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View Full Version : This is so sad...please keep her in mind this thanksgiving

11-22-2004, 02:48 PM
Hi All: A friend of mine at work little brother has this adorable girlfiend that is now battling cancer and is only 16 years old. On top of this her mom just got fired from her job a few days before Thanksgiving & they aren't sure if they will allow her to take a few hours away from the hospital to spend time with her family. This is a sad but encouraging story i recomend you read the e-mail her mom sent to her friends and family on the progress of her daughter and check out her site! If you don't mind keep this 16 year old little girl fighting cancer in your thoughts and prayers this holiday season!

Hello All,
I know I've already sent out emails this weekend, but hope you will indulge me just alittle more. Feel free to pass on the Cait's website. She is already enjoying reading the guestbook! www.caringbridge.org/oh/cait

We are headed back to the hospital on Monday. This is Cait's 3 week stretch with just the weekends at home. Ending course 2 and beginning course 3.
This week is Thanksgiving. We are hopeful that Cait will be allowed a 4 hour pass to be able to leave the hospital on Turkey Day so that we can go to my Grandma Lashley's for homecooking. If we can't, we will be Thankful that Caitlin is in a hospital that can give her the care she needs to save her life.

Since Doug and I have been married we have always shared Thanksgiving with others. Doug always brought a single sailor home to have a homecooked meal, that may other wise have to stay on the ship for the holiday. Many years we had Jim and Laurie up from Florida, and Doug's mom and Lynn Ann came to the south from Ohio so we could all be together. One year the furnace died and the thermostate went out on the oven. We were freezing but Tom Turkey caught on fire! Since we moved back to Ohio we have had Thanksgiving at our house.
One of our holiday traditions is to go around the table and say what we are Thankful for this past year. Since I won't be at my table this year, I want to share with you all what I'm Thankful for this year.

I'm Thankful that my beloved Granny is with my mom in heaven this year. There is not a day that has gone by this past 5 months when I didn't need them something fierce and missed them both something terrible. These two wonderful woman, taught me about nuturing, giving more than you take and how to be a good mother by example. My Granny taught me about unwavering believe in God and faith. I am forever thankful that I was able to be with her in her final moments in May as she earned her wings to heaven and joined my waiting mother. I love you mom and Granny.

I'm Thankful to Akron Children's Hospital. To the nurses of 5600 that take care of Caitlin. To Dr. Donna Patton, oncologist, for saving Caitlin's life and doing it with humor. To Dr. Scott Weiner, for his skill and talent in saving Caitlin's leg and removing her tumor. To Ruthie, for not only being Caitlin's favorite nurse, but for being the big sister she never had.

I'm Thankful to the Perry Local School District, Perry High School and Genoa Elementary. For loving my children like their own. For providing them with a quality education and nurturing them at the same time. To Caitlin's teachers who have gone above and beyond to provide her education this year. To Mrs. Fahrney for being Caitlin's biggest supporter. Cindy Savage for reminding me that I'm a good mother. Sandie Miller for loving Courtney as much as we do.

To Chris Tonn, Greg Cordle, John Hobdy and the Szackas Family for the Caitlin Shoup Cancer Benefit Car Show and Concert. For Denny's for the recent dinner. The Perry High School students and Genoa students have raised money in various different ways to help our family.

Anna Sutton for Caitlins Cancer Awareness bracelet and Tracy Poirrer for Caitlin's beautiful photographs.

The numerous family, friends, schools in Tenn and IN, that have sent cards, gifts or emails to Caitlin and Courtney. Thank you so much for keeping their spirits up.

Emily Spall for showing us all what true friendship is suppose to be. We love you Em.

To Chemo Angels and Cancer Warriors...the unsung heros. These are the people that show my children love and encourage them every day. Without every meeting us face to face, they came into our lives, adopted us and took on the challenge.They are truly unselfish human beings.

Laura Van Houten for sharing Caitlin's story and being our friend.

To my dad and Nancy for taking on caring for a 9 year old after years of not having a child in their home. They were willing to turn their lives upside down to provide Courtney with loving and secure 'second home'. To Grandma Lynne for making sure Courtney gets to her baton lessons each week.

To my sister Jody, who from day one has been an unwavering supporter and listener. When I was sure to lose my mind, she was there to reassure me I would be okay. I love you sis.

To the manufactures of my bed. There is nothing like your own bed after a week in the hospital. This is one of my guilty pleasures along with chocolate.

To Doug, who even after 20 years, shows me everyday that I am loved. I could never imagine taking this walk alone and it has been a blessing to do it together.
To learn together what really matters in life and be grateful for the years past and looking ahead to the years to come.

To Courtney, who brings complete joy to my life everyday in her innocence and wisdom. Courtney is a magician in that she can mend a broken heart with a kiss and cure lonliness with the sound of her voice.

To Caitlin, who has taught me patience, courage and determination. Caitlin lives her life everyday by example. She bravely pushes herself past her limitations, says thank you to people that cause her pain and wakes up each day not knowing what is in store, but ready to take on the challenge. Caitlin who has taught unselfishness and what love truly is within a family.

To Cancer, for helping us to see the big picture. Not to sweat the small stuff. Teach us about unconditional love. Showing us the face of strangers. Brought out the true colors of those around us. Inpassioned us to get involved and find a cure for all the children. Gave our life a true and honest meaning. Made us appreciate our lives and see how fragile they truly can be. Showed me that I can love my girls' more than I thought it was humanly possible to love anyone or anything.

All the years that Doug was in the Navy, we were always just Thankful if the four of us could be together.
This year, I'm just Thankful there are FOUR of us.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Love, Tricia

11-22-2004, 02:53 PM
Foxy, I want to nominate you for the long winded award here on Exriders.

Have you ever posted a thread that's less than 4,000,000 words????

:eek2: :eek2:

I'll keep the little girl in my thoughts...:(

11-22-2004, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Rico
Foxy, I want to nominate you for the long winded award here on Exriders.

Have you ever posted a thread that's less than 4,000,000 words????

:eek2: :eek2:

I'll keep the little girl in my thoughts...:(

ummm yeah!:rolleyes:

11-23-2004, 07:48 AM
i hope she gets to go home for thanksgiving and recovers quick. we'll keep her in our thoughts and prayers

11-23-2004, 08:14 AM
i was gonna read it but shheess
talk about the never ending story lol
uh yeah hope all is well with whatever you posted