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04-17-2002, 11:40 AM
Ok, here's the deal. I went to my first race this weekend. It was a XC race and the laps were about 3-4 miles long. When the flag dropped, i had the 2nd fastest start...and then it all went down hill from there. I had 3 overall major probablems
1. Stomach cramps...1/2 bottle of gatorade before the race comined with VERY VERY rough terrain...i can fix that one.
2. Pounding headache set in about 5 laps in...was forced to slow down.
3. I COULD NOT keep my thumb on the throttle. I don't know what the heck happened. I have NEVER had that problem. What could it have been? Rough terrain and high speed? Nerves? Bad gloves?

Has anyone else had this problem? How can i fix it (no, i don't really want to get a twist throttle). Could it have been that my gloves just completely sucked?

Please folks, i don't want to come in dead last EVER AGAIN!!!

04-17-2002, 11:47 AM
First thing I can suggest texan is a steering dampner,,it will keep that front end under control and help with arm fatigue,,which can also give you problems on keepin that tumb were it needs to be..:D

2nd,,,it sounds like you weren't hydrated properly..if I plan on racing and really doin good,,no alcohol the day of and before the race and lots and lots of water,,,a little gatorade,,but mainly water. Stretching is also very vital,,get everything loose so you don't get cramps,,even your neck muscle's,,if they get sore,,your gonna get a headache I'm sure..that's about all I can think of,,plus I'm a MXer.

04-17-2002, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Texan32
Ok, here's the deal. I went to my first race this weekend. It was a XC race and the laps were about 3-4 miles long. When the flag dropped, i had the 2nd fastest start...and then it all went down hill from there. I had 3 overall major probablems
1. Stomach cramps...1/2 bottle of gatorade before the race comined with VERY VERY rough terrain...i can fix that one.
2. Pounding headache set in about 5 laps in...was forced to slow down.
3. I COULD NOT keep my thumb on the throttle. I don't know what the heck happened. I have NEVER had that problem. What could it have been? Rough terrain and high speed? Nerves? Bad gloves?

Has anyone else had this problem? How can i fix it (no, i don't really want to get a twist throttle). Could it have been that my gloves just completely sucked?

Please folks, i don't want to come in dead last EVER AGAIN!!!

sounds like u were hungover. :eek: :huh

04-17-2002, 12:08 PM
And some conditioning wouldn't huryt either. One hard lap especially if it's hot, will give you alot of respect for the Pro's physical conditioning. I've been so wore out from riding I was seeing black spots!!

04-17-2002, 01:59 PM
Conditioning will really help. How often do you ride? Do you have somewhere to practice? When you actually race it's amazing how you can hurt in places you've never thought of before. You just have to ride and ride. I also stretch all mt muscles as best I can before i race. The headache and stomach thing could have been nerves too.

04-17-2002, 04:19 PM
Take the throttle spring out of your carb. grind down the circumfrence of the spring. this will lighten the spring weight but it will have the same travel. Put your carb. back together, and you won't believe the difference. Hardly feels like you thumb throttle is there!

04-17-2002, 06:39 PM
you mean shorten the spring in the carb?

04-17-2002, 09:45 PM
no grind off the thickness of the spring, leave the length the same.

04-17-2002, 10:30 PM
Rico's right, Steering dampner, lots of water, stretch. A bannana or two earlier in the day,the potassium stops the cramps. A granola bar- energy food. I wear a camel back,1/2 gallon. I pretty much empty it in a 30 mile race. I drink plain water, the gatoraide tends to upset my stomach with all the bouncing, I think it's the citric acid in it. Relax some and have fun. I've come in dead last before, don't sweat it.

04-17-2002, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Crypted1
Take the throttle spring out of your carb. grind down the circumfrence of the spring. this will lighten the spring weight but it will have the same travel. Put your carb. back together, and you won't believe the difference. Hardly feels like you thumb throttle is there!

Crypted1, What spring are you talking about in the carb? On the 400EX, the throttle return spring is on the side of the carb. How would you grind that spring down?

04-17-2002, 11:06 PM
Definately hydrate yourself. I start really hammering water down about 2-3 days before a race. Ya have to piss constantly but its the best way to hydrate yourself. Stay away from sports drinks. They might be good for replenishing lost electrolytes after a race but like someone else said, most often they upset the stomach. I drink water exclusively. Even during a race, thru my camel bak. That should help with the stomach and the headache. Seeing spots is a sign of dehydrating.

The steering damper is a must. I raced my first xc race without one and couldn't hold on worth s*** after about 25 minutes into the race. I thought that my conditioning was pretty good since I had been lifting but I fell victim to arm pump and fatigue. The thumb throttle really didn't help things either. I now have a damper and love it. I will not ride without one. I also use grip tape, like that used on hockey sticks, on the thumb throttle. I put the tape right on the face of the thumb throttle. I also run the tape on my levers, with a built up area towards the middle of the levers to kinda have an area to hook my wet muddy gloves and still use the levers when needed.

Stretch before the race. It might not look like the cool thing to do, but it helps. I also use Flexall or IcyHot on my forearms to get the blood flowing. It only lasts a short while but helps in the beginning of the race, when you are tense and arm pump is a problem. I also take two advil before the race to help battle any aches and pains.

Practice, practice, & practice. Seat of the pants is the best conditioning, because you'll use those same muscles for the race. Remember that you will "Play how you Practice." So be serious about it.

Also try other conditioning. I ride my mountain bike and run. Try to mix it up so that you don't get bored.

I am by no means a pro or even a fast novice, but these are things that I have picked up from racing. I also try to remember that I am there to have FUN more than anything else. Don't get TOO serious about it or you'll lose sight on why you are there. Putting on your game face is good and seeing the results of your hard work is reassuring, but don't get yourself down about making mistakes and not meeting your high expectations.

Have Fun.


04-17-2002, 11:52 PM
The throttle return spring is a very small spring with not much tension. It is actually in side the throttle assembly on your bars. The spring that causes all the pain is the throttle body spring in/ on your carb. This spring closes the throttle body after you let off the throttle. This is the one that has all the tension on it. Your throttle return spring just pulls the lever back reguardless if its hooked to the carb or not.

04-18-2002, 06:43 AM
Thanks for all the input and ideas. Slider, that was a well thought out reply and i thank you for that. It ahs been a LONG winter up here and though i did tyr to ride all winter, i can honestly say that i haven't (until the race) been able to ride hard. Its tough gettin on the throttle whan its 0 degrees out with a wind chill of -15...you know.

Getting my but kicked did help me though. I now have a very firm reason and desire to get back into the gym and get in shape.

The grip tape on the throttle is also a pretty good idea. I will definately give that a try. But also, i think that had a good bit to do with my gloves. About 4 laps in, i decided to pull over and remove my glove. I ended upi with a huge blister, but it was much easer to keep on the throttle. So, new gloves will be here tomarrow.

On the dampener....how much and where can i get one. I don't do alot of racing, so i'm guessing that i dn't need the top of the line....or is that all there is?

hanks again for all the input fellas'

04-18-2002, 08:55 AM
Ok texan,,go out to james lucky's webpage and find the lever skins,,I have them,,there great,,little ripples so your fingers get a grip on the lever,,not real expensive either..

And the dampner,,get a good one,,which basically is all they make,,there gonna run you about $150,,but worth it,,I got mine from speedracing,,but denton also has the same thing,,,you'll love it,,promise..;)

also,,,pcracingusa.com,,,,look at the underwear they have,,,no not tidy whities..:D but kevlar gloves you wear under your normal riding gear,,I also have them,,they work,,no lie,,there also known as blister risisters...gettin old sucks doesn't it..:(