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11-16-2004, 11:52 PM
I want to buy a camcorder for myself this Christmas to catch some good quad action.....What is good for the money? Are any of them downloadable to the PC? If so what is one of the cheaper versions? All I have been seeing is VHS-C and 8mm. Is one better than the other? Thanks!;)

11-17-2004, 06:14 AM
You would have to check the features of each camera you are interested in, but most should have some type of plug that will allow you to connect to a VCR or computer via RCA plugs. If you are going to try and connect to a computer with the RCA plugs, you will probably need something like Dazzle to do it. It has RCA inputs, and a USB output. You can also look at a digital camcorder. The one I have has RCA plugs, as well as a firewire connection, which some newer computers have, so you can go directly from camera to computer without any adapters or things like Dazzle.

11-17-2004, 06:39 AM
i would stay away from VHS-C and 8mm, get something with digital. The Canon ZR series is the best digital for the money, in my opinion (The ZR-60 is about 350 bucks)(i used to work for a tv station and for the best buy camera dept.)...but if you want to easily get it into your computer, i would suggest buying a camera with a firewire plug and buying a firewire card for your computer if you dont already have one. Another option is the Sony DVD camcorders that record directly onto mini-dvd discs...but they are going to be about 1000 bucks.

dont forget to buy an extended life battery, either.

11-17-2004, 06:46 AM
We have a Panasonic Mini-DV camcorder that downloads to the computer two different ways but it was 400 bucks without the extended battery.

11-17-2004, 07:20 AM
Yes....NO MATTER WHAT YOU GET, MAKE SURE IT IS MINI-DV. Go digital...don't mess with VHS-C or any other cameras like that.

As others said, you'll see prices range from $350 and up.

Features you want on it are a Firewire port (which most all Mini-dv's I've seen have), and also it is handy to have one that has a Memory card inside to store still pictures. Captures from Mini-dv tape aren't typically as nice looking as still pics with a digital camera, but they are suitable, and what is nice is that you can take them after you have filmed you footage. You can sit home in front of the TV and go frame by frame until you get the perfect picture on the screen...then you hit a button and it saves that pic to your memory card so you can load it onto the computer. It's pretty handy.

Another thing I would look for, and you might want to, is the capability to have some sort of "video in" port, so you can use a helmet cam attached to it. Unfortunately I haven't looked into this much so I don't really know much about it.

You'll also need to pick up a firewire card for your computer, more than likely, which just allows you to connect the camera to your computer. Works really slick.

You can pick up extended life batters rather cheap off of ebay....I bought a 5hr battery for my mini-dv cam for like $30 and it works great.

Just my opinion on things.

Take it easy!


11-17-2004, 07:30 AM
You guys really know what you are talking about here!
Good Suggestions!
Anyway if some of you are educated with video and attending either the GNC or GNCC Series and want to earn some money while there, I am always looking for people to help out with the filming!
If iterested give me a call!

Rick Frisco
RemNS Productions

11-17-2004, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by RemNS
You guys really know what you are talking about here!
Good Suggestions!
Anyway if some of you are educated with video and attending either the GNC or GNCC Series and want to earn some money while there, I am always looking for people to help out with the filming!
If iterested give me a call!

Rick Frisco
RemNS Productions

I'd love to help. I live about an hour from Muddy Creek here at school and back home i'm an hour from Loretta's. I worked at a Public access channel for 2 years and took 4 years of broadcasting in high school. I have experience with Pro DV Cameras (GL1, GL2, XL1) as well as DVC Pro cameras (the big ones the news crews use). I also have a lot of experience with linear and non-linear (Final Cut Pro 2,3,4) editing.

PM me if you are interested.

12-31-2004, 02:55 AM
Well, I got one! Got a Sony Digital 8mm.....It came with a cable to go directly into the USB port. Now I just got to figure out how to use it......:rolleyes: