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View Full Version : Anyone HOMESCHOOL thier kids or GET homeschooled????

11-12-2004, 08:47 AM
I'm just curious if anyone on here homeschool's thier kids around here?? I'm thinking & looking into doing this as my sons junior high is a POS school that can't control 1/2 the kids :rolleyes: I know it's like that everywhere but my kid is BETTER than that!! Hell he had to pull some girls off of his girlfriend last week :eek2: :grr: they were beating the hell outta her!!!! I was SHOCKED when he told me this, there was NO security around for like 5 mins???????????? WTF is this world coming too???? He doesn't even want to go there anymore so it's either transfer him to a new school or think about this homeschooling thing!! So I was just seeing if anyone had any comments :)

11-12-2004, 08:54 AM
i wish i could have gotten homeschooled.

do you need a liscence or anything? I'd probably give your county or state board of education a call.

11-12-2004, 09:15 AM
There are many kids here that are homeschooled - many of them so they can race/ride/practice without worrying about missing classes.....it works out well for them and they have freinds outside of the home-school situation, so they are still fine socially, as well. If I had any doubts about where my kids had to go to school, I would definately consider this (as long as I wasn't working).......

11-12-2004, 09:20 AM
Doen't that really piss you off... tax dollars go to the public school system, yet you have to find alternative schooling methods because it's f'd up! :mad:

btw... I wasn't home-schooled, so you don't have to worry about negative affects I may present... :eek: :o :p

11-12-2004, 09:25 AM
my daughter is 19 mos and it scares me to death
i would like my daughter to be homeschooled also
i hate public schools
i want to be able to protect my child from this world of freaks they call school
good luck with it

11-12-2004, 09:41 AM
My next door neighbor is the pricipal of a local public grade school. She said every year more and more parents bring their 2nd and 3rd grade kids to public schools after attempting home schooling. Their main reason is social interaction. She said 100% of these kids are at least 1 grade behind. The 'guideline' for kindergarden kids is to be able to count to 10. Home schooled kids count to 10. Many public schooled kids will count to 100.
In addition to this, private schools (not home school) aren't held to the same standards as public schools because they aren't federally funded. They don't even have to take assessment tests to see where they stand (many still take the tests, and this is published, and this is how we know public schools as a whole do better on the tests vs private). Public schools are required to take the tests, and if they don't meet the high standards, they lose federal funding. This is big and motivates those schools to raise the bar. Private schools can set their own standard. It could be high or low. Christian schools are notorious for lower academic standards (I don't want to get into a religious argument, it's just statistical fact, research it if you don't believe me. My wife went to a Christian school for 8 years, then public, and said she was academically under prepared). Public schools also pay their teachers a higher salary, therefore attract better teachers in general. As for home schooling, if you aren't a professional athlete, I don't think the kids will be as prepared to deal with the real world as easily.
You can't raise your kids in a cacoon.

11-12-2004, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by GoOn3
My next door neighbor is the pricipal of a local public grade school. She said every year more and more parents bring their 2nd and 3rd grade kids to public schools after attempting home schooling. Their main reason is social interaction. She said 100% of these kids are at least 1 grade behind. The 'guideline' for kindergarden kids is to be able to count to 10. Home schooled kids count to 10. Many public schooled kids will count to 100.
In addition to this, private schools (not home school) aren't held to the same standards as public schools because they aren't federally funded. They don't even have to take assessment tests to see where they stand (many still take the tests, and this is published, and this is how we know public schools as a whole do better on the tests vs private). Public schools are required to take the tests, and if they don't meet the high standards, they lose federal funding. This is big and motivates those schools to raise the bar. Private schools can set their own standard. It could be high or low. Christian schools are notorious for lower academic standards (I don't want to get into a religious argument, it's just statistical fact, research it if you don't believe me. My wife went to a Christian school for 8 years, then public, and said she was academically under prepared). Public schools also pay their teachers a higher salary, therefore attract better teachers in general. As for home schooling, if you aren't a professional athlete, I don't think the kids will be as prepared to deal with the real world as easily.
You can't raise your kids in a cacoon.

YOu have some good points here, but I AM NOT trying to raise my kids in a "cacoon" :) BUT when there is problems @ school & the school is afraid to do anything for fear of being sued by the tribes WELL then there is a PROBLEM :grr: :grr: I would rather find someone that does homeschooling & go that route or like I will probably do is send him to another district I know the same crap will go on there but the district he's in now is just in turmoil I think. Last year they had a 45 day strike @ the beginning of the year cuz the teachers wanted more pay, WELL they didn't get that resoved till the beginning of THIS Year if IT is resolved!!
Now I get emails that are critizing the teachers :huh just doesn't seem right OBVIOUSLY NOONE IS HAPPY in this school teachers,students, & parents!!!

11-12-2004, 10:22 AM
i might be wrong but i think that the kids have to take tests to make sure they are learning what they need to know and someone has to come in and check on what is goin on. One of my friends was home schooled from grade school till she a junior she wanted to know waht her senior year was all about and she was fine, still had friends outside of the home and still was aloud to go to HS events as a HS student, also kids who are homeschooled usually get to graduate a year or two before they should. honestly sometimes i wish i was homeschooled... just some of the stuff you have to deal with in HS is just bull***** from friends who are back stabbing ya and stealin your boyfriends and being jealous to tryin to keep your grades up and make all of your treachers happy i would have much rather have been home schooled... personally i think its a good idea that you look into it

Ballistic Atv
11-12-2004, 10:26 AM
Hey Dirtmomma.
I am homeschooled, have been since pretty much day one.
I am a senior in highschool now, but am only 16 (I skipped a grade several years ago). I can tell you that the pros of homeschooling far outweigh the cons. I feel so much better prepared for the "real" because I have had so many more oppurtunities to learn and explore different subjects and career paths that I would not have been either exposed to, or had the time to learn about if I went to public school. I have learned to be self motivated with my school work, so that when I get to college, I wont slack off because I don't have a highschool teacher making sure I did all my work.
The big thing that people ask me about homeschooling is the social aspect of it. I can honestly tell you, that it is harder and takes more time to be involved in the normal social activities than it is if you go to public school. But, the good thing about it is that you have the freedom to choose who you spend time with, you are not just thrown into a large group of kids that you might not share any interests or desire to be around them like you are in public school. I have also found, that since I am not always segragated by age and grade, that I feel more comfortable with people that are younger than I am, older than me, and the same age.
A big plus for me about homeschooling is, that it takes me a maximum of 2 1/2 hours a day to do all my schoolwork, because I can work at my own pace. Whereas in public school, you are there from 7:30 in the morning till 2:15 and ontop of that, you have several hours of homework to do when you get home. That leaves basically no time for anything else other than school, and I feel like that is a total waste of your teenage years. If you ask any of my friends if I am "socially retarded" because of being homeschooled, they would laugh at you. Most people don't even realize that I am homeschooled, because I don't fall into there "mold" of a typical homeschooled kid. Yes, there are always going to be kids that are homeschooled that are socially inept, but I guarantee that if they started off in public school that they would be just as socially inept as if they were homeschooled.
I could go on talking for days about this subject, but that would probably just bored most of you. So in ending let me say that homeschooling is a good thing, if you feel that you as a parent can supply the education and social aspect of schooling your child at home, than I say go for it!!
Dirtmomma, if you have any more questions about hjomeschooling, just pm me and I will be glad to answer any questions you may have.

11-12-2004, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Ballistic Atv
Hey Dirtmomma.
I am homeschooled, have been since pretty much day one.
I am a senior in highschool now, but am only 16 (I skipped a grade several years ago). I can tell you that the pros of homeschooling far outweigh the cons. I feel so much better prepared for the "real" because I have had so many more oppurtunities to learn and explore different subjects and career paths that I would not have been either exposed to, or had the time to learn about if I went to public school. I have learned to be self motivated with my school work, so that when I get to college, I wont slack off because I don't have a highschool teacher making sure I did all my work.
The big thing that people ask me about homeschooling is the social aspect of it. I can honestly tell you, that it is harder and takes more time to be involved in the normal social activities than it is if you go to public school. But, the good thing about it is that you have the freedom to choose who you spend time with, you are not just thrown into a large group of kids that you might not share any interests or desire to be around them like you are in public school. I have also found, that since I am not always segragated by age and grade, that I feel more comfortable with people that are younger than I am, older than me, and the same age.
A big plus for me about homeschooling is, that it takes me a maximum of 2 1/2 hours a day to do all my schoolwork, because I can work at my own pace. Whereas in public school, you are there from 7:30 in the morning till 2:15 and ontop of that, you have several hours of homework to do when you get home. That leaves basically no time for anything else other than school, and I feel like that is a total waste of your teenage years. If you ask any of my friends if I am "socially retarded" because of being homeschooled, they would laugh at you. Most people don't even realize that I am homeschooled, because I don't fall into there "mold" of a typical homeschooled kid. Yes, there are always going to be kids that are homeschooled that are socially inept, but I guarantee that if they started off in public school that they would be just as socially inept as if they were homeschooled.
I could go on talking for days about this subject, but that would probably just bored most of you. So in ending let me say that homeschooling is a good thing, if you feel that you as a parent can supply the education and social aspect of schooling your child at home, than I say go for it!!
Dirtmomma, if you have any more questions about hjomeschooling, just pm me and I will be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Well written, and a good example of the benefits of home schooling. ;)

11-12-2004, 11:07 AM
i guess bc of this situation i dont like homeschooling:

my neighbors home school their two daughters,it doesnt matter what time of day it is all i do is a see them playing outside and running wild every single time i am outside, i know they dont get any work done

but of course thats bad parenting, but its sorta made me think a little less of homeschooling

11-12-2004, 11:16 AM
i would hate my parents if they homeschooled me, talk to your son about it first, see what he thinks.

11-12-2004, 11:17 AM
it seems to me like its worked out for you.i mean you have excellent writting skills and your grammar is on spot
very nicely done

11-12-2004, 12:21 PM
I went to private school with a few kids that were homeschooled for a long time before they came to our school - to be honest, their social skills were not so good and they were teased alot.....however......this had more to do with their VERY STRICT religious upbringing more than the homeschooling factor.

My kids don't go to public school (I just couldn't do it!) and they don't go to private school (I just couldn't do THAT either! LOL!).....they go to a VERY GOOD Charter school........I sort of got lucky and was with this school from the very beginning.....it's one of the top 15 charter schools out of about 450 in our state.......the benefits are a small school with a great teacher/student ratio (but not TOO small - about 15-18 kids in a classroom)......the teachers have to have great credentials to teach there......there is very low teacher turnover, meaning my son will get the same teachers my daughter had, and they know the families and kids very well........it's free just like a public school becuase it's state funded......I feel that my kids are safe there, and I know their education is top notch. I don't see ANY downsides to this school.....and my kids have been going there for 7 years now.......(including their pre-school stages).

I would highly recommend doing some research on Charter schools in your area before you get serious about homeschooling - something like that may be just what you need. Be careful in choosing - do your research, because there are many Charter schools out there that are NOT good.......as they are not as regulated as public schools are. But if you find a good one, I think it will solve your problem well. Just my .02! :)

11-12-2004, 12:30 PM
Sorry to detour the seriousness of this thread, but do you still have your school girl outfit:confused:

11-12-2004, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by 86350x
Sorry to detour the seriousness of this thread, but do you still have your school girl outfit:confused:

:eek: :eek2: :D :devil:

11-12-2004, 12:50 PM
I have been homeschooled since the 6th grade. All you need to homeschool your kids is .
1. The person teaching the kids HAS to have either a highschool diploma or a GED
2. You have to register your school through the state.
3. Books and teacher's books. We got ours through Bob Jones and Seton. (If you want the sites and can't find them let me know)
4. As for how many hours you have to do it there is none really. As long as you think they are understanding what they need to and get all subjects done right the it can last anywhere from 3 hrs to 8 hrs
5. You have to keep up with what days they went each year and it is recommended to keep at least 2 years of schoolwork in case they want proof. Grades too
6. Test you can give if you want to. If not they say most schools will help you.
If I have fogotten anything I will repost for you. I enjoyed it more to be homeschooled than to go to school and have to worry bout getting shot.

11-12-2004, 01:22 PM
WOW THANKS for all the responses Some very good points made!! Cory I think I may check into the Charter schools, I know we just had them on them on the election ballots, not sure if it passed or failed.

Ballistic VERY GOOD post!! I am going to let DJ read all of these & see what he thinks :) As for talking to him about if HE wants to do it we have been discussing it & he doesn't seem to have a problem w/ it. He has been in the same school district since 1st grade so he knows ALL the kids he goes to school w/ so he wouldn't be a social misfit or anything heck he thinks half the kids he goes to school w/ our losers!!:eek: He's just not a "social butterfly" LOL now if you start talking racing w/ him he is LOL
Anyway once again thanks for the reponses :) gives me some more ideas to look at. I just really don't know if I'M up to the homeschooling :) but if it's going to help him then I would do it.

Last year he was in a class they called ARK(at risk kids) because in 6th grade the classes were sooooooo big he got thrown to the back burner :mad: so this ARK classs consisted of about 20 kids, they did the same curriculum as all the others but they weren't allowed to leave class except for lunch of course. They got individualized attention & eventaully DJ was given the opportunity to be an office assistant & take his Math class back towards the end of the year, he could of taken more classes back BUT he liked the attention he was recieving & not all the distractions of regular classes, well to make a LONG story short :) he ended the year on the HONOR ROLL!!!!!!! NOW this year they have CANCELLED the program :huh :huh :huh not too smart in my book but I guess I don't understand alot of things they do!! He even says he wishes they still had it because he would probably of been in it again, so this is why I think homeschooling would work better for him grade wise :)

Greg Z
11-12-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by dirtmomma
I'm just curious if anyone on here homeschool's thier kids around here?? I'm thinking & looking into doing this as my sons junior high is a POS school that can't control 1/2 the kids :rolleyes: I know it's like that everywhere but my kid is BETTER than that!! Hell he had to pull some girls off of his girlfriend last week :eek2: :grr: they were beating the hell outta her!!!! I was SHOCKED when he told me this, there was NO security around for like 5 mins???????????? WTF is this world coming too???? He doesn't even want to go there anymore so it's either transfer him to a new school or think about this homeschooling thing!! So I was just seeing if anyone had any comments :)

I think homeschool is bad...
Try a good private school.. check out the private schools first see which one you and your son like best:)

11-12-2004, 02:34 PM
Homeschooling is not bad. I think I learned more at home than in school.

n00b on a 400ex
11-12-2004, 02:41 PM
you wanna know whats really gay? my ****ing parents made me skip 2nd grade just cause i was above 'average' in my old school. well living on the aleutian islands, schools for the most part SUCK. i was compared to kids that had to some form or another of FAS, they had like 10 kids per class, combining 2 grades cause there wasnt enough teachers. skipping 2nd grade almost ****ed me over socially in middle school, bieng 1 year younger then everyone else, i guess im alright now, but gradewise im a dumbass. god, last year in HS, it was the worst grades in a semester i ever had, 1st quarter 3D's, 2F's, and an A, 2nd quarter 4F's, a D, and an A, i failed 4 of 6 classes, one more and i wouldve been a super-senoir. thanks alot ****ng parents :mad:

11-12-2004, 02:44 PM
ive been homeschooled lots of times for bein out of school with broken bones etc. but your child will prolly make the best grades being homeschooled. i made the best grades when i was home schooled but if you choose this, your kid can kiss his social life goodbye

11-12-2004, 02:51 PM
I have been homeschooled since the 6th grade. All you need to homeschool your kids is .

All you need is a high school diploma or equivalent? what a joke, most public school teachers I know have their masters degree and + hours beyond that. For you homeschoolers, that's higher than an undergrad degree (4 yrs college). The reason for this is public schools give pay raises to teachers who have higher education.
who would you rather have teach your kids?
I think people need to get over their fear of public schools. They also probably fear the grocery store and shopping malls as well.

