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View Full Version : What's your opinion on college?

11-09-2004, 07:55 PM
I've seriously been thinking about dropping out, If I drop out now, In 5 years I could be making 20+ an hour if I stay with the place im at now. If I keep going on with college, in 5 years, I will be making 14-15 an hour if I stay with the place im at now, and it will probably take a few more years to catch up to where I could be. Its a good business to be in and I would not mind doing it for a living. Also, jobs are drying up in the ME field, Only 30% of the jobs that are available now, will be available in 5 years. Im not doing well in chemistry or math, Im definately going to have to retake math, I just got a 20% on a chemistry exam even though I studied for hundreds of hours for it. So I will probably have to retake that, I will be way behind then. It is just getting ridiculous, I am barely working 10 hrs a week now. I usually have to take off 2 days a week, (Im only working 3 to begin with, because of college) to study for tests/quizs coming up, and i fail them anyway! I am getting very aggrivated with this, I probably already have 20 grand in loans to pay and I still havent really even learning anything! BTW I am in my 3rd semester.

11-09-2004, 07:58 PM
id think im going to college im going to lincon tec most likely for automechanics and motors,college isn't going to help me much with 4 years when i could learn what i need to know in under two

11-09-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by 300exrida
id think im going to college im going to lincon tec most likely for automechanics and motors,college isn't going to help me much with 4 years when i could learn what i need to know in under two

well what you can learn at lincoln tech and pay for, I can learn and get paid for it, where im working.

11-09-2004, 08:00 PM
i'm prbally not gonna go :ermm:

11-09-2004, 08:01 PM
exactly im going to be wasting my money going to college,only thing i won't like is that ill be missing out on college parties:o

11-09-2004, 08:09 PM
I am going to college because I love to learn and be in school. The idea of finally being able to choose what I am studying is amazingly awesome to me. I am not going persay to get a better job. I guess I am a uber n34d like that.


11-09-2004, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by DillonTMNT
I am going to college because I love to learn and be in school. The idea of finally being able to choose what I am studying is amazingly awesome to me. I am not going persay to get a better job. I guess I am a uber n34d like that.


well your going to choose your major, thats about it, they got the rest all figured out already ;)

11-09-2004, 08:15 PM
if you like your job now and can advance in it now without college and you see yourself being able to do this job for a living, then go for. i think college is way over rated, theres lots of people out there that have great jobs and they never went. i didnt go mainly because i couldnt, i had to get straight to a full time job as soon as i graduated high school and college never fit in the schedule. i dont regret it one bit, i work for myself now and like my job and make more a year than both my parents combined and more than all my friends. if you have a chance to better yourself with or without college and you feel its right for you than take the oppurtunity while you can.

Tommy 17
11-09-2004, 08:16 PM
my outlook on college this year for engineering...

if u want sleep and a social life do not go into engineering... i study on average 6 hours a day and i have a C in math, Dropped chem bc i was below a 50%, econ i'm still like :huh WTF!!! and my cadd class i have a 106% haha

college is one of the best things i've ever done thou... just the people u meet are worth it... it was def a change i needed to do...

like today... i had class from 8 - 12, studied from 12:30 - 4 finally got a chance to eat and then i studied from 4:30 till 8... all i do is work and i'm still failin out:o

11-09-2004, 08:16 PM
I graduated last year but i decided to take a year off to work and decided what i really want to do. I will be attending a tech school next fall. my dad had a great job when he got out of school and was with the company up untill about 6 years ago when the company packed up and moved to colorado. since then he has been in and out of a few diffrent jobs, none of which had great pay. almost every time i see him he tells me how much he wishes he went to college. so just cuz you could have a good job now and be getting more money faster, doesnt mean that somthing couldent suddenly change and there you sit just like it would be if you just got out of high school:confused:

11-09-2004, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
my outlook on college this year for engineering...

if u want sleep and a social life do not go into engineering... i study on average 6 hours a day and i have a C in math, Dropped chem bc i was below a 50%, econ i'm still like :huh WTF!!! and my cadd class i have a 106% haha

college is one of the best things i've ever done thou... just the people u meet are worth it... it was def a change i needed to do...

like today... i had class from 8 - 12, studied from 12:30 - 4 finally got a chance to eat and then i studied from 4:30 till 8... all i do is work and i'm still failin out:o

same boat as you, except I did good in econ for some reason??? i studied probably more for math, i officially gave up 2 weeks ago. In my engineering class (cad) all the asians are copying off of me! wtf?

11-09-2004, 08:20 PM
There are NO places around here where I can easily get a job with a b/s in Mechanical Engineering. NO WHERE! and thats the only thing I really want to do, and I dont see the point in learning something I dont want to do.

11-09-2004, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by chucked
There are NO places around here where I can easily get a job with a b/s in Mechanical Engineering. NO WHERE! and thats the only thing I really want to do, and I dont see the point in learning something I dont want to do.

That is not true. Companies around here are always looking for engineers. Most construction companies look for engineers. A degree in general will get you a job. Most people end up in a career that does not invovle what they went to college for, but the fact that they went and graduate with some kind of degree says a lot about that person. I hate college classes but I know once I get a degree no one can take that away and it will help me out in the long run. Plus college is a blast!:D

11-09-2004, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by cletusEX
That is not true. Companies around here are always looking for engineers. Most construction companies look for engineers. A degree in general will get you a job. Most people end up in a career that does not invovle what they went to college for, but the fact that they went and graduate with some kind of degree says a lot about that person. I hate college classes but I know once I get a degree no one can take that away and it will help me out in the long run. Plus college is a blast!:D

I dont want to work in construction. I would want to do something in designing machinery, heavy equipment, or something. Another thing, how do you guys find time to party, I study when im not working, sleeping or in class, And ive been skipping classes im doing good in to study for classes im not doing good in, which is a bad idea. And ive been getting such little sleep, It feels like I have anemia or something.

11-09-2004, 08:37 PM
i think it would be dumb to drop out of college, almost every job you can get nowadays needs a college education

11-09-2004, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
i think it would be dumb to drop out of college, almost every job you can get nowadays needs a college education

Perfect point, in the future its gonna become a must for most decent jobs, so think ahead !

11-09-2004, 08:45 PM
It depends on if your good in the trades or buisness ETC, and if you will need the degree to get another job in the future. If you want to do it drop out, don't waste your time and money. There is always next year;)

11-09-2004, 08:46 PM
There's not much in my field that needs a college degree, experience is better then a piece of paper anyday, they know what college is like, You only know what they teach you.

11-09-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by chucked
There's not much in my field that needs a college degree, experience is better then a piece of paper anyday, they know what college is like, You only know what they teach you.

Why are you going to college if you don't need a degree in your field and if you can make more money without a degree. Doesn't make any sense to me.:( I'm gonna stay and get my degree. I plan on putting that little piece of paper to use. By the way what field are you talking about?

Tommy 17
11-09-2004, 09:07 PM
chucked i dunno what ur talkin bout not being able to find a job... when i graduate as a ME i can pretty much pick my job anywhere i want in the country with my degree...

11-09-2004, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
chucked i dunno what ur talkin bout not being able to find a job... when i graduate as a ME i can pretty much pick my job anywhere i want in the country with my degree...

Exactly. All my friends that are graduating with that major have no problem finding a job.

11-09-2004, 09:15 PM
college is the best decision i've ever made. I've found what i want to do and am having a good time. A lot of occupations dont require a college degree, but it will open the door to many more opportunities. You might consider a 2-year degree, but just finish it. An education is something you are very lucky to have, and i would make good on this opportunity. Without a college degree, you will have to work a lot harder to get to the top. Plus, think of the example you'll set for your kids.

I'm not lecturing. I'm not bragging, but I live in the 11th wealthiest county in the country. I have a friend whose family is building a 3.2 million dollar house- 16,000 square feet- and his dad is not college educated. An incredibly small amount of people without a college education actually make it to that point, and they are very lucky.

Do what you think is best for you, but dont make a decision you may one day regret.

Good Luck!:cool:

11-09-2004, 10:46 PM
Stay in college and gut it out. You will never regret it. Even if you don't use the degree it will open doors to lots of jobs that you wouldn't otherwise be hired for. As for money I made $20 an hour as an intern and now after 5 years on the job make $35 an hour. Jobs will not dry up, the types of ME jobs will change but industry will always need ME's. Don't limit your self to just one aspect of Mechanical engineering there are lots of things to do in many areas. I work in the medical equipment industry, most of my friends work in the defense industry.

I know it's tough and no social life sucks but it will pay off in the long run.

11-09-2004, 11:01 PM
My take on things...

yes, experience is important, but you will see more and more having that piece of paper is looked for more. Doesn't make it right, just a fact of life. No, college is not over-rated. Getting additional education is always a good choice. Getting a high-paying job without a degree is the exception to the rule now... My advice? Take the high-paying job now you said you can get, take night classes to finish your degree. If the job works out and stays, good for you. If it doesn't, consider that degree an insurance policy to help you move on.

I too hated and sucked at Chemistry.... but luckily I sat beside a girl who was good at it... :eek: :devil:

11-10-2004, 02:11 AM
Yeah, i feel that collage is WAY over rated, I think the way to go is a trade school, but thats my 2-cents!!!!!!

11-10-2004, 05:34 AM
im not talking about now, im talking about in 5 years, when I will graduate, I was told this by my advisor.

11-10-2004, 06:39 AM
College is becoming more and more important. Go and finish.

The trend is to require degrees more and more. When my dad started his job all the old timers barely even graduated from highschool. When he started they needed a 2 yr degree. Now all the new hires need a 4 yr degree. See a trend here ....

I guess you could say college is overrated. It is overrated from the standpoint of what you expect. Most kids go to college and expect to learn tons more stuff, just like highschool. Nope, thats not how it works, especially in Engineering. What they teach you is how to teach yourself. Professors might brief over A and B in class, but then test on everything from A to Z on the tests. You have to take the initiative yourself to fill in the blanks, look at the big picture, etc...

Think about someone getting a PhD. Thats the most technical degree a guy can get, but how do you get it. You find a topic, research it, do experiments, and present it to all the professors in that area. You do it all yourself. No where does anyone teach you anything.

Its become not what you learned, but what you put up with. Its the same w/ the military. Go into either and when you get out it proves 2 things to the potential employer that is going to hire you. You can be responsible, work towards a goal (longer than a month), and accomplish it. Guaranteed the guy doing the hiring knows what college is like and what you went through.

When I was in school I had a good routine. Sun night to friday morning I was all business. Study, do work, basically get-r-done. Whatever it takes to get by. Working in groups, living in the math lab, getting old tests, meeting w/ professors for help, etc. Then on Friday afternoon to sunday, let it all out, party, and all that. Sunday night, start it all again.

11-10-2004, 07:12 AM
although im only 19, i am laughing at you kids for saying "college is not important" like you know it all already..... I'll see ya at Burger King flippin burgers!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll make sure I wave too!

11-10-2004, 07:24 AM
With no college degree, it's awful hard to work your way up most places. It will open doors down the road. Even if it's just a tie-breaker between you and your competition.

11-10-2004, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
although im only 19, i am laughing at you kids for saying "college is not important" like you know it all already..... I'll see ya at Burger King flippin burgers!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll make sure I wave too!

Ok thats just ignorant, I know plenty of people in their mid 20's making 20+ an hour.

This weekend I am going to to look at what jobs are like, that I could be doing if I were to grauate with a b/s in ME, My cousin wants me to switch to info tech, I will see after this weekend, I hate taking courses I will never use! Its funny the class im doing best in is Spanish, which I have to take to graduate in UMBC.

