to post on this subject.

11-27-2004, 03:09 PM
sunday i went to practice with a buddie but i didnt bring my quad a know a few people so i walked around the pits and stuff....all the quad riders would say hey or something to me(i was wearing my D-4 sweatshirt so everyone knew i was a quad rider) and the dirtbikes just looked at me and gave me a dirty look...i dont see what the big deal is tho....:confused:

11-27-2004, 06:32 PM
I'm guessing.. lol that all the dirtbikers are getting a lil scared of us that ride on 4 wheels. Because they know are sport is moving up in the world, and sumday it will make there 2 wheeled things look bad. :eek2: Sumday.. :devil:
Ya i know what ur talking about. I go out to redbud,logroad, and also dutch.. the dirtbikes out number the quads like 30 to 1.. its pretty bad. But all the guys that race quads or just go there to watch the quads seem like super cool people. Everyone thats into quads will talk to you. If you need a part they let you use it for the race or they will just sell it to you if they can. But on the onther hand it seems like When I talk to the guys that run dirtbikes they seem to be a lil more not into helping onthers out. But dont get me wrong Ive seen sum people that race quads like that just not all to many. It also seems as dirtbikers dont give to many people the time of day to talk.. I dont know its hard to put into words. But if you go racing on weekeds you may see what I mean. Im just happy that for the most part everyone thats into the sport for 4-wheelers are super cool, and nice people. Lets hope it dont go down hill guys!!! keep up the good work..

11-27-2004, 09:24 PM
i know what flyingbyfast400 means... but it is in both sections... dirtbikes and quads... i got a pit pass to a pro event in for dirtbikes.. well to set the long story short bubba didnt talk to anyone and wasnt really being to nice for a person with a sponsorship to younger riders.. on the other hand charmichael was really nice and talked with people... but on the quad side of the section it works the same way just not as badly.. i much enjoy the quad race enviroment rather than the bike enviroment.. all though i do have to day that i only notice this when i am at national events and such. but with quads no matter where i am at almost every pro rider will take some time and speak with you..

11-28-2004, 01:48 PM
i no wut u guys mean i dont know why the bike riders are like that i mean ud think hey both off roaders get along but it dont work i mean i ride bikes now n i will never look at a quad rider bad

11-28-2004, 03:44 PM
Quads really do more trail damage than bikes. I have been riding bikes for years until I recently bought my quad and have trails behind my house and it tears them up much more than any of my bikes ever did. But I don't make a fuss over it since I ride a quad now lol.

And you know the reason ATVs get a bad name? Because of the guys out there who are drinking and littering up the trails and acting like fools. If you want to get a good name you have to act like you have some sense, drinking and riding DO NOT MIX, and thats why ATVers have a bad name. I see it all the time when I was down in Uwharrie National Forest, tons of drunk guys on utility quads riding off the marked trails and destroying fences and what not, I don't see as many bikers down there, far more quads, and the idiots on quads outnumber to good riders by far.

I think those guys have a point though, and we would be MUCH better off joining forces, as a matter of fact I think all the OHV users should get along, because the 4x4s use a lot of the same trails, if we could get the idiots off the trails then everything would be much better.

Each group has its own idiot, ATVers have their, bikers have theirs and the 4x4 guys have some idiots also. Except there are so many more Quads out there, which translates into a greater number of idiots.

11-30-2004, 08:22 PM
I have been racing atv motocross for a couple a years in D-7 you just can not make them happy if you own a quad.I give up!!!!Saddlebags with tissues is the answer for sure!!!!

12-01-2004, 05:33 AM
some of my friends ride bikes including myself and I don't understand what's up those guys as***:grr:

12-01-2004, 05:51 AM
Originally posted by Destructo
Quads really do more trail damage than bikes. I have been riding bikes for years until I recently bought my quad and have trails behind my house and it tears them up much more than any of my bikes ever did. But I don't make a fuss over it since I ride a quad now lol.