11-12-2004, 03:56 PM
Parents need to stop trying to over protect their kids, cause they just hurt them in the end. Your not gonna be there when ur kid goes into the job world and someone doesnt treat him right.

Usualy the kids whos parents are overprotective are the ones who people dont like. You dont get the experiences you do in highschool that you do in highschool.

dont home school him....

11-12-2004, 04:03 PM
Hey now......I'm overprotective to a fault, and my kids are some of the most popular kids in their classes......that's definately not a fair statement!! :grr: Nothing wrong with wanting the best for your kids........and if my kids were at risk at a public school, you bet your ***** I'd be taking them somewhere else! Wait.......I already have! :huh :D

11-12-2004, 04:08 PM
i bet they are the most popular kids. I mean look at there mom?!?! who wouldent wanna be friends with them!:blah: :devil:


11-12-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
Parents need to stop trying to over protect their kids, cause they just hurt them in the end. Your not gonna be there when ur kid goes into the job world and someone doesnt treat him right.

damn staight.:D

11-12-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
Parents need to stop trying to over protect their kids, cause they just hurt them in the end. Your not gonna be there when ur kid goes into the job world and someone doesnt treat him right.

Usualy the kids whos parents are overprotective are the ones who people dont like. You dont get the experiences you do in highschool that you do in highschool.

dont home school him....

I agree.
I went to public school my whole life and wouldn't have it any other way.

11-12-2004, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
i bet they are the most popular kids. I mean look at there mom?!?! who wouldent wanna be friends with them!:blah: :devil:

LOL!!! :) :o :D

11-12-2004, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by 400grl
Hey now......I'm overprotective to a fault, and my kids are some of the most popular kids in their classes......that's definately not a fair statement!! :grr: Nothing wrong with wanting the best for your kids........and if my kids were at risk at a public school, you bet your ***** I'd be taking them somewhere else! Wait.......I already have! :huh :D

you have kids? hmm ,milf!

haha, i wouldnt homeschool a kid unless he went to school each day with the risk of being killed, they miss out on stuff and the expierence they have in school help them grow u p

11-12-2004, 05:49 PM
i have thought about doing it, my princible is a real dick to me, this week along i was called to his office everyday, its bs, i dont even do anything wrong, he has my dad thinking that im a horrible kid again and my dads thinking military school :eek2: so i think home schooling would be MUCH better

11-12-2004, 05:58 PM
Your social life does not go nowhere. I had alot of friends and went out almost every weekend. Just because you homeschool doesn't mean you are overprotective. My mom could care less about me. I am 19 now and glad i'm done. Just because you only need a GED or highschool diploma doen't mean you ain't as smart or even smarter then the teachers.

n00b on a 400ex
11-12-2004, 06:35 PM
and even if they seem above avarage in school, DO NOT skip them ahead a grade, it f*cks up your social life, to a small extent, but just let them grow up at their own rate

11-12-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by SRH

haha, i wouldnt homeschool a kid unless he went to school each day with the risk of being killed, they miss out on stuff and the expierence they have in school help them grow u p
I dont think i would homeschool my kid unless he was getting no education or was at serious risk for getting hurt at school, i would hate to be homeschooled ive met almost all my friends at school and for the most part only see most of them while im there, but my school isnt a bad school either, its a public school with 1600 kids and fights are rare and there is a vocational school like 500 ft away with tons of great classes like welding, im at vocational school welding for half my school day so i love school.

Ballistic Atv
11-12-2004, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by GoOn3
I have been homeschooled since the 6th grade. All you need to homeschool your kids is .

All you need is a high school diploma or equivalent? what a joke, most public school teachers I know have their masters degree and + hours beyond that. For you homeschoolers, that's higher than an undergrad degree (4 yrs college). The reason for this is public schools give pay raises to teachers who have higher education.
who would you rather have teach your kids?
I think people need to get over their fear of public schools. They also probably fear the grocery store and shopping malls as well.