11-10-2004, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by chucked
Its funny the class im doing best in is Spanish, which I have to take to graduate in UMBC.

maybe you could get a good job with the border patrol!

and yes, Kara was being a lil mean... but I think she was just trying to make a point. ;) Would you like to biggie size that, hun? :eek: :blah:

11-10-2004, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by chucked
Ok thats just ignorant, I know plenty of people in their mid 20's making 20+ an hour.

This weekend I am going to to look at what jobs are like, that I could be doing if I were to grauate with a b/s in ME, My cousin wants me to switch to info tech, I will see after this weekend, I hate taking courses I will never use! Its funny the class im doing best in is Spanish, which I have to take to graduate in UMBC.

ok fine think that i am ignorant, since i am going to college and i will probably be making well over $100,000 before I am 30. Id like to see someone making that without a college degree :rolleyes:

I dare ya to drop out of college and "make your so called big money"

my dad didnt go to college and guess what hes doing....hes almost 60 years old and working pretty much two jobs at Amoco BP pipeline plant.....hes been working at plants his whole life and he regrets everyday not going to college.. hed have a whole lot more money and better jobs with a degree, and yes he probably has WAY MORE experience than everyone in that plant...but he cant even apply for some jobs bc yeah he doesnt have a degree.......... I'll laugh when opportunites just close the door on you, its not all about the "little piece of paper" you get, but that "little piece of paper" tells employers that you can stick it out through tougher times and you dont give up or quit, which of course, is what they want in an employee..........so go on and keep callin me ignorant, i think it is funny!!!!

11-10-2004, 08:52 AM
what will you be doign makign 100k a year

11-10-2004, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
maybe you could get a good job with the border patrol!

and yes, Kara was being a lil mean... but I think she was just trying to make a point. ;) Would you like to biggie size that, hun? :eek: :blah:

yes i was makin my damn point, i see a bunch of idiots droppin out of college (wasting money #1) and guess what they are doing.........barely getting by and they are stuck in this horrid town, my sister dropped out of college......and she could barely afford a simple apartment or to even fix anything on her car when it broke when she was 26 yrs old! WOW thats living well! Yeah I cant stand going to college, I dont like anything about it, you can ask anyone that knows me.....but much better than being stuck in this damn place called Alvin, TX for the rest of my life!

11-10-2004, 08:53 AM
people think that going to college is as easy as just going. I hear people say "I wish I would have went to college" but they dont realize how difficult it is, and I know they would have ended up dropping out.

11-10-2004, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by chucked
what will you be doign makign 100k a year

graphic design......first will start off with a big design firm.....and eventually work my way up, and then make enough money to start a racing graphics business..... but to do all that i need a degree......

my brother in law did that and he graduated way later than i will and he made $180,000 this last yr and he just turned 30

11-10-2004, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by chucked
people think that going to college is as easy as just going. I hear people say "I wish I would have went to college" but they dont realize how difficult it is, and I know they would have ended up dropping out.

what do u think college would be? a walk in the park?????? its not easy! its not supposed to be, if it were easy than just anyone could do it and then there would be no point......especially freshman yr......the professors really try to weed out the ones who dont want to be there

11-10-2004, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
what do u think college would be? a walk in the park?????? its not easy! its not supposed to be, if it were easy than just anyone could do it and then there would be no point......especially freshman yr......the professors really try to weed out the ones who dont want to be there
thats what im saying! anyway, if you can make 100k+ a year good for you, im gonna try that same thing and follow in the steps of my cousin, he switched from ME to IT because ME was to hard, he just graduated last semester, and hes already way up there.

