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QuAdEr 317
11-22-2004, 01:27 PM
Lets here some adventures you went through in ur life and if u won or lost n describe it in details lol today there was agreat fight.....after school today these 2 kids fought n the underdog held his ground n it was even..the kid who was supposed to dominate was bleedin out his nose and after outta knowhere another kid snuck sum1 else n mad cops came shyt was crazzzy:devil:

11-22-2004, 01:37 PM
peopel must have some major emotional problems to fight like that, (or just drunk)

11-22-2004, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by QuAdEr 317
Lets here some adventures you went through in ur life and if u won or lost n describe it in details lol today there was agreat fight.....after school today these 2 kids fought n the underdog held his ground n it was even..the kid who was supposed to dominate was bleedin out his nose and after outta knowhere another kid snuck sum1 else n mad cops came shyt was crazzzy:devil:

let's learn to spell.

one time i was at an NBA game and there was a fight on the court...so when the dude who was fighting was talking to the coach, i threw my beer cup at him and it hit him...then he came up in the stands and punched me in the face...now he is suspended for the rest of the year and i am going to be a millionaire very soon...


11-22-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Bush0102
let's learn to spell.

one time i was at an NBA game and there was a fight on the court...so when the dude who was fighting was talking to the coach, i threw my beer cup at him and it hit him...then he came up in the stands and punched me in the face...now he is suspended for the rest of the year and i am going to be a millionaire very soon...


lmao nice:p

11-22-2004, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Bush0102
let's learn to spell.

one time i was at an NBA game and there was a fight on the court...so when the dude who was fighting was talking to the coach, i threw my beer cup at him and it hit him...then he came up in the stands and punched me in the face...now he is suspended for the rest of the year and i am going to be a millionaire very soon...


That was be you threw a beer cup at u *******!!!!!!

11-22-2004, 01:44 PM
A few years back I got into a fight with a kid who was talking about my mom and grandma. First and last real fight I had ever gotten into and messed the kid up. His face was pretty messed up, all swollen and bloody. It got me out of school for 3 days...ever sense than I really haven't had a reason to fight. I have picked a few kids up and yelled, and came close, but nothing yet:o

11-22-2004, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Bush0102
let's learn to spell.

one time i was at an NBA game and there was a fight on the court...so when the dude who was fighting was talking to the coach, i threw my beer cup at him and it hit him...then he came up in the stands and punched me in the face...now he is suspended for the rest of the year and i am going to be a millionaire very soon...

what the hell are you wasting beer for man
smarten up eh

11-22-2004, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Bush0102
let's learn to spell.

one time i was at an NBA game and there was a fight on the court...so when the dude who was fighting was talking to the coach, i threw my beer cup at him and it hit him...then he came up in the stands and punched me in the face...now he is suspended for the rest of the year and i am going to be a millionaire very soon...



yah that guy will be a millionaire, maybe billionaire in not too long, they said the fan that he hit wasnt even the one who threw the beer lmfao!!!!!!!!:macho

11-22-2004, 02:59 PM
this kid came up to me and was going to hit be with a chair (wrestling style) and he was slamming it down and i grabbed it, threw it on the ground.... Socked him in the face and i was done. lol

but the best fight ever ive been in was in like 6th grade. This 8th grade kid always picked on me. SO my friend in his grade told me to stop dealing with his crap. He flicked my ear when i was sitting in front of him and he said "middle school kids in back, 6th graders up front grrr" I turned around and told him "blow it out your ***. He threw a fist, i ducked and started punching him in the stomach. I made him cry, his mom called my mom and my mom told the lady to **** off. hahaha So now that im in the high school a few of my friends and i put gay pride stickers on the back of his truck.

11-22-2004, 03:24 PM
hahahahahaahhah thats some funny shiyt

sam the brave
11-22-2004, 03:31 PM
i have been in quite a few

one i drilled the kid in the face and dropped him, he got up jumped on my back, i jumped on my back to cruch him and knocked him out.

another one with the same kid
he hit my back i swung once and droped him and when he hit the ground i pounded on his facebreaking his nose

and the last one i got the crap beat out of me by my older bro

11-22-2004, 04:31 PM
its been awhile since ive been in a fight. probally about a year and a half. i never got into any fights when i was in school, but ive been in 3 since ive gotten out. not really worth typing out the details though.