It is true that some people should not homeschool their kids if they themselves cannot understand the subject matter that their kids are studying. My parents are both very intellegent people, so I didn't have a problem with that. As I grew older though, I needed them less and less to help me with my school to where I got to the point where I am now, I read through the books and if there is something I do not understand, I spend as much time that is needed for me to understand it. It has helped me in the long run, because I don't need one of those incredibly "intelligent" public school teachers to explain every little detail of everything to me.
I find your last comment both funny and quite ignorant. My parents did not homeschool me because they were afraid of me having social contact with other kids, they did it so that I would be better prepared for the real world, both academically and mentally. I have more a more realistic social life than most public school kids. I have had to develop better social skills so that I could make friends not by being around them all the time in school and just happening to become friends, but by meeting them out somewhere and being outgoing ,witty, and fun to be around. Oh yeah, since when has public school resembled anything close to the "real world"????? If you cannot backup your ridiculous comments with some actual firsthand knowledge than keep them to yourself.

11-13-2004, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
:eek: :eek2: :D :devil:

Hey I bet it still fits her, afterall she still carry's that lunchbox.

Back to the thread, don't send your kids to public school or they will turn out like me:confused: :huh

I think it all depends on your area, and the size of the school. Schools near big city's always have the gangsta wanna be kids that threaten to shoot people ect. Anymore stuff is so screwed up I don't think I'd want to send my kids to a public school.:ermm:

n00b on a 400ex
11-13-2004, 01:18 AM
gangstas are only in bigger areas, here in kenai our city is something like 6,000 people, then soldotna is alittle bigger

11-13-2004, 08:16 AM
Ok well now if I could afford private school BOTH my kids would be there!! I would like to know of the people that responded WHO ACTUALLY have kids??
I AM NOT trying to protect him either, he's a big boy & I'm sure can handle himself just fine ;):devil: I've always told him as long as someone else throws the first punch you better open a can of whoop *** on them!!
He's not one of those kids that everyone hates or picks on either these kids have been going to school together since the 1st grade like I said, he knows & gets along w/ most all of them.
He will be staying in his school for now I was just wanting some opinions & I DEFINETLY got them LOL If anything he would switch districts which he says wouldn't be a big deal to him, he probably knows kids there too from racing!!
But like 400grl, I WILL take him out if he does become at risk I actually think some of this is because these girls all like him guess thats a good thing & I remember how it was when I was in school also alot of the same chit went on :rolleyes:
SOOOOOO EVERYONE settle down & Thanks

11-13-2004, 08:58 AM
i went to this homeschool with like 13 kids in the class:o i liked it

11-13-2004, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by dirtmomma
Ok well now if I could afford private school BOTH my kids would be there!! I would like to know of the people that responded WHO ACTUALLY have kids??
I AM NOT trying to protect him either, he's a big boy & I'm sure can handle himself just fine ;):devil: I've always told him as long as someone else throws the first punch you better open a can of whoop *** on them!!
He's not one of those kids that everyone hates or picks on either these kids have been going to school together since the 1st grade like I said, he knows & gets along w/ most all of them.
He will be staying in his school for now I was just wanting some opinions & I DEFINETLY got them LOL If anything he would switch districts which he says wouldn't be a big deal to him, he probably knows kids there too from racing!!
But like 400grl, I WILL take him out if he does become at risk I actually think some of this is because these girls all like him guess thats a good thing & I remember how it was when I was in school also alot of the same chit went on :rolleyes:
SOOOOOO EVERYONE settle down & Thanks

why would you wanan hear from parents? there not in school and havent been in like 10 years or more ,10 years to now is a huge difference im sure maybe you should think about what some of us who are there or just were have to say, i can tell you homeschooling is worthless, half of what you learn in school isnt in books...no offense but im sure the teachers at school would be much better than you (yeah i know that sounds mean lol) but thats there profession

. Just because you only need a GED or highschool diploma doen't mean you ain't as smart or even smarter then the teachers.

thats a quote from rancheres, homeschooled....man, thats sad

11-13-2004, 03:58 PM
Well thats why I said have SOMEONE who was better qualified than ME to teach him :) I NEVER said I could do a better job of teaching than a teacher ;) And YES I also know it's been a long time since I was in school & things have changed.............................for the WORSE oh sure I remember fights ect. but you never seen guns,knives, ect :) just my .02 :)

11-13-2004, 08:34 PM
I was homeschooled through a Private School called Clonlara. They are a private school that homeschools, NOT just a homeschool company, so you actually get a diploma equivalent to a private school diploma.