11-10-2004, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
yes i was makin my damn point, i see a bunch of idiots droppin out of college (wasting money #1) and guess what they are doing.........barely getting by and they are stuck in this horrid town, my sister dropped out of college......and she could barely afford a simple apartment or to even fix anything on her car when it broke when she was 26 yrs old! WOW thats living well! Yeah I cant stand going to college, I dont like anything about it, you can ask anyone that knows me.....but much better than being stuck in this damn place called Alvin, TX for the rest of my life!

well dam, you are a lil angry today! :eek:

Maybe I better wait for another day to get you to make a graphics kit for my LT... today I think it would start with an 'F' word... and my name before and after it! :eek2: :p

don't spill your coffee after pulling from the drivethru! :p

11-10-2004, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by chucked
thats what im saying! anyway, if you can make 100k+ a year good for you, im gonna try that same thing and follow in the steps of my cousin, he switched from ME to IT because ME was to hard, he just graduated last semester, and hes already way up there.

IT is always a good field to get into... but at times the market can seem a little flooded. I need to get back to college and finish my degree in computer science... soon as I'm done playin on my quads... :o :p and to make sure I never have to hear grumpy people at the mickey Ds drivethru... :devil:

11-10-2004, 09:03 AM
boy oh boy do we have a lot to say huh??
boy i wish i stayed in college haha
i prolly would have died from partying so much!!
anyway stay in school and dont be a loser

11-10-2004, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by MY450R

anyway stay in school and dont be a loser

now where were you and your dam advice 10 years ago? :eek: :grr: :p

11-10-2004, 09:09 AM
another thing I noticed is these peopel that are having their parents pay for everything, They paid for their car, their insurance, their gas money, theyve never had a job, and theyre acing everything! They live on campus and they can study for however long they want, it always seems to me, people that have to work are the ones doing bad in my classes. It's rough out here!

11-10-2004, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
well dam, you are a lil angry today! :eek:

Maybe I better wait for another day to get you to make a graphics kit for my LT... today I think it would start with an 'F' word... and my name before and after it! :eek2: :p

don't spill your coffee after pulling from the drivethru! :p

lmao! sorry i got that lecture all the time, someone else had to get it besides me

11-10-2004, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by chucked
another thing I noticed is these peopel that are having their parents pay for everything, They paid for their car, their insurance, their gas money, theyve never had a job, and theyre acing everything! They live on campus and they can study for however long they want, it always seems to me, people that have to work are the ones doing bad in my classes. It's rough out here!

i dont live on campus, i drive 50 miles to get to my classes, and i drive through the worst area for traffic in one of the largest cities in the US, ive had jobs before, ive paid for my quads and stuff, i dont ace everything (in fact if u get a B at my college in the advanced classes i am in then you are doing damn good!)....... all that stuff is just an excuse.....who cares what everyone else is doing and how they are doing, if you make Cs through college then o well! at least you got through it! better than droppin out

11-10-2004, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by MY450R
boy oh boy do we have a lot to say huh??
boy i wish i stayed in college haha
i prolly would have died from partying so much!!
anyway stay in school and dont be a loser

yes sometimes i have a lot to say, dont mess with me when i do :macho :scary:

jk :D

11-10-2004, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by chucked
people think that going to college is as easy as just going. I hear people say "I wish I would have went to college" but they dont realize how difficult it is, and I know they would have ended up dropping out.

I think you are taking everyone else's side with that post. yes college is very dificult. That is biggest reasons why companies want you to have a degree. For the most part what you remember from your books at school will not help you much in your job. you learn most of your skills once you have a job. Companies what you to have a degree because it shows that you are willing to work. you are will to take on that HUGE challange of college and suceed! What you learn in college is priceless, and I don't mean what the books have to say. The big things are people skills, responsibility, problem solving.

11-10-2004, 09:17 AM
What do you mean, "who cares what everyone else is doing and how they are doing" Thats what will set my grade. I have to do at least the average of what everyone else is doign or I will not pass.

I also drive 50 miles, through a rough area of the city, actually I drive all the way through the city, I do every morning, go home, go to work, get off of work and go back to school, thats every monday through friday here.