11-22-2004, 04:43 PM
i've never gotten into a fist fight. I'm the kind of guy that would kill a fly with honey

11-22-2004, 04:44 PM
over the summer a kid threw something at my friends truck and we got out ready to knock some heads together. someone called the cops and long story short the cop told us next time we should beat thier ***** before they get there.:cool:

11-22-2004, 04:46 PM
I was at our school soccer game when this one kid decides hes gonna hit the biggest guy on our team with a sucker punch. He connected and this kid "superman" as we call him fen took this kid fliped him over in some wrestlien move ripped the shirt over his face and was whalling on him. I just sat there going OMG superman is going to kill this kid. He got bout 15 good licks in that connected to his face and was knocked out cold :eek:

11-22-2004, 04:48 PM
Well about two weeks ago I was walking down the hallway in school just going through the hall when I kinda just nudged a kid who was in my way. Well i heard him talk under his breath and I through him against the wall right infront of his girlfriend. I got in a fight over a kid who wouldnot pay up in a bet and he just ended up with one good shot to the face and it was over with. I've been wrestling for 2 years now and they basically tell you not to fight and if you can just throw them on the ground using your moves and just make them look stupid.

11-22-2004, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
over the summer a kid threw something at my friends truck and we got out ready to knock some heads together. someone called the cops and long story short the cop told us next time we should beat thier ***** before they get there.:cool:

LOL, thats funny.

I never really got into fights with people because they never even bothered with me, guess they figured the silent ones are usually the deadly ones, and they would have been right.

11-22-2004, 05:13 PM
Fighting is stupid.

The last fight I was in, the guy hit me first, and I laughed at him. Then he drew a knife on me. The cops were called, and he got to spend several months in jail.

I never threw a punch, but oddly enough, I don't feel like less of a man, nobody makes fun of me for being a wimp, and the best part is, I never got a**-raped in prison!

QuAdEr 317
11-22-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
over the summer a kid threw something at my friends truck and we got out ready to knock some heads together. someone called the cops and long story short the cop told us next time we should beat thier ***** before they get there.:cool:

haha thats some funny shyt....cops around here arent like that at all...they all dic*heads

QuAdEr 317
11-22-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
over the summer a kid threw something at my friends truck and we got out ready to knock some heads together. someone called the cops and long story short the cop told us next time we should beat thier ***** before they get there.:cool:

haha thats some funny shyt....cops around here arent like that at all...they all dic*heads

11-22-2004, 05:27 PM
ive been in a few fights a couple wins and a couple losses

last year this punk kid comes up to my girl friend and just punched her in the back for no reason and like hurt her really bad and she was all shookl up so he got suspended and that day me and my buddys went over to his house and i knocked on the door and he awnsered it and i asked him why he did it and all this bs and then he cussed me and told me to get off his property and slammed the door in my face so i walked into his house cause he didnt lock it pulled him out of his house and gave him one shot to the face and he hit the ground i gave him a couple good kicks to the face with my steel toe boots and he layed there couple days later he came to school and he was still all messed up in the face
so he got what he deserved

and i was on vacation in fla and this kid was pickin on my brother so i told him to quit and he blew up and hit me so i hit him back and we swapped licks back and forth until i hit him back one good time broke his nose and he dropped but i went bck to the condo with 2 blck eyes and a swollen face he had the same but a broke nose that was the best even fight ive ever been in.

11-22-2004, 05:44 PM
oh gawd the last fight i was in we all just got done riding and i was with all my friends cleaning up the rides and drinkin a lil when outta nowhere my ex-boyfriends new girlfriend came up and started the fight. i tried to be nice and all my friends warned her to back off. but like most women they can't back off! the next thing i know my friend that weighed like 275lbs was dragging me off top of her and i was still throwin punches. it would have been fine if she had left like i told her too, but i'm only gonna get pushed so far. she learned real quick that her sissy lil slaps and hair pullin wasn't gettin her anywhere. my nickname might be kitten but all my boys call me tiger. i've never been in a fight since.

11-22-2004, 05:44 PM
i got suckered in the jaw at the riink. ther was a big brawl and i got hit.

QuAdEr 317
11-22-2004, 05:50 PM
rink???whats that?? you didnt hit back:mad:

haha jus playin joey

Krazy Kid
11-22-2004, 06:20 PM
dont really get into fights here, but i always stand my grounf, pretty good size kid (bigger than me) wanted to fight, i wouldnt back down, he hit me from behind and i turned around and dropped him, he got back up and i dropped him again, about that time my buddy came flyin in adn beat the livin hell outta him, but i dont go looking for fights, if someone comes ooking for me im not backing down then, unless there 6 foot and usually carry a 45 in their pants and a blade in their shoe

11-22-2004, 07:27 PM
the last fight i was in, some idiot was hitting on my girl and making her feel uncomfortable and asked him to stop. Being dumb, he keep doing stuff so i went up to him in the locker room and was like 'wtf, she told you to back off and you didnt?' he was like F you, and started walking away. so i came up full speed behind him and speared him. can yall say whiplash. then i started slamming his face on the ground and then got up and started kicking him in the face. then the school police came over and i accedently elbowed him in the nose while getting ready for one last punch. He got F****ed up. i ended up getting suspended for 2 weeks.