And you know the reason ATVs get a bad name? Because of the guys out there who are drinking and littering up the trails and acting like fools. If you want to get a good name you have to act like you have some sense, drinking and riding DO NOT MIX, and thats why ATVers have a bad name. I see it all the time when I was down in Uwharrie National Forest, tons of drunk guys on utility quads riding off the marked trails and destroying fences and what not, I don't see as many bikers down there, far more quads, and the idiots on quads outnumber to good riders by far.

I think those guys have a point though, and we would be MUCH better off joining forces, as a matter of fact I think all the OHV users should get along, because the 4x4s use a lot of the same trails, if we could get the idiots off the trails then everything would be much better.

Each group has its own idiot, ATVers have their, bikers have theirs and the 4x4 guys have some idiots also. Except there are so many more Quads out there, which translates into a greater number of idiots.

You nailed it on the head Destructo. I also came from bikes originally and went to quads.

It actually all started out that I rode with the guys on bikes, and my wife and father-inlaw rode quads. Although in a playful way, they always gave me and my family a hard time about them riding quads. I finally got tired of it, and realized that I would have more fun riding without them, and just riding with my family..... Well, I was right. Two years later on a quad, and I'm having MUCH more fun on a quad than I ever had on a bike. ;)

There are idiot dirtbikers just like there are idiot quad riders.....Its just alot easier for some idiot to cruise around on a UTE with a 12 pack of Budweiser than on a dirtbike..... Unfortunately there tends to be ALOT more idiots on quads than bikes, and we ALL get a bad rap for it. Its a shame really... :(

12-01-2004, 06:17 AM
Jeff, that is a very interesting article. I read it a couple of time this morning. I have tried to formulate some kind of input. But I'll tell you, I see no chance of adding much to that thread that wouldn't end in some kind of war. Those are definetly some die hard bike riders.

I like both bikes and quads. I have always liked them. But quads have simply become my favorite. It's sad that the two find it so difficult to coexist.

I blame a little of that on the communities. They have a lot in common, but are completly diffrent. Bikes b*tch about trail size and damage. Quads b*itch about ruts and acceleration bumps. There is no winning.

I realize to even consider the concept of seperate trails is unrealistic. But that is almost what it would take to satisfy both parties.

The part about the ATVA and AMA I tend to agree with a little. It may be time for a AQA!

12-01-2004, 03:32 PM
I hate bike riders.....

.....that hate quad riders.

12-01-2004, 07:57 PM
i agree with u guys that most bikers have a bad attitude about quads using their trails but we can not make generalizations. i ride with bikes all the time and rarley come across someone that gives me a hard time. i also think that dirtbikes do just as much damage to trails, they may only have one tire but they can sure tear up somethin fierce with it just like quads can with two.

12-01-2004, 09:18 PM
Quads to tear up alot, But bikes do it really bad as well, At least when quads go up hill, and rut them out, it all washes out to meet up with another rut.
Bikes dig ruts 2 foot deep, and make the hills a huge revein! (sp)

12-02-2004, 07:49 AM
From my experiences, neither bikes or quads really make a mess of the terrain. Even so, theres still alot of quad vs. bikes hatred. One time i was going riding, and had my quad in the back my dads truck. We pull into a gas station to fuel up, and a guy with an enduro bike comes up to us and sais your not riding on any trails around here. Apperantly a local club had an enduro set up for that day and decided to shut down all the surrounding trails for this enduro, a real arogant move. Luckily for him i was going pretty far to ride, but this just shows that theres alot of local trail bike clubs that need a boot to the face.

12-02-2004, 01:11 PM
the wnyoa series races are run by bike clubs. they let the atv's go last to help pack the track after the bikes are done. they really don't like us, but the land owners do.

12-16-2004, 05:54 AM
The reason bikers dont like quad riders is because they know that its alot harder to ride a quad than a dirtbike. They know they took the easy way out, lol. Another thing is that...I hate when theres a really nice quad jump all even and nice nice, then bikes keep jumping up one side of it until its all rutted and we cant even jump it anymore, that just pisses me the heck off.