11-10-2004, 09:18 AM
yes gnccer but i know a few ppl that go to college so they dont have to get a job!!!
that takes a special kind of loser

11-10-2004, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by MY450R
yes gnccer but i know a few ppl that go to college so they dont have to get a job!!!
that takes a special kind of loser

hahaha I hear that. I know people that take the hardest classes they can find and ace them, damn, I wish I was that smart.

11-10-2004, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by chucked
What do you mean, "who cares what everyone else is doing and how they are doing" Thats what will set my grade. I have to do at least the average of what everyone else is doign or I will not pass.

I also drive 50 miles, through a rough area of the city, actually I drive all the way through the city, I do every morning, go home, go to work, get off of work and go back to school, thats every monday through friday here.

i am assuming that not all of your classmates are acing everyone of your subjects and you are not the only one having a rough time, so who cares who aces or who barely passes, as long as you do, and you try your hardest..what else can you do?

11-10-2004, 09:25 AM
There was 60 people in my ENES 101 class (beginning engineering course) We were separated into groups of 5, and were given a project to do, its a chemically powered car but thats beside the point, Now theres only 40 people in the class, Its just me and another guy in the group now. People are switching from ME to others day by day, even peopel that were doing good.

11-10-2004, 09:26 AM
If you are truely trying you hardest and still not passing your classes, you need to look for another major (unless you have a learning disability which most colleges are very good about helping you with)

11-10-2004, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
i am assuming that not all of your classmates are acing everyone of your subjects and you are not the only one having a rough time, so who cares who aces or who barely passes, as long as you do, and you try your hardest..what else can you do?

Well the problem in that is, I will have to retake the course, I have done good until this semester, I think I have almost a 3.0 gpa, but after this semester it will probably be under 2. I dont know what it is, but I am falling behind, I study every free moment, which reminds me I have a chem quiz at 2 I have to study for... later...

11-10-2004, 12:19 PM
College is not easy at all. Its a struggle. Thats what the employers are looking for. They want to know you can work hard and focus on a long range goal (like a 4 year degree).

As far as a job. I shovelled snow, mowed lawns, raked leaves, painted buildings, etc. Anything for some cash. My goal was to make enough during the summer to pay my car insurance, books, and gas for the rest of the year while I was going to school.

I just plain sacraficed. There were so many times I didn't go w/ friends to this or that because I put school first. School takes tons of discipline. Honestly though looking back I don't feel I really missed out on anything. Out of all my friends I am by far making the most money, and the only one I know that actually likes their job. Plus I have plenty of cash to play with after my bills each month. Can't get any better than that.

Got nads?
11-10-2004, 05:38 PM
I think college is a hit an miss subject, I believe that as long as you have drive, and ambition to make something out ofyourself, then you will do well in life. I know people who have gone to University for 4 years, and haven't been able to find a job in thier field. I also know people who did not go to college and they live like kings. Personally I am going to get as much education and experience as I can get. When I get my electrican's ticket next year I will make more money then most people, but since I don't entirely like my job I will pursue something else, like finish my Bachelor of Commerce degree, or me and the bro were thinking about buying all the eqiupment to start our own dirtbike/quad graphic business(the printers and crap are not cheap). :D

11-10-2004, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Got nads?
or me and the bro were thinking about buying all the eqiupment to start our own dirtbike/quad graphic business(the printers and crap are not cheap). :D

looks like my business will have a little competition one of these days..hehe

Got nads?
11-10-2004, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
looks like my business will have a little competition one of these days..hehe

Not really, if all goes right I would focus on my local market and Western Canada. Gotta start off small:devious:

I'll probably get some other idea by then anyway!!!!!

Got nads?
11-10-2004, 05:47 PM
Besides competition is good!