Basically, the parents control the entire school process. There are required subjects you have to take and required hours that need to be spent in each subject, but HOW you take them is totally up to you. You can completely tailor the curriculum to suit the individual student's strengths, desires, and plans for the future.

Check out their site at www.clonlara.org . I was able to finish a year early with a solid education, good enough to start college when I was 17. My dad wouldn't let me sit on my butt at all, I worked for it... but I still found it more enjoyable and much easier to accomplish the tasks than if I was surrounded by 30 other people that didn't care about an education in a public class. I was actually able to take 4 college classes when I was 16 that counted for both my high school education AND as college credit. I knocked a year off my college degree before I was ever even enrolled as a full-time student.

It's definitely worth checking into. Not many people know about them, but if your kid is self motivated, or you are a motivat"ing" parent, then it really works out well. If not, I would suggest some type of homeschool program that mails your entire curriculum to you and pretty much maps it all out.

Either way, I do think homeschool can be a huge head start for someone's future. Or, it can be a huge setback. It really depends on how motivated the parents and/or students are.

Ballistic Atv
11-13-2004, 09:13 PM
"Either way, I do think homeschool can be a huge head start for someone's future. Or, it can be a huge setback. It really depends on how motivated the parents and/or students are.""but I still found it more enjoyable and much easier to accomplish the tasks than if I was surrounded by 30 other people that didn't care about an education in a public class. "

Totally agree with you quadrider mx.

tp300ex "i went to this homeschool with like 13 kids in the class i liked it"
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hahahahahaha. Homeschooling is where you are taught by your parents at your home. Not taught in some group at another persons house. Some people just have no clue what homeschooling is. ::rolls eyes::

11-14-2004, 01:33 PM
SRH you know what I meant to say. I meant to say just because the person teaching you doen't have the degrees that teachers have doesn't mean they can't go to school and get them

11-14-2004, 05:30 PM
well i gues im kinda gettin homeschooled i got kicked out for the rest of the year and there sending my work home and i have to do it

11-14-2004, 07:31 PM
For me getting kicked out of public school was a blessing. I feel their is alot of wasn't talent in public schools. I was friends with just about everybody, but could'nt get concentrate on my work. On the up side I learned people skills, but couldn't strap down and work. With homeschooling i learned to focus in on the important stuff like my work, instead of the things that were going on around me. I think that education is a very tough thing to be kept balanced aleast with some persons and needs to be looked at that person for the best decision.

11-15-2004, 09:31 AM
the fact you where "kicked out" of public school says something......of course I'm sure you will say the reason you where is total b.s., but hey, just be careful your new teacher doesn't double as your parol officer.

11-15-2004, 05:09 PM
GoOn 3, No the reason i got kicked out was not BS. Just saying that I am glad that it did happen, because i needed to be kicked in the head to get into gear. Yeah, your smartass comment was really cool though......:rolleyes:

n00b on a 400ex
11-15-2004, 06:06 PM
lol howd u get kicked out

11-16-2004, 06:38 AM
Originally posted by Ballistic Atv
It really depends on how motivated the parents and/or students are "but I still found it more enjoyable and much easier to accomplish the tasks than if I was surrounded by 30 other people that didn't care about an education in a public class. "

You said since when is public school like the real world, guess what, that is the real world. People dont care about their jobs either. Public school puts you with people you dont like, people you like, and members of the opposite sex. This is the real world.
What the student takes from these situations, as you said "really depends on how motivated the parents and/or students are"

This is the case with anything and everything in the world.