11-10-2004, 05:51 PM
college wasn't designed to be easy. i am not too familiar with many classes that some of you may be taking. i have been around the biology field for the past 4 years at college. i am no where near one of the smartest medical science students at school. i noticed school happened to get better after the first year or two. that is perfectly fine if your not one of the smartest. the sooner you realize your attitude, not aptitude, is most important, you should do much better. you should get to know some of the upper classmen. they can be a large help and give valuable insight and old exams for preparation. get to know the professors. once you reach out for the moon and let them know you have desire, you may get an extra edge. they will be more willing to help when its needed too. i know this sounds bad, but as life progresses you will, and maybe already did, realize its not necessarily what you know, but who you know. set yourself a goal. you need to strive for something. where do you want to be in 10 years? what do you want to be doing? this concept is just like atv racing. why do you run that bike so hard for at the track? why are those tires digging and searching for traction? you have a goal in mind. that is, you want that damn first place trophey. with your set goal, you will continue to dig and strive for your wants.
try to apply some of your learned knowledge to your hobbies. you mentioned you were in chemistry. prime example is the jetting on your bike. as the temperature decreases, there is more avaliable 02 in the air, thus you need to give it more fuel. you will probably find many more real life situations that do apply to you. i assume in physics you will see it more so than chemistry.
have you tried to take fewer credit hours? i would recommend this to anyone first going in. some colleges don't allow that. you probably need to make sure your a full time student for insurance purposes, but that is only 12 credit hours here.
all i can say, is good luck with the acedemics. i know it sucks but hang in there.
you having problems in organic or inorganic chemistry?

11-10-2004, 08:25 PM
if you think your going to come out of college and make 300 grand a year...you are a complete total...idiot you have to work up just like anyone else, in most cases all the degree is going to help is if it comes to you and someone with no college and your up for a promotion, in most cases real job expirience counts more than anything, i mean if you can get a job you want and make 20 plus dollars a hour id drop out and go for it because its not easy to come by jobs u like that pay that good these days
i dont think most college kids are on the same planet as the rest of us, they never had a 5-9 or a normal job, i dont care what you say school is way different than work you can read and study all you want its not gonan help if you havent done it

11-10-2004, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Got nads?
Besides competition is good!

hehe yeah! hopefully the market will be big enough by the time i start mine that there will be more competition!

11-11-2004, 11:06 AM
Chucked, maybe you should think about reducing your class load and go part time.

It took me a long time to finish my degree due to relocating several times and a demanding job (military) but I made it. After I left the military, I took a full time job working on average 45 hours a week and I took up to 5 classes during some semesters (easy to moderate classes) all of which were night classes. For the really tough courses in my degree I took either one hard one and one or two easy classes with it or just the hard one alone so I could focus most of my efforts on the hard class.

Many have already touched on the issue of something happening to the company you presently work for. They could outsource, relocate, go under, sell out, etc… A college education is something no one can take away from you. Besides, you may tire of the company and want to leave or you may want to apply for a management position. Most management positions require at least a bachelors’ degree with many preferring masters now and in 10 to 15 years from now, that may read masters degree required doctorate preferred. You may, however, still get the management job but you will be paid less than someone that has a degree. That is just a fact!

Also, do not loose sight of the fact that 20 dollars an hour may seem like a lot to a young and single guy with no outside responsibilities like a wife, house payment, kids but actually 20 an hour is not very much money!

Look at this site and take note that the lowest 10% of ME’s make what you would consider a lot of money where the middle 50 percent earned between $50,800 and $78,040.


11-11-2004, 11:20 AM
College is important. I didn't go an i wish i did. Although i did get lucky. I am i sales i work for one of the largest IT equipment resellers, and i am in the top 10% of all the sales people. I get paid really well.. But i am lucky i am good at sales. If i wasn't i don't what I'd be doing except wishing i went.

11-11-2004, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by SRH
if you think your going to come out of college and make 300 grand a year...you are a complete total...idiot you have to work up just like anyone else, in most cases all the degree is going to help is if it comes to you and someone with no college and your up for a promotion, in most cases real job expirience counts more than anything, i mean if you can get a job you want and make 20 plus dollars a hour id drop out and go for it because its not easy to come by jobs u like that pay that good these days
i dont think most college kids are on the same planet as the rest of us, they never had a 5-9 or a normal job, i dont care what you say school is way different than work you can read and study all you want its not gonan help if you havent done it

Your half right of course no ones going to make 300K right out of school but over your lifetime you will make almost double what a person with only a high school diploma makes. Another thing this kid is asking about engineering positions, 99% of employers won't hire an engineer no matter how much experience they have without a degree. I know I worked as a tech and my company wouldn't hire me as an engineer until I graduated with an ME degree. The degree gives you more job options, it opens up jobs that no degreed people wouldn't be considered for.

Relax with the "i dont think most college kids are on the same planet as the rest of us, they never had a 5-9 or a normal job" routine, it just shows you ignorance. I worked full time before I went to school and while I was in school.

Here is an site that shows income broken down by level of education. http://www.easnetwork.com/eas/Value_of_Education.asp

11-11-2004, 03:02 PM
I still dont think its worth it, figure I will be paying back student loans until im 60 years old. Is the extra few dollars an hour really worth it, well yea, when im 60. Its going to end up costing as much as a house.

11-11-2004, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by chucked
I still dont think its worth it, figure I will be paying back student loans until im 60 years old. Is the extra few dollars an hour really worth it, well yea, when im 60. Its going to end up costing as much as a house.

Dude, check the site.

Average income of people with high school diploma $23,000

Average income of people with 4 year degree $40,000

Last time I checked $17,000 was a little more than a few bucks more. Student loans are usually 10 year loans so you won't be paying until your 60.

11-11-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by froride1
Dude, check the site.

Average income of people with high school diploma $23,000

Average income of people with 4 year degree $40,000

Last time I checked $17,000 was a little more than a few bucks more. Student loans are usually 10 year loans so you won't be paying until your 60.

no way, I dont believe those statistics, where did you get them?

11-11-2004, 05:08 PM

Got nads?
11-11-2004, 05:08 PM
Just out of curiousity, how do the trades work in the United States? Here in Canada you apprentice for 3-5 years, while also going to school for usually 8 weeks a year.
Each year of school you pass you get a wage increases. For example right now I am a fourth year commercial Electrician, I still have one year to complete and I will make approx. $23-$26/hr, Journeyman are making between $28-$35 depending on experience you can make more. Although it is probably something I won't stick with, it is something to put on my reume. There are a lot of people that have down well for themselves with having a trade, ie. Jesse James/Welder.

11-11-2004, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by froride1

wow 23k in baltimore is povert

11-11-2004, 05:13 PM
i think those statistics are off

11-11-2004, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by SRH
i think those statistics are off

yea I still dont believe them,

11-11-2004, 05:34 PM
Those statistics are average, and they're not that far off. Most people without a high school diploma are still students, and they're working fast-food or as Wal-mart cashiers, making a little above minimum wage.

Engineering degrees typically make more than your average 4-year degree. Starting salary is usually around 40k, increasing to 50+ within ten years on the job without major promotion.

I'm in electrical engineering, and there is no way you could do this job with just a high-school degree. I'm still working on my BS degree. If I had it tomorrow, I'd be making 70k. As such, I have to settle for about half that much, even though I'm doing the same work.

11-11-2004, 07:19 PM
I'm one of the "losers" that isn't going to college. I love the job i got and i get paid more and more every year. My boss knows i am not going to college althou he wants me to take some classes but i'm hoping hes gonna forget :). And hes going to be putting me on salary next spring. Now how many guys that are 18 are on salary? Not to many i don't beleive. I'm not looking to make hundreds of thousands as long as i pay the bills and have some extra left over thats just fine for me. I've been around people that make big money and i'll tell ya i think the more money they got the less they use there brain i can't help but laugh at some of the things they come up with. I've learned more out side of classes in highschool than i ever did in school. So in a few years i'll let you know how i am earning my money by working for it and not sitting behind a computer desk.

11-12-2004, 11:10 AM
My boss knows i am not going to college althou he wants me to take some classes but i'm hoping hes gonna forget :).

i don't think the average boss could forget something like that